

Perspectives are like a**holes – everyone has one…..

Just a little humor here – as we all need this going through the spiritual awakening process. In this article I want to cover the concept of “perspectives” and one of the most helpful things that assisted me regarding this concept. When you start to awaken spiritually – you naturally begin to open up to a lot of new ideas and concepts that you had no clue about. As this happens, you seek out others who share the same outlook and beliefs that you do.

The basic concept that was most helpful to me, was a statement that Magenta Pixie said during one of her videos. She basically said – we create our own realities, so all perspectives are correct. This idea seems so simple, yet it was profound to me. That concept helped me SOOO much in my spiritual journey. When your world has been turned upside down and everything that you thought was true and “real” – turns out to not be true at all, and all you want to do is to talk to people about it, you get this frustration level built up because no one else in on the same page as you. It leads to some REAL frustration. All you want to do is to talk about your spiritual experiences, aliens and control systems but other people aren’t there yet, and so they don’t understand what you are talking about.

I always used to feel like, “I’m right, come on guys, this is the Truth” and I would get frustrated even talking to other people who didn’t share the same outlook. Once I heard this view by Magenta Pixie, it gave me such a sense of relief and allowed me to release all of that frustration I had felt.

It also allowed me to view things in a fundamentally different way – to allow other people to have their own experience without judgement.

This was a real paradigm shift that happened in my head. It was PROFOUND! This concept is based on the tenets of “law of attraction” – which is that we create our own reality. We create our reality through our thoughts, words, actions, and most importantly through our feelings. So just because someone doesn’t share the same outlook as you that’s perfectly okay!

The Law of Attraction is one explanation to address our experiences here on Earth, but another concept that we need to consider is of “Blue Prints” which I covered in this article.  This ties in because we may also have a pre-planned experience to have here on Earth in addition to what we create through the Law of Attraction.

So let’s take a look at a few examples at how this plays out.

Scenario 1

Someone gets killed in a car accident

Person 1 – Perspective: Doesn’t believe in God, souls, or reincarnation.

They are extremely upset, thinking about that poor person’s situation, how their family feels. They almost ‘own’ that sadness, thinking that could have been them.

Person 2 – Perspective: Believes in God. Believes in Heaven and Hell

This person is sad, but they have faith and don’t understand the reason ‘why’ that happened, but they are okay, because they have their faith. Believes that was God’s will.

Person 3 – Perspective: Believes that we are co-creators as “God” and that we create our own reality (law of attraction). Believes that souls have Blue Prints to experiences they will have on Earth.

This person feels empathy, but believes that we don’t know why that soul chose that experience and so doesn’t engage in trying to understand why that happened. It isn’t their place to understand or know what that soul was trying to accomplish by having that experience.

Scenario 2

Someone gets an incurable illness:

Person 1 – Perspective: Doesn’t believe in God, souls, or reincarnation.

They don’t understand why this would happen to such a nice, kind person. They are extremely upset and feel that this person never did anything to deserve to suffer in this way.

Person 2 – Perspective: Believes in God. Believes in Heaven and Hell

Believe that they don’t know why this person got such a horrible illness, but it’s God’s will. God works in mysterious ways.

Person 3 – Perspective: Believes that we are co-creators as “God” and that we create our own reality (law of attraction). Believes that souls have Blue Prints or plans of certain experiences they will have on Earth.

This person’s perspective is very different than 1 and 2 above. They believe that the person created this illness through their thoughts words or actions in this lifetime. Or, they believe it was a “blue print” or plan for that soul to experience. The key in this last perspective, is that once a person is ‘awake’ and ‘aware’ that they are “God” – they can create whatever they want. So they have the power to change that blue print. They know that they are “Sovereign”. In some cases, it may be that soul had a desire to experience an incurable illness for a bigger purpose. And we may not know what it is, but the key is to always have compassion for whatever that experience may be.

All of these perspectives are okay. No perspective is wrong or right. Each person creates their own reality through their own THOUGHTS, WORDS, ACTIONS, and FEELINGS.

At then end of the day – to me – the question that we need to be asking ourselves – is does this perspective make me feel better or worse?

When you have a different perspective than another person, it’s important to be present, be open, and always respectful of that person’s perspective – even if they are not respectful of yours. What I try to do, is to listen, and if I feel that they might be open to a different perspective – I might offer mine. However, I will always try to say it in a manner that I feel they may be open to hear. It’s important to communicate to others in a way that is not accusatory, but rather, state it in a way where it’s not personal, but more general and more reflective.

One term that has resonated with me, is the concept of looking at things from a “multi-dimensional’ perspective. When we look at things through that lens – generally, we are looking at things from a higher perspective. In this 3D reality, that is one dimension. If we look at ourselves as souls and our higher selves, that would be another dimension – which could be the 5th dimension or higher. So that perspective would be considered ‘multi-dimensional.’

As you awaken spiritually, your perspective may change dramatically and it’s important to understand that as your views change, the people in your life may not get ‘your reality.’ And that’s okay. Just be patient and allow others to have their own experience.

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

Here’s my video on this topic:

In love, light and gratitude,

Heather Burket


Spiritual Insights I

I’ve had a lot of insights recently so I thought I’d share what I’ve learned. One of the things that I do when I am starting to feel ‘off’ is I take a look at some general things in my life to figure out what is going on. I think a part of growth is being able to look at yourself in order to become more self-aware. It takes time and effort – it doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a constantly evolving path and process.

For me – I was not sleeping well, I was getting 4 hours of sleep, then when I was sleeping I felt like I was half awake/half asleep but having these dreams where it felt so real. So when I would wake up – I would feel disoriented.

Additionally, for the past few weeks I’ve been feeling almost like this internal pressure building. I think I feel the energies coming in before they arrive. I intuitively felt that the upcoming full moon on October 13th was going to be a doozy, so I actively took 4 days to myself to process the energy.

[One video that captures these experiences we are going through is by Bassnectar and the song is called Reaching Out – which is about a person breaking free from the prison of their mind – it’s really a cool video to check out – be sure to read the video description]


To determine why I feel this way, I examine some of the areas in my life:

  • Stress
  • Lifestyle
  • Diet
  • Sleep
  • Hormones
  • Ascension

So when I feel off, I look at general things that are going on in my life.

  • Do I have a lot of stress?
  • Am I not taking care of myself?
  • Am I working too much?
  • Are my hormones out of whack?
  • Am I not sleeping well?

All of these different things are all tied in together in actuality. One can cause the other to go out of whack. The last question that I ask myself is:

  • Are the ascension energies making me feel off?

