
Karmic Twin Flames

This is something I’ve wanted to write about for awhile, but I needed some time to get centered again. I met not one, but TWO more Twin Flames recently since my initial Twin Flame connection back in 2014.

If you’ve been following this blog for awhile, you may have read my other articles on Twin Flames.

If not, they are here:

Kundalini Activation – Through meeting Twin Flame

Kundalini Activation through meeting Twin Flame

Kundalini Activation – Dreams, Snake Dreams and Twin Flame Dreams

Kundalini Activation – Dreams, Snake Dreams, and Twin Flame Dreams

Kundalini Activation – Psychic Experiences

Kundalini Activation – Psychic Experiences

I’ve been on this Twin Flame journey since 2014. I understand that everyone has their own perspectives on the topic. And my thoughts on perspectives are



There is no right or wrong, they are just perspectives based on your own personal experience. I find it interesting that some people get mad if you don’t share their same perspective. And when it comes to Twin Flames – this seems to be a very hot topic.

I had never even heard of Twin Flames when I met mine. The thing about this type of connection, is that it is SOOOO different than any other connection that you have had, that you don’t have a choice but to take notice. I know everyone wants to have a Twin Flame connection and are so wanting their connection to be a Twin Flame connection, but BELIEVE ME, this one is very different. You have absolutely no control over it.

Although everyone’s experience will be different, from what I understand, it will trigger a Kundalini activation. And for me, that is exactly what happened when I looked into my Twin Flame’s eye. After my Kundalini was activated, it triggered a series of experiences and it was difficult to understand exactly what was happening to me. All I knew is that I was connected to this person somehow – energetically and psychically and it was very scary, because I didn’t understand it. He kept on showing up in my dreams and telling me things, showing me things. And then, of course all of the other stuff that can happen when your Kundalini is activated – 3rd eye activation, which opens you up to other dimensions which can become a roller coaster. When you have a somewhat normal life, then your sleep is completely disrupted, you feel like you are living a 2nd life in the dreamtime and you are afraid to go to sleep at night because of what you will see, hear and experience, so it can be a very challenging time. I am glad that part of my awakening is over.

So, back to today’s blog post topic – karmic twin flames. So, after my first twin flame left my life, I had several messages from the dreamtime on his journey and mine. I knew he had this path to take and I had mine, but he was supportive in the dreamtime, so I knew that the connection would always be there, even if it was not actually manifested in the physical.

I went through a divorce and he got married – lol! Seems like I got the short end of the stick here.

But in reality, the meeting of Twin Flames triggers an awakening process in both of them, and so they end up moving apart from each other so that each person can work on themselves. The connection is very intense and staying together after the initial connection is probably rare.

I know that he and I have had several lifetimes together. And that is where the concept of Karmic Twin Flames comes into play.

Although we are the same energy frequency, you can actually share your same energy frequency with multiple people because we are fractals of the same energy.

During the spiritual awakening process, it can be very confusing and many of us seek out psychics to help us through some of these experiences that are hard to comprehend. Because these experiences are not really something a typical therapist could assist with. (Can you imagine me going to a therapist saying “I heard a disembodied voice saying to me “F you” as I was going to sleep??”)

So after I met my Twin Flame, I did readings with 2 very well known psychics. One of them, before I even said anything to her, actually said, “You have the Twin Flame energy around you.”

In fact, this particular psychic did a video shortly after my reading with them, which I felt was about the exact experience I had – losing your twin flame.

So, because I am familiar with the type of Twin Flame energy connection, I recently had 2 very similar experiences – one in April and one in August.

I want to share those experiences and what I’ve learned from them.

I actually met both of them through an online dating App – called Bumble. IT IS POSSIBLE TO MEET A TWINFLAME ONLINE – lol!

Twin Flame Connection # 2

I saw this guy’s picture – and I was immediately drawn to him. You could just tell he had his own inner happiness, he wasn’t seeking happiness outwards. He was smiling with his whole being. It was an energy about him that I was drawn to immediately.

And of course, he didn’t live in my town, in fact, he didn’t even live in my state. So, we must have matched when he was nearby.

So, we started texting, and then we started having phone conversations. I think it was Day 3 of connecting with him, that I thought – this is different…

So, I want to list out some ways that I was able to determine this was a Twin Flame connection:

  1. Drawn to them – immediately
  2. Can’t stop looking at their photo – it feels like a mystery that you can’t understand
  3. Dream time experiences
  4. Energetic “rushes”
  5. Astral sex (if you are lucky – lol!)
  6. Bubble type love feeling being in their presence
  7. Warm, honey type feeling through touch
  8. Extreme heart-centered emotions that are very strong, very emotional

From my perspective, the Twin Flame connections will differ somewhat depending on where you are on the journey and what experience that you need to have. So, there isn’t a list of items that must happen, but there are a few tell-tale signs that it is a Twin Flame connection:

  • It feels SUPERNATURAL – because of the dreamtime connection, the psychic connection (that can manifest in various forms) and the bliss-like feeling being with them.