The last question above is one of the reasons why I tune into others on this spiritual journey to check in with them to see what they are experiencing.

I follow Aluna Ash on YouTube and she has been saying that these energies are just going to continue to build up and that they are going to be coming in waves one after the other through the rest of the year.

I had watched a video by Kelli Coffee and she said that if you are having a hard time right now it’s because you are resisting and that totally resonated with me. What is resistance? To me, in some form or fashion we are not allowing what it is that we want to experience, or create into our lives. First, we need to take a look at what it is that we want in our lives. Here are a few examples: joy, success, a great career, a great relationship, financial abundance.

Next, we need to ask ourselves:

  1. Do I think I deserve it?

Deserving something at the core has to do with messages we may have received in our childhood. At some core level, we might have (unintentionally) absorbed the message that we are not worthy of whatever it is. These could be messages we picked up directly or indirectly from our childhood from our parents, relatives, teachers, friends, etc.

So how do we go about identifying if we deserve something? We can’t move forward unless we are able to crack the code. I’d recommend:

  1. Counseling
  2. Journaling
  3. Hypnosis

I personally find the best way for me to go through what I’m feeling is to journal. I think back on my childhood and recall past memories and feelings. It’s a very good process to analyze and evaluate your internal realm. Not all of us can navigate this process though which is where a good counselor can help. I also believe that there are healers that can help you access these emotions, belief systems and help you work through them.

Next, we need to ask ourselves:

  1. Do I believe it is possible?

Even if you consciously think something is possible, there could be underlying programs that are running behind the scenes sabotaging your ability to move forward. One thing to remember here also – is that we are always creating – either consciously or unconsciously, so maybe you do believe something is possible, but you keep on focusing on the opposite of what you want. And that is one of the issues that we face.

Like a hamster on a wheel, we keep running on our own bullshit story.

For me personally, as I journaled, one of the things that I realized that I was rejecting the present moment. That is a form of resistance. Instead of being fully present and engaged in the moment, I was rejecting it, resentful and wanting to be doing something else. This was a big aha for me.

When it comes to the Law of Attraction, one of the most profound pieces of information I came across was of the concept “thoughts are electric, feelings are magnetic.” Those few words really helped me understand how we can ‘think’ all that we want, but it is the FEELING state that is what attracts something into your life. Because it’s magnetic!

The other key point here is that you are fully engaged in the moment (not resisting), aware of what you want, and FEEL as if it already exists. That last part is where it can be tricky to hold the faith.

Along these lines, I just watched a video by Bob Proctor which I highly recommend:


As we go through the Ascension Process/Spiritual Awakening Process it’s important to do the necessary inner work. Journaling to me has been one of the most enlightening processes to help move me forward.

These energies can be difficult, but just remember to hang in there – we are all going through it together!

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

Here’s my video on this topic:

In love, light and gratitude,

Heather Burket



One of the terms that you will start to hear during your spiritual awakening is the term “Blueprint.” Before you incarnated onto Earth as a human, you had a blueprint – or map of different experiences you would have, lessons you wanted to learn, and people you would have various relationships with – from parents, siblings, partners, etc. From my perspective, I consider these those significant relationships or significant events that you would have in your life.

Before you awaken spiritually, your perspective could be that you got dealt a shitty hand – a dysfunctional family, a crappy husband/wife, but in actuality – you chose those relationships. And that is the cool thing about waking up – you start to take a step back from your situation and start to view things differently. As an observer, you can look at the dynamic and start to see the lesson to be learned. And that is where you become empowered – you are no longer a victim! And once you are awake and aware – you start to make different choices. Instead of just operating from a place of knee jerk reaction – you start to have compassion and start to choose your reaction from a place of love and understanding.

Before you came here – you met with your Spirit Guides and other souls and made agreements of these key experiences. In most cases, our family members and key personal relationships are with souls that we’ve had many previous lifetimes with – in different relationships. Maybe your daughter was your mother in another lifetime – and now it’s vice versa. Although it can be difficult to always understand and know the lesson that we came to learn, the main thing is to try and always operate from compassion.

Before we go any further, we need to understand that we come to Earth with the veil of amnesia. Most of us are not born psychic and we don’t know ahead of time what we will experience in life. And when we are undergoing any hardship in life – illness, losing our jobs, divorce, depression – even if we are spiritually awake, once we are in a situation – we are not going to be looking at things from a lofty perspective. We will be deep in the experience – which can be very painful. It may take years or we may actually never figure out what the ‘lesson’ we were trying to have during that experience. So the key here is to always be compassionate to ourselves and others during a hard time. That last thing you want to say is “So why did you create that experience for yourself?” Even if you are awake and aware that you created that experience, we need to be mindful that these lessons can be difficult.

So let’s take an extreme example of the lesson of forgiveness. One perspective that I’ve heard about for instance is when someone is murdered. The people involved had a preplanned agreement to experience that interaction for the people involved to learn and experience forgiveness. I know that might sound like a radical example and I by no means wish to diminish anyone’s feelings. My intention is always to share a perspective with compassion.

So other experiences that we may have may help us have a better understanding of:

  • Courage/strength
  • Unconditional love
  • Trust
  • Self-worth

When it comes to relationships, my perspective is that we choose our family – our parents, siblings, children.

A lot of starseeds incarnated into certain ancestral lines to heal and clear those lines. So many of us find ourselves in dysfunctional families.

And there are certain key connections that you will make with people as well. So for me, when I met my Twin Flame – that was because we had a pre-planned agreement to meet at a certain time for him to trigger my Spiritual Awakening. And from my perspective, I had this weird jittery feeling inside when I met him because it was my soul recognizing his soul, however, I didn’t understand the meaning of that until much later.

So that’s one example of a pre-planned interaction of significance. Because once I was triggered to awaken spiritually – that changed the course of my life.

So what do we do with this information? Form my perspective, it helps me to stand back and look at things differently. What was my soul trying to learn? And as I mentioned earlier – we might not ever figure that out – but it allows me to try and look at things from a different angle rather than falling into victimhood.

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

Follow my Facebook page for posts, articles and updates on the Spiritual Journey


Here is my You Tube video where I discuss this article:

In love, light and gratitude,

Heather Burket


Akashic Records

Today I want to talk about Akashic Records. The Akashic Records are a compilation of everything that has ever happened to you as a soul. As our spiritual awakening unfolds, one of the natural progressions is to wonder more about ourselves. So many of us turn to psychics. We may experience things, just have this burning desire to know more and so we turn to others that can help us understand more about ourselves, as well as guide us to various resources to help with our understanding.

Where are they?

The Akashic records have been described as being stored within your DNA. As you begin to wake up – you may naturally access these ‘past’ experiences through dreams, visions and inner knowing. But before we delve too far into this concept – we need to talk about another concept first – time. Time is a 3D construct. There is no time. For most of us, including myself – that is difficult concept for us to wrap our minds around. The best way that I’ve heard it be explained – is that if you were to draw a spiral on paper – start in the middle and just keep on going around. So from that perspective, if you imagine yourself – you project forth (as a fractal) into one lifetime- on one line of the spiral, and another on another line of the spiral, etc. All of these experiences are happening simultaneously – in the “Now” moment. Did I blow your mind? Well mine is blown for sure. Hard concept to grasp, because we perceive time as linear. So, although when I speak of ‘past’ lives, I have to put that explanation in there about time.

Now, back to “where are these Akashic Records”? Although they are stored in our DNA, and accessible to us – and accessible to those that can read energy, we have to remember that we chose to come here to have an experience on this 3D Earth. When we come here, we come with the “Veil of Amnesia.” It would be very difficult for us to have this experience on Earth, if we had immediate access to every life that we’ve ever lived. Instead, what you find is that there are certain past lives that you have had that ARE relevant to this lifetime. And that is where psychics can help out.


Another concept that is important to discuss at this point, is the concept of being multi-dimensional. As a soul, you are multi-dimensional, meaning there are other aspects of you. The “you” that has projected forth from Source actually has several components. These aspects of yourself can be in other dimensions. So if you hear the term “Your higher self” that is you, but a fractal of yourself in another dimension.

Say what?

During your life, you may have found that you are drawn to certain topics, have certain fears, or have odd little quirks that you don’t really have an explanation for. These could all be tied to past lives. So, is it relevant for us to know that? I think it is helpful to know because it gives you a sense of comfort, an explanation, a deeper dive into your soul. Some of these past experiences I believe that we carry with us energetically into this lifetime – maybe to heal. Some people want to spend a lot of time trying to understand their past lives and to look at those traumas. I personally don’t feel it’s necessary unless there is something that is preventing you from living a full life in this life. And you would be the best judge of whether that is the case. Having said that – I do think it is good to have a better understanding of your past lives in order to have a fuller understanding of yourself – and your soul mission here in this incarnation.

Past life readings

So, as a natural progression during my spiritual awakening – I have had several readings with psychics that have told me more about myself. What I find fascinating – is that they all picked up on similar themes for me. They also had additional unique information that I also found very helpful. One of the themes that they all picked up on, was my past life experiences dealing with plants and herbs. Now, in this lifetime, I very much have an interest in plants! One thing that they all said to me – which was surprising, was that I was a “Healer.” This concept was quite a shock to me. A healer? I couldn’t even grasp what a healer meant. I knew that I had always been a good listener to people, and that people seemed pretty comfortable telling me their personal problems – but I certainly never identified myself as such. My background is in science, but I have also always been interested in spirituality. But I definitely identified as a science person – as far as a life path.

They also all identified my connection to the Pleiades! I also have strong connections to Lyra and Lemuria…If you have seen my You Tube channel, you know that I personally have had DNA activations/memory activations of my time in Atlantis as well!

One unique thing that I was told about by one psychic – was that I was a singer in one lifetime. At the time of the reading – I thought that was odd, but after the reading, I remembered that one thing that I have always felt inside, was that if there was one ‘God-given’ gift that I wish I had – was to be able to sing! So I guess that was not on the books for this lifetime!

Most psychics will do readings because they understand that it’s important to access some information in order to better understand yourself, as well as to help provide support and guidance to your soul’s journey. And most of them will also guide you to finding our more about yourself by learning to access the information on your own. If you come across someone who provides information that doesn’t resonate with you at all, or who tries to get you to keep on booking more readings with them – then I would move on. I’ve had both happen to me. It can be quite frustrating, so just use your discernment if you choose to book a reading with a psychic. I recommend Pamela Aaralyn, Magenta Pixie (not sure if she is doing readings these days), and Psychic Bob.

How do you access your Akashic Records?

There are various practices to access them. I’ve seen courses offered, as well as methods in books. I personally haven’t tried either. I believe that I’ve seen a practice method in one of Magenta Pixie’s books.

I believe that as you spiritually awaken, the memories that are relevant to this lifetime will present themselves to you as a natural progression. Just remember – it’s a journey, not a destination!

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

Feel free to follow my Facebook page where I post these articles, videos and updates on the spiritual journey. And feel free to share your experiences there!


Here is my You Tube video where I discuss this article:

In love, light and gratitude,
Heather Burket


Our Galactic Heritage

In my previous video/article, I talked about the concept of “who we are” as Source/Creator beings. In this article, I’ll continue that conversation in defining ourselves through our Galactic Heritage.

Learning about our Galactic Heritage is one of the main aspects of the Spiritual Awakening process.

When we agreed to come to Earth as souls, we had to come with our ‘Veil of Amnesia’ forgetting who we are as souls, as well as our past lives.

However, we had plans in place (triggers) where we would eventually wake-up and begin to remember who we are and where we came from.

So when we understand who we are, we look at two aspects: 1) Our Galactic Heritage 2) The Ancestral Lineage that we chose to be born into for lifetime on Earth.

So first let’s look at our Galactic Heritage and a little bit about why we are here.

For some reason, a lot of the people that I’ve met in the Spiritual Community were all led early on to the work of Dolores Cannon. I began to listen to her on You Tube and eventually ended up buying a couple of her books. In case you are not familiar with Dolores, she was a hypnotherapist that began to get information through her clients that she began documenting and presenting.

So according to her perspective which resonates with me, a “Collective Call” was put out to the Universe for help from the people on Earth.

This call went out and a bunch of ‘souls’ responded to that Call. That was us, “Starseeds”. Starseed is a term used to describe people who came from the ‘Stars.’ Our origin is from the Stars. From my perspective, we are all “Starseeds” at this point in time, however, the souls that have not yet woken up and remembered who they are – are not Starseeds – yet. I heard that perspective from Magenta Pixie – and that makes the most sense to me.

So this call went out and all of these souls from different Galactic races went out and souls volunteered to come to Earth.

There are many races, however, some of the main ones are: Lyran, Arcturian, Andromedan, Sirian and Pleiadian.

Now for most of us, we do not have memories of these aspects of ourselves. How many of us learn about it – is that we go to psychics who can read this information about us.