I’ll explain in detail what I experienced. After we talked for awhile, we decided to meet in the middle of where we both lived. We actually even got in an argument before we met, and I went anyway and he told me he wasn’t going.(I was going to go birding at the place that we were going to meet). So, there was some drama even before we met. For some reason, we kept on talking and because of his home circumstances, he couldn’t leave as easily as I could. So, I took off, and literally drove 3 hours directly to his house. I know that sounds absurd in these days, but I saw 11:11 on the clock before I left (a twin flame sign) and also, I had this inner knowing. Now, I do not recommend other people do this. I have intuition, so I feel like I can trust my inner knowing.

I felt a little nervous before arriving at his house, but I just walked up the stairs to his home. He opened the door and he was actually so much cuter in person (score) lol. Anyway, after the initial awkward meeting, we sat down and chatted on the couch for hours. His energy was so amazing. It was stormy outside and we just sat and talked – it was just so perfect.

Anyway, just thinking about this, I am getting emotional. It felt so good to be in his presence.

I’ll talk about the specific experiences I had in more detail.

Dream-time experiences

He had a son, and I had 3 dreams of him, his son and me. Those dreams were very curious, there is always a lot of meaning in dreams.

I also had an experience of astral sex – before we even met. That was the most mind-blowing experience I’ve ever had in my life. The best way I can explain it is it with your whole body, not just your nether regions. It makes 3D sex pretty damn boring TBH.

I had heard that the reason that this happens is because it is to prepare the body so that you don’t blow each other up, when you do actually (if you do) have sex. Lol.

Energetic rushes

I also felt, and I felt this with my first TF, these energetic rushes, it feels like the shape of a human being, coming from behind you (or the side) – but it’s this rush of energy. Sometimes it feels like they are hugging you, sometimes it feels like it goes through you – raising your energy.

Bubble type love feelings

This is the most amazing thing. When you are with them, and your energies merge somewhat, you feel like your whole energetic field is in a higher state. It’s hard to describe, but it feels like heaven. At one point, he even said “I feel like I’m on cloud nine right now.” He felt it too…

Warm, honey, type feeling during touching

This was I think a part of that bubble type energetic feeling, except for this is in regards to actual touch – it feels so warm, and again…heavenly. Like I could just live on that experience alone.

Very strong emotions

When you are just getting to know someone, it really isn’t normal to have strong emotional feelings with someone. When it comes to Twin Flame connections and especially the Karmic variety – the strong emotions that are felt are due to past life connections, where that energy of the past is just stirred up so it feels stronger. I looked at a photo of him recently and I got emotional. Feelings don’t just die overnight.

In the end, he was not ready for the connection. Just like most Twin Flame connections, there are usually significant differences in some shape or form. For us, it was an age difference – which is quite common – 20 years in our case. Also, the physical distance. But in reality, for a Twin Flame connection to last, both parties have to be where they need to be spiritually.

I did a psychic reading a few months after that connection ended. I think I needed confirmation from someone else, and I wanted to know more about it.

They confirmed that they were a Twin Flame, but they also shared something that was very helpful to me.

They likened the twin flame connection to a hand where you are all the same energy, but the fingers represent the fractals of the same energy. You have multiple people that are twin flames – mostly karmic, but then there is the dharmic twin flame – which you will reach once you go through the karmic connections. They explained it to me that there were anywhere from 3-5 karmic twin flames.

Twin Flame connections have a purpose. It isn’t to say that people that have a Twin Flame connection are special in any way, it’s just that they have a particular mission to fulfill. And the Twin Flames need to work together on the same path towards this purpose. That was how it was explained to me.

Onto the next karmic connection… I’m on a roll!!

Twin Flame Connection # 3

Oh….this was soooo gooood…. So, again, was on the dating app Bumble, saw someone and was like “OMG” totally in love, right away. It’s the energy. This guy was just, well besides the fact that he was absolutely great looking, his smile was just beaming of good energy. Again, it was this feeling of self-fulfilled energy, not energy from any external source or reason.

Again, this person was NOT IN TOWN, in fact, they lived even further, 8 hours away!! But, they were in town, and we just happened to both be attracted to each other. He wanted to meet right away, so even though we didn’t even hardly exchange any texts, we agreed to meet for a glass of wine.

The entire conversation just flowed, it was so easy, totally enjoyed my time with him. Because of the the pandemic, restaurants shut down early, so after the place closed, we hung out on the sidewalk and were both just in state of bliss outside for about an hour.

As I was driving home, I literally was just in this bubble state of love. I felt like, I didn’t even care if we never met again after that. I was just so thrilled to experience those feelings and that type of connection and to know that what I was feeling was possible.

When I got home, he was sending me texts about how great it was meeting me, how much he enjoyed spending time together.