Pamela Aaralyn has a lot of resources and is a Galactic Historian so I would recommend checking out her videos if you want to learn more about these different races, or to get a reading to learn more about yourself.

So why do we even care about learning about this? Because for me, it is a more accurate picture of who I am. Before, we would have said “I am Irish, I am German, etc.” and maybe we resonated with those identities, as well as our past relatives.

But when it comes to our Galactic Heritage – our Lyran, Pleiadian selves, that is our overall soul identity to me.

And as you grow and evolve spirituality, you will become in greater resonance and associate with other like-minded souls, which is your tribe.

These people you have had many previous lifetimes together in other star systems and you will find that you just mesh so easily with them. That is your soul family.

For many of us, we have always felt different, odd, like why am I here? what is the point of all of this? When you meet your Soul Family, you just have this sense of comfort, like you aren’t all alone. There is a purpose for you here on Earth. So that is one of the reasons why it’s important to meet other souls like you.

The other reason that I think it’s important, is because we’ve been under the false truth of the Earth and its inhabitants. We have not been made aware of our Galactic Family that extends out into the cosmos.

Our Galactic family is out there – supporting us, even though they are not in this 3D environment.

One thing that I’ve wondered about, but do not yet know, is how different our lives will be once Disclosure has happened and everyone is aware of the presence of Extra-Terrestrials, or our Galactic family members located in Lyra, the Pleiades, Andromeda, Sirius, etc?

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

Here’s my video on this topic:

In love, light and gratitude,

Heather Burket


You as God/Source

There are many basic concepts that need to be covered to serve as a foundation on which to grow and one of these concepts is that You are God/Source.

From where I am now, this seems like simple and easy to understand, however, this concept was partially responsible for my “Dark Night of the Soul” that happened a few years into my Spiritual Awakening. In case you aren’t familiar with the Dark Night of the Soul, that is a very distressful part of the process where your ego ‘dies.’ However, mine didn’t completely die, but was one of the most painful internal experiences I’ve ever felt and it’s really hard to describe. It felt like a series of mini nervous breakdowns for me.

This concept was one of the most difficult things to accept because I had always felt like there was this ‘God being’ ‘out there’ that I could pray to for assistance.

So when I came across this concept and pretty much everyone I came across at this time was saying the same thing – then this core foundational belief changed. Until you’ve experienced a core belief shift happen within, it is hard to describe exactly how unsettling this was for me internally. (along with several other lies we have been told all of our lives). I literally remember laying on  my bed, feeling like I was falling through the bed, because I didn’t have that internal foundation to rest on anymore.


The idea is that you and God are one in the same. The way that I look at it as, for me, like a round blob, like a Sun. That is God/Source and we all project forth from that one same source.

Part of this understanding includes that, as God, you create, you are a co-creator of God as God. So as you begin to absorb and understand this concept, you start to understand that you create your own reality. And this is where the concept of the “Law of Attraction” fits in, because you create – draw into your life i.e. ‘attract,’ through your thoughts, words, actions and most importantly – through the ‘feeling state.’

This can also lead to a sense of distress, because you start to look around and realize that you created EVERYTHING!! Now, depending on where you are in your life, this can be a harsh reality. You mean I created this crap?? Yep – you did!

This can also lead us to realize that we are not victims of circumstance. Everything we experience is a result of our own creation. So once we become awake and aware, we start to take charge of our lives and create ‘consciously’ rather than how we have before – by creating ‘unconsciously.’

This is also where you may begin to hear the term ‘sovereignty’ because once you become awake and aware – this is also knowing and standing in your own power as a creator being. It is taking back your power because you know now and realize that you have that power.

Unity Consciousness – We are All One

This was one of the concepts that I kept hearing about and was completely confused. How can we all be one, if we are separate individuals? Well eventually I began to understand the concept because we are ultimately all from the same God Source. So when you look at others as yourself, that is when you are able to recognize the God within others as yourself.

Have you heard the phrase “Namaste?” it means ‘the Divine in Me, recognizes and honors the Divine in you’. So that acknowledgement is very humbling in that you can see yourself within another.

If not God, then who?

If you grew up praying to God as I did, well then now what? Do I pray to myself?? This caused a bit of distress as I liked to feel comforted knowing I was protected somehow, that I could rely on this as a pillar of strength for me.

Well, from my current perspective, I call on different beings that I may feel would be helpful depending on the situation. I call upon my spirit guides, Jesus, Archangel Michael, etc.

I think that although we may know internally that ‘we are source’ being able to call upon these beings who are accessible to us and who have agreed to assist us during our life here on Earth has given me comfort.

Consciousness exists in everything

As you continue along this journey, you will start to become more aware of the consciousness within everything. One of the most amazing experiences I had on my spiritual journey was when I was at a plant nursery and I picked up an orchid that was on the sale rack and I heard (in my voice, in my head) “please take me home.” To this day, that was one of the most humbling experiences that I’ve ever had.

I had always felt bad whenever I planted something in my backyard and then decided it didn’t work, so I’d dig it up and take it to the trash or even trimming my plants.

There is a book called the Intention Experiment which talks about many experiments with plants. It talks about how they measured reactions in plants even when someone THOUGHT about harming them!

To me, this is where saying prayers of gratitude for our food when we eat, because they are thanking them for what they are providing to us.

So there is this consciousness, God/Source, in all things. Once we become more aware of this, I think we become more conscious of our choices in life and we have more reverence and respect for Nature.

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

Feel free to follow my Facebook page where I post these articles, videos and updates on the spiritual journey


Here is my You Tube video where I discuss this article:

In love, light and gratitude,

Heather Burket


Spiritual Awakening – Why? Our Place in the Universe

So now that we’ve gone over what happens during the Spiritual Awakening Process, we need to look at why this is happening. In this article, I’ll start with our place in the Universe.

When you start your awakening process, you will begin to start searching on the internet, YouTube, and through books. I don’t even exactly remember what I started to look up, but it was probably about the different experiences I was having. What ends up happening, once you are on the path is that you will be led from one piece of information which will lead you to another.

Eventually – you will end up hearing about the date – Dec. 21, 2012 and what a big deal that date was.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I do remember hearing about that date and hearing some people talk about this doomsday “end of world” scenario. And I remember thinking ‘well I’m not going to play into that fear.’

So, what was this date and why was everyone focused on it? Well it was the date on the Mesoamerican long calendar (associated with the Mayans) that was the end of the ‘b’ak’tun’. Dec. 21, 2012 was the 13th b’ak’tun and the end of an era.

  • During my journey, I eventually came upon the concept of ‘it is the end of 3D and going into 5D’ which is basically a higher consciousness. D means “Dimensions”. And once you start to wake up – you will realize that there are many different dimensions. 3D, which is the dimension we are in, is very dense.
  • I also began to hear people talking about some sort of ‘planetary alignment’.
  • Another concept I began to learn about was these ‘waves of energy’ or consciousness that are beginning to wash over us and these waves are packets of energy which serve the purpose of expanding our awareness, raising our vibration and consciousness.
  • Others explained about us moving into this high energy in the Universe that was causing us to experience these energies
  • I also remember hearing people talk about this 26,000-year cycle
  • The ‘Age of Aquarius’ was another term I kept coming across

So, it was only recently when I found an article that explains graphically what it is happening.

The article and graphic is located on https://aligningwithearth.com/galactic-photon-belt-alignment-part-1/. (There are 3 articles in total.)

So, you must look at our place in the Universe, and step back and look from a larger perspective.

Earth is located in our solar system and the Earth is rotating around our sun, however, our entire solar system and our Sun is also in an orbit around a planet called Alcyone – the brightest star in the Pleiades system– which is a part of the Pleiades system – 7 sisters.

And our solar system, and Alcyone is rotating around a Galactic Core (aka Galactic Central Sun) – the central region of the Milky Way Galaxy which takes approximately 225 million years.

And being located within this orbit, we, as an entire Solar System, are moving into a high energy in the Universe called the “photon belt” also referred to as the ‘golden nebula’. The photon belt is shaped like a toroid – which kind of looks like a donut – to make it simple.

To make the entire orbit – it takes 26,000 years, 2,000 years of light and 11,000 years of ‘darkness’ and then it repeats this same cycle on the other side.

So, it is my understanding that we have moved into this high energy photon belt. I’ve heard various dates as to when that happened, but we are fully in this energy now.

So, the energy is coming from the Galactic Central Sun – to the Central Sun (Alcyone) through our Sun and to Earth.

These energies are high energies which affect our planet as well as us. These energies are the cause of our physical and emotional symptoms of ascension. They are packets of consciousness which are serving to raise our vibration, our frequency, and increase our light quotient.

These waves have been coming in and are coming in now more frequently. They can make you tired as you integrate them. It’s easier to integrate when you sleep – which is why it is important to listen to your body. This energy will have different affects on different people depending on the inner work that you have done, as well as each individual soul’s blueprint and purpose here on earth. But one thing you have to understand is that these energies are not going to let up, so if you have not dealt with your inner wounds and traumas – you are going to, because these energies are high vibration which is raising our consciousness. The only way to raise your consciousness is to release emotions that are of a low vibration. You can see evidence of these energies through people’s behavior. Some people did not plan to stay for this Ascension process (evolving from 3D to 5D) and so will leave. Others may act out as they are forced to deal with their inner demons.

In order to process these energies, it’s important to work on yourself. Do the inner work, take care of your physical, spiritual and emotional aspects. Be sure to make healthy food choices, drink plenty of fresh water, stay grounded, and try to show compassion towards others. Always try to operate from the heart.

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

In love, light and gratitude,

Heather Burket





Kundalini Activation – Psychic Experiences

One of the things that you may begin to experience as you begin your spiritual awakening process is that your psychic abilities may open. Everyone’s experience will vary, but some people may open quickly and that can cause a lot of emotional distress.
One thing that people may not be aware of, is that everyone has these capabilities. We tend to think of psychics as people who are ‘gifted’ with special abilities, however, we all have these abilities – it’s just a matter of developing them. Some people incarnated here with their abilities already developed because of their soul’s blueprint. There are a few reasons why we don’t all experience these abilities:

1) Belief systems – belief systems are extremely important, because we create our own reality through our thoughts, words, actions and most importantly – our feelings. So, if we believe that we don’t have them – then that is true for us – because we shape our own reality.

2) Fear – the ability to experience beings in other dimensions may cause fear in us because we don’t understand it and it may freak us out, thereby limiting our ability to experience those other realms

3) Pineal gland calcification – our pineal gland (also known as the third eye) is the main source of these abilities. Through various means – our pineal gland can become calcified over time, which will inhibit these abilities. One of the main causes is through fluoride in our water and toothpastes.

For most of us, we usually have a primary gift or two. If you want to open your psychic abilities, there are several things that you can do:

1) Evaluate your belief systems
2) Begin meditating
3) Put the intention out to the Universe through thoughts or statements “I have psychic abilities, I am psychic, etc.”

4) Work with a spiritual teacher
5) Research through videos, books, etc. and begin their specific practices or techniques
6) Reduce fluoride exposure
7) Research pineal gland decalcification practices – such as eating cilantro, raw cacao, etc.
8) Incorporate crystals that enhance psychic abilities such as amethyst, (pictured), lapis lazuli, labradorite, apatite and iolite are a few

So, what exactly are these abilities? Here are a few of the more common ones:

• To feel – Clairsentience
• To see – Clairvoyance
• To know – Claircognizance
• To hear – Clairaudience
• To smell – Clairolfactance

I’ll go over a few of the psychic experiences that I had after I had my Kundalini activation, which triggered my third eye opening (pineal gland activation).
One of the first things that happened psychically, was that I began to see black and white swirling patterns with my eyes closed as well as opened. I believe that this represented the yin and yang energy – masculine and feminine energy.


My clairaudience abilities also began to open and I started to hear what sounded like static – like in between radio stations. I felt like I could hear something being said, but I couldn’t quite hear it. One technique I’ve since learned about – is to act like you are physically turning a knob on the side of the head to see if that helps focus the sound so that you can hear clearly.

One of the more unnerving things that I began to experience was hearing disembodied voices. I remember trying to sleep at night and heard someone say “F” you – in my ear. I also remember someone in a British voice saying “hello.” I’ve heard my mom say my name, I’ve heard what sounded like a door opening in another dimension. Oddly, I also heard what sounded like a toilet lid slamming down. Some months later, I heard that while in hotel in Fort Lauderdale that apparently had very thin walls.

My guest bedroom has a closet that I always felt had weird energy located in the top of the closet. I can’t really explain the feeling, it just felt different. During one of my ‘no sleeping’ episodes, I had gone upstairs to sleep. While hanging out in bed, I began to hear someone that appeared to be walking across the attic – right where that weird energy was located. The attic boards were creaking very loudly, and I was fully expecting someone to just come walking out of the closet. Oddly, I was not afraid. Later, I asked a well-known psychic about that experience. She told me that was a portal, and I was hearing a ghost (an earthbound spirit).