Besides the amazing bliss-like feelings I had being with him, I had other Twin Flame signs as well including dreams, seeing 11:11 as soon as I got back to my car, and when I saw his text the next day.

With him, I also experienced seeing these black and white swirls (yin and yang energy) after we met. It’s a psychic vision I see when I close my eyes, usually at night. I haven’t heard many other people talk about this – but I experienced this after I met my first twin flame.

Anyway, as the psychic I follow explained, the connections seem to be getting deeper as I meet more of them. So, with the first one, there was no physical connection at all. With the 2nd one, there was, so I was able to feel that bliss-like state, with the last one, the energy was even MORE intense.

I literally fell in love with him during that first date – I have absolutely no doubt about that. Sadly, he started pushing me away and I believe it had a lot to do with the age difference. This is going to sound really crazy, but he was actually even younger than the other two. There was a 25-year age difference between us. I didn’t even think about that until he said that, but it’s true.

Being on the spiritual path, you start view things more from an energetic resonance perspective and to view things from a soul level, not necessarily a checklist that a partner must meet. And at the end of the day, we are souls, souls who have spent many lifetimes together, and that recognition is there.

Additionally, prior belief systems and constraints that society places on us, just don’t fit anymore.

I continue along this journey for now, getting glimpses of the Twin Flame energy and how amazing these connections can be, but still continue my solo path for now. I am grateful for the experiences – what they are teaching me about myself and showing me just how mysterious this life is as well, and ultimately – just how deep and intense our soul connections with others can be.

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

In love, light and gratitude,




One of the terms that you will start to hear during your spiritual awakening is the term “Blueprint.” Before you incarnated onto Earth as a human, you had a blueprint – or map of different experiences you would have, lessons you wanted to learn, and people you would have various relationships with – from parents, siblings, partners, etc. From my perspective, I consider these those significant relationships or significant events that you would have in your life.

Before you awaken spiritually, your perspective could be that you got dealt a shitty hand – a dysfunctional family, a crappy husband/wife, but in actuality – you chose those relationships. And that is the cool thing about waking up – you start to take a step back from your situation and start to view things differently. As an observer, you can look at the dynamic and start to see the lesson to be learned. And that is where you become empowered – you are no longer a victim! And once you are awake and aware – you start to make different choices. Instead of just operating from a place of knee jerk reaction – you start to have compassion and start to choose your reaction from a place of love and understanding.

Before you came here – you met with your Spirit Guides and other souls and made agreements of these key experiences. In most cases, our family members and key personal relationships are with souls that we’ve had many previous lifetimes with – in different relationships. Maybe your daughter was your mother in another lifetime – and now it’s vice versa. Although it can be difficult to always understand and know the lesson that we came to learn, the main thing is to try and always operate from compassion.

Before we go any further, we need to understand that we come to Earth with the veil of amnesia. Most of us are not born psychic and we don’t know ahead of time what we will experience in life. And when we are undergoing any hardship in life – illness, losing our jobs, divorce, depression – even if we are spiritually awake, once we are in a situation – we are not going to be looking at things from a lofty perspective. We will be deep in the experience – which can be very painful. It may take years or we may actually never figure out what the ‘lesson’ we were trying to have during that experience. So the key here is to always be compassionate to ourselves and others during a hard time. That last thing you want to say is “So why did you create that experience for yourself?” Even if you are awake and aware that you created that experience, we need to be mindful that these lessons can be difficult.

So let’s take an extreme example of the lesson of forgiveness. One perspective that I’ve heard about for instance is when someone is murdered. The people involved had a preplanned agreement to experience that interaction for the people involved to learn and experience forgiveness. I know that might sound like a radical example and I by no means wish to diminish anyone’s feelings. My intention is always to share a perspective with compassion.

So other experiences that we may have may help us have a better understanding of:

  • Courage/strength
  • Unconditional love
  • Trust
  • Self-worth

When it comes to relationships, my perspective is that we choose our family – our parents, siblings, children.

A lot of starseeds incarnated into certain ancestral lines to heal and clear those lines. So many of us find ourselves in dysfunctional families.

And there are certain key connections that you will make with people as well. So for me, when I met my Twin Flame – that was because we had a pre-planned agreement to meet at a certain time for him to trigger my Spiritual Awakening. And from my perspective, I had this weird jittery feeling inside when I met him because it was my soul recognizing his soul, however, I didn’t understand the meaning of that until much later.

So that’s one example of a pre-planned interaction of significance. Because once I was triggered to awaken spiritually – that changed the course of my life.

So what do we do with this information? Form my perspective, it helps me to stand back and look at things differently. What was my soul trying to learn? And as I mentioned earlier – we might not ever figure that out – but it allows me to try and look at things from a different angle rather than falling into victimhood.

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

Follow my Facebook page for posts, articles and updates on the Spiritual Journey


Here is my You Tube video where I discuss this article:

In love, light and gratitude,

Heather Burket