One unusual thing that I also experienced was that I started to smell these phantom smells – smells that did not come from my personal physical experience. Some of the random scents that I experienced included: basil, mint, bubblegum, cigarette smoke, poop, sage burning and fresh baked cookies.

I also began to be more sensitive to energy. Some of this increased sensitivity included feeling energy coming through my body – which appeared to be in the same shape/form as a human. I normally felt this come through from my right-hand side. I’ll be honest – I’m not sure what that was about. I also began to experience these energetic touches – which looked like a small circle of goosebumps – that normally appeared on my forearms. I have since come to believe that these are a few different things. One thing is that I think your spirit guides temporarily lower their vibration in order to meet yours causing “Truth bumps.” So, this is feedback to let you know whatever you had been thinking about when you experienced these sensations is true. I’ve also experienced what I believe are ‘energetic dust bunnies’ which feels like a light energetic touch running down your arm. I’m not exactly sure why this happens, but I believe it’s associated with people in your environment who’s energy attaches to you – for some reason.

Negative Entities
One of the more startling experiences I had – were interactions with negative entities. One evening I was trying to go to sleep and saw this small oval to round shape – about 1 foot long, fly across my body – near my stomach. I also saw it fly down the side of my bed when I was turning over towards the side of my bed. Later, I got up to use the restroom and saw a black shadow hovering near the ceiling. Once I looked at it, it disappeared. Sometime later, I decided to go see a reiki practitioner. After the session was over, she told me that I had two negative entities attached to me, but that she removed them. She explained that they are drawn to my light. I have since learned that once we open spiritually, and probably more so in a Kundalini activation, that our light suddenly gets brighter and becomes visible to the other realms. As we also open psychically, we can begin to see and experience them. So, these little entities are not connected to Source and so need our energy in order to sustain themselves. Although they were startling at first, their behavior was playful and mischievous.

I also experienced a traumatic event with a negative entity. I was again, not able to sleep and so had gone upstairs to the guest bedroom. I was in the hypnagogic state – which is where you are half asleep, half awake. I remember hearing these what sounded like claws, on the wooden floor on the 2nd floor where I was sleeping. I remember thinking to myself, well that can’t be the dog, because I blocked him off from coming upstairs, when suddenly, I saw this large black cloud going back and forth across the ceiling in the bedroom above me.

It had an oblong shaped ‘body’ and another round smaller area, which would be the ‘head.’ All I remember is being utterly terrified. I could see it, and I couldn’t move. I was trapped and it kept on going back and forth across the ceiling. In my mind, I was calling every person I could think of – Jesus, Mary, Archangel Michael, and no one was helping me. I was just trapped there. Once I finally ‘woke up’ my heart and chest were pounding so much – it was like I had just run 5 miles (and I don’t run). I went back downstairs to try and sleep. Later, I had asked a few psychics about these experiences. They basically said that some people have these experiences because they are going to help other people. You must understand the full landscape that exists in these realms to be able to work with them in order to help people.

Precognitive Dreams
Another ability that you may begin to experience is precognitive dreams. Precognitive dreams are dreams about events that are going to occur. I usually experience these right as I’m drifting off to sleep and they are usually startling. I experienced these before my Kundalini activation as well. One of the dreams I had was I saw blood on my big toe – like it had been cut. A few days later, I went to acupuncture and she hit a vessel on my big toe, and it started to bleed. (this isn’t normal during acupuncture in case anyone is wondering)

I also had a vision of a dog running out in front of a car. Again, this was very startling. Later, I ended up seeing a dog run in front of a car, but it did not get hit. Sadly, I heard that this dog eventually did end up getting hit and killed by a car.

Out of Body Experiences (OBEs)
Out of body experiences are really cool. You have an astral body that can project and leave your physical body. You feel free from your physical body and you just ‘fly’ through space and objects. One OBE that I had, I left my body and was traveling through this gray tunnel. The tunnel had writing on the wall. I remember being excited thinking that these were the Akashic records. (Akashic records are records of everything that has happened to you as a soul). As I slowed down to read what it said, there was a light on the words as I was trying to read it. But for some reason, as soon as I started to read it, I was whisked away to another area and never got to read it. As I was going back into my body, I remember doing this funny little loop above my body before I went back into my physical body. As I was going back in my body, I remember feeling like I was sliding down to the edge of the bed at the bottom. I remember thinking “I’m going to run into my dog” because he was sleeping at the foot of the bed. While this was happening, I remember feeling a physical hand grab my upper arm. I remember being scared and told them “please let me go, you are scaring me.” As I got back into my body, I felt this energetic rush and I felt this sense of love. Later, I asked a psychic about this experience and she told me that getting back into the body can be difficult and a lot of times your spirit guides must help you. She said that the energetic rush and feeling of love was them communicating to me to let me know it was okay and it was them.


• I would save up a list and ask a psychic about some of the experiences that you have so that you can have a better understanding of their meaning. People that I’ve done readings with and recommend Pamela Aaralyn, Magenta Pixie (not sure if she still does personal readings), and Psychic Bob.
• If you are having a bunch of psychic experiences and it is causing you distress – I’d recommend being grounded – this will help minimize the experiences. Your top chakras may be too open.

o Walk on the ground barefoot, or put your feet on the ground outside while sitting on a chair, etc.
o Do various grounding techniques – such as visualization
o Keep black tourmaline on you or any other grounding crystal (smoky quartz, hematite, red jasper)
o Burn sage throughout your house to keep the space energetically clear
o I also use the violet flame – I just imagine a violet flame engulfing me, my house and my yard – energy work is all about intention.

• If you encounter unwelcome spirits, just ask them to leave (you can do this telepathically or state it out loud “I ask you to leave my space immediately”). One thing that I’ve been taught to say regarding negative entities is “I invoke the I Am in me and ask you to leave in the name of Jesus Christ.”
• You can work with a healer

While psychic abilities are useful, they can also cause distress until you understand the meaning and have better control in utilizing these abilities. Some of us are thrown headfirst into these experiences and so just wing it until we figure it out. The main thing to know is that you are a sovereign being and can manage your interactions with entities in other realms. I had to learn that and now I feel more comfortable – but I certainly did not in the beginning. See other articles on Kundalini down below

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

Here is my video on this topic

Kundalini activation through meeting Twin Flame

Kundalini Activation through meeting Twin Flame

Kundalini activation – Twin Flame Dreams, Snake Dreams

Kundalini Activation – Dreams, Snake Dreams, and Twin Flame Dreams

In love, light and gratitude,
Heather Burket


Kundalini Activation – Dreams, Snake Dreams, and Twin Flame Dreams

I’ve been a bit behind on getting this post out weekly as I had planned. I think I’ve bit off more than I can chew. I plan to be better at getting this posted as I had originally planned, so expect a few posts today to get caught up to date!

As I was developing these posts, I decided to go through my old journals to review what happened. There were definitely a few things that I remember, as well, that stood out from this process. Those were:

  • Disrupted sleep
  • Dreams
  • Trying to understand the connection with the Twin Flame
  • Psychic experiences

So, this week, I plan to continue my discussion on Kundalini activation – and specifically the dreamtime experience as they seemed to be ALL CONSUMING after my activation occurred.

And I’m actually very glad that this part in the process is over and I’m in a much better place now. The Kundalini activation, and spiritual awakening process in general, starts an internal journey that is very confusing and mentally exhausting.

You begin to process emotions through the subconscious by way of dreaming. You must really pay attention to what is coming through your dreams because it is your subconscious bringing messages to your conscious to help you process emotions that you haven’t addressed.

Release traumas

The goal is to help you release these traumas because otherwise they are just stuck in your energetic field causing all sorts of problems.

Snake Dreams

One of the key signs of Kundalini activation is dreaming of snakes. This was one of the marked dream time characters that showed up in my dreams. The key is to pay attention to what is happening with the snakes and to evaluate the meaning. This will help you understand where you are in the process. The Kundalini energy is represented as 2 serpents and if you look at Egyptian statues – you will see a snake coming out of the 3rd eye area. It is also common to dream of two snakes as well. Currently, I continue to have dreams about snakes.

Animal Dreams

One of the things you may notice as well, is that various animals show up in your dreams. Some of the animals that showed up in my dreams included: turtles, guinea pigs, butterflies, alligators, sharks, owls, birds, jaguars, elephants, tigers, (a white tiger showed up once and to this day – that was one of my favorite dreams!), and wolves – literally I think almost every animal out there has shown up in my dreams!

The key to keep in mind here is that there are archetypal representations for animals, as well as your own personal feelings about those animals. While trying to understand the meaning, I would look up the overall representation as well as your own personal feelings about that particular animal.

The website I recommend for analysis would be http://www.dreamhawk.com

As you try and understand the dream, what I would do is to write down the archetypal meaning as well as my own personal meaning and review them both and try to piece together what resonates best with what the meaning could be. As you review them, you may get a feeling inside as an internal resonance of ‘this rings true’ for me. That is your internal guidance system that is there to help guide you to your own personal truth.

Dreams about Twin Flame

One of the other prominent dreamtime experiences that you may have if you have met your Twin Flame – is to have them show up in your dreams. One of the reasons that I recommend writing down your dreams is because if you look back – you may find clues as to what will happen. In my case, I dreamt about both my twin flame coming into my life, as well as him leaving my life – both dreams I had before I met him. It was only until later as I was reading through my old journals that I could piece together several key points in the dream that indicated these situations that would occur later.

After meeting him, he then began to show up in my dreamtime quite frequently. At the time, I was very confused as to why. When it comes to people showing up in your dreams – there are a few things that can be happening. One is that they can represent an aspect of yourself. They can also be actual interactions in another plane of existence. From my perspective, they can also be other lifetimes, future events to occur, as well as interactions of your higher selves with each other. Sometimes I know that I have dreams about people after I encounter them in real life. In the case of the Twin Flame dreams – he was showing up way more than he normally would if it was the latter case, because I wasn’t interacting with him in the physical world that frequently.

I was very confused as to why he was showing up, because he appeared to be teaching me or guiding me in the dreams. Overall, I was freaked out because I couldn’t understand why he kept appearing in my dreams.

Dream Meanings

Although dreams are personal, I’ll share a few themes that showed up for me:

  • The purpose of the relationship – he was helping me as a spiritual guide
  • Dream with him in it indicating the Kundalini activation
  • Later – dreams about what was going on in his life and our connection

I could ask him a question (in my mind) before I went to sleep, and he would provide an answer in the dreamtime. I still have dreams about him. As we continue our spiritual evolvement, psychic connections and telepathy will continue to increase with everyone, regardless of the connection, but certainly easier with those we are closest to.


If you are having a Twin Flame connection, my recommendation would be to try and not focus so much on the connection itself. Instead, try to focus on doing your own inner work. The purpose of the connection is to serve as a spiritual catalyst. Most of us are not exactly ‘whole’ within ourselves and the intention, ultimately, it is to be a balance of the divine masculine and divine feminine within. We must learn to love ourselves and once we do, then we can have the unconditional love relationship that we are evolving towards. But we must heal internally first. Most of us have unhealed parts of ourselves that need to be examined and that process is best completed on our own.

If I could go back and do over or if there was someone there to guide me through the process I would:

  • Hang out with friends – get your mind off everything that is happening
  • To process the energy, exercise and do yoga regularly – exercise will help get your energy flowing and yoga will help with calming the mind
  • Do the internal work – counseling, doing research on your own – videos, books, blogs, etc.
  • Seek out reiki and acupuncture
  • Journal – to process and understand the dream meanings

o   Symbols have universal meanings as well as your own internal meaning – so do research to allow for a full picture in order to develop your own conclusion as to the meaning

o   Take apart each dream separately and analyze them and then try to piece together the meaning

o   Over time, review the dreams and see if there is a storyline that connects the dreams

  • Incorporate energy clearing work/techniques. One website that has tools available for free and for purchase is http://www.twinflames1111.com Cassady Cayne runs that site and is very connected to the Collective Energy of twin flames. She provides a lot of energy programs – audio meditations, chakra clearing, karmic release, etc. I have purchased some of her programs and have had amazing experiences with them. One of her audios I purchased was an energy clearing one. As the energy clearing process went to my heart chakra – I could feel this hot/cold sensation – kind of like the bengay muscle pain reliever. And another time, I felt these electric sensations on either side of my spine that went down my back. She also has weekly forecasts as well as information on dream time interpretations.
  • See my YouTube video  down below on this topic

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

Here are a few other articles on Kundalini:

Kundalini activation through meeting Twin Flame

https://heatherburket.com/2019/04/21/kundalini-activation-through-meeting-twin- flame/

Kundalini activation – Psychic Experiences

Kundalini Activation – Psychic Experiences

  • Follow my Facebook page where I post these articles, videos and updates on the spiritual journey. Please feel free to share what you are experiencing as well.

In love, light and gratitude,

Heather Burket


Kundalini Activation through meeting Twin Flame

So now that we’ve covered a bit about what to expect for the Spiritual Awakening process – both physical as well as emotional aspects to it, I thought I would describe my personal spiritual awakening process. My process involved Kundalini Activation after meeting my Twin Flame.

What is Kundalini?

I first learned about Kundalini in my early 20’s. It is an energy that is stored at the base of your spine. Once it is activated, it travels up through your chakras with the ultimate result of enlightenment. Everyone’s experience will be unique for them. For some, it can result in spiritual enlightenment – but that is probably more rare. Most of us have blocks in our chakras, so it initiates an internal spiritual awakening process that forces us to work through our issues, with the ultimate goal of reaching enlightenment. For some, the process can be traumatic and cause psychological issues which can result in varying degrees of mental distress.

What activates the Kundalini energy to be released?

I believe that there are a few different ways Kundalini energy is activated. A traumatic car accident can rattle the energy loose, or a near death experience.

It can also arise through spiritual practices such as through meditation and yoga. Many times people undergoing a spiritual awakening, I believe can have a Kundalini activation as they go through the “dark night of the soul.”

For others, it can be activated by someone who is already awakened – through looking through their eyes or through touch – a process called Shaktipat.

For others such as myself – it can be triggered as a result of meeting your Twin Flame – which is another person who shares the same energetic blueprint as you.

The Kundalini experience

The Kundalini experience is different for everyone. For some people it can be dramatic and people can end up in mental hospitals because their bodies/minds are not ready to handle that amount of energy and it can be very distressful all of a sudden having these chakra openings – such as the third eye. It can be very disorienting. People can also have extreme physical movements that are uncontrollable, so it can look like a seizure. I’ve experienced this a few times while going to sleep at night, and it is quite shocking. For me – it’s like I’ve been touched by a cattle prod or something – my whole body will jerk violently and lift off of the bed. That’s only happened a few times. (Thank God! – lol!)

So the Kundalini energy – once it unwinds, it moves up through the chakras, with the ultimate result of being enlightened. However, most people have blocks in their chakras, so what happens is that it triggers an internal process where the blocks are worked through. You kind of can’t help it. So this is what triggers the vivid dreams, the internal processing of emotions – you start to have emotions and you may never know the actual cause. It can open up your 3rd eye, so then all of a sudden you are dealing with all that comes with that.

Who experiences Kundalini activation or awakening?

I believe that it has to do with your soul’s journey and plan before you come to earth. Not everyone will have their Kundalini activated. From my perspective, the spiritual awakening process can occur without the Kundalini energy being activated. Having Kundalini activation is just a more intense spiritual awakening process.

The Initial Activation

So here’s my story. I met a person who I could tell was spiritually ‘awake’. When I first met them – I remember feeling this weird jittery feeling in my heart chakra area – like excitement. Much later, I eventually realized that this was indicative of a ‘soul recognition.’ Where your soul recognizes another soul. I also remember thinking to myself (oddly) that they ‘reminded me of myself when I was younger.’

They had a very strong energy and stood apart from everyone else – at least they did to me. They also had what I would call an ‘old soul eye’ that looked half dark on one side of the eye – the eye itself. It’s kind of hard to describe, because I’d never seen that before. But I noticed when this ‘old soul eye’ was ‘on’ – they would never make eye contact with me. I didn’t see it all the time, only sometimes.

Then one day, the ‘old soul eye’ was ‘on’ and I was trying really hard for them to make eye contact with me. Because I wanted to see what was in that ‘old soul eye.’ Well, telepathically, I heard “I see you wanting to look in my eye, so here…” and then they looked at my eye. I remember looking into this blackness and having this deep experience like I was observing the Universe and that I wanted to crawl into that space (odd I know).

Well, what I didn’t know is that by looking at my eye, he ‘activated’ my Kundalini – because he was my Twin Flame.

Magenta Pixie is the only person that I’ve come across that has the most accurate description of what happened to me. You can find the video called “Soul Recognition” at about minute 9:39…. She accurately describes what happens as ‘matter meets anti-matter.’ And the end result of that what the eye contact initiates.

So I’ll describe what happens next, I started to have these weird sensations, I remember sitting in my bed and feeling like I was physically being magnetically pulled towards him – even though he wasn’t there – it is hard to describe. Sounds odd – I know, but I physically felt my energy going toward him.

And then I started to feel these odd sensations in my sacral chakra area. I have heard it described as ‘champagne bubbles’ and that’s exactly what it felt like. I had these bubbles happen for a few days.

At this time, my sleep also became disrupted. So I remember going to sleep on the couch.
What is so funny is that I felt so weird about what happened next, that I didn’t even write it down in my journal. I was actually embarrassed, because I did not know what just happened.

The Kundalini Activation

So here’s what I remember, I was lying on my back, and I felt this really strong movement near the front of my spine/sacral chakra area, like something moving in there. I thought I was having spiritual sex or something – at the time, I did not understand what was happening. The energy was actually unwinding, or uncoiling – it felt very physical to me.

As it unwound, I felt these 3 – the best way to describe them would be – full body orgasms. And I also felt like my Twin Flame’s head or face was over to the top left side of the ceiling. It felt like he was there, but just his face.

Kundalini Effects – Chakra openings

There were a lot of different things that happened next, so these are not necessarily in the order in which they happened. So I started to hear this static-like sound in my ears, like I was in between radio stations – but I couldn’t quite hear what was being said.
When I would go to sleep at night, I could feel my heart pounding very strongly. This is the heart chakra being activated.

I also began to see (and I still experience this), both with my eyes closed and open, these black and white swirling clouds – that are connected at a point in the middle, and they just go around and around each other. But they get diffuse the further away from the middle where they are connected. The only thing that I can think of what this is, is the yin and yang energy – but I have not come across anyone else that has experienced this. I would usually see it when I would go to sleep at night.

Stay Tuned….

There are so many things that happen as a result of Kundalini activation. In my next article, I’ll continue this discussion and focus on what happened when my third eye opened.

See links to other articles on Kundalini down below.

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

Here is my You Tube video where I discuss this article:

Kundalini activation – Twin Flame Dreams, Snake Dreams

Kundalini Activation – Dreams, Snake Dreams, and Twin Flame Dreams

Kundalini activation – Psychic Experiences

Kundalini Activation – Psychic Experiences

In love, light and gratitude,
Heather Burket