
Tachyon Chamber

During the spiritual awakening process, a large part of the process is about becoming more self-aware and this desire can lead one to different experiences.

One of the areas that you may be led to – is trying different healing modalities. I’ve tried a lot of different things over the years – traditional therapy, EFT, acupuncture, reiki, crystal bed therapy and even tesla coils – to name just a few. These different modalities are all helpful and serve different purposes in my opinion.

A few months back, I came across some posts by someone that I’d heard of, but really didn’t follow too closely – about this type of healing modality called “Tachyon Chambers.” It sounded interesting to me, so I looked it up online and found the information intriguing, so I found a location that wasn’t too far from me to try and book a session. They told me that they were not accepting appointments at that time, but they would keep me on a mailing list for when it was open.

The explanation of Tachyon energy and the chambers are that tachyons are energy – sub-atomic particles that are the highest frequency that can be combined with matter and that they can’t reach the earth because of the veil. This chamber allows you to receive the energy – which is supposed to increase energy, help start the healing process, assist in emotional, physical and mental well-being and serve as protection from harmful EMF. The effects are supposed to be permanent.

Recently, they emailed me to let me know that they had appointments open and had sessions available the first week of November. So, I signed up. One thing that I’ve learned about through the spiritual awakening process, is that your higher self, guides and your own intuition will help direct you to the experiences and information that are needed for your own growth. So, I go with the flow now if I feel drawn to something. I honestly don’t think too much about it. I invited a friend to see if she wanted to go with me – and she did.

We met a little before the session to catch up, then headed over the location of the chamber, which was in a person’s house. Again, I don’t think too much about these things – I just roll with it, but always be smart and listen to your intuition.

We were to text them once we arrived and then they would come to the side of the house to meet us, so that we wouldn’t disturb those in the chamber before us. So, we brought our stuff with us – blanket, pillow, and some bottles of water. As we made our way around to the back, I was just awestruck at the landscaping in the back yard. I am a plant person, so it was probably more impactful to me than some others, but it was truly a work of art – it was NOT typical landscaping. The entire backyard was taken up by beds that contained dry desert type plants – cacti, etc. I don’t even have the words to describe it, other than magical. There was a path, that wound around the back of the yard, with an elevated flower bed. Once you walked up the steps, you were on a patio that overlooked the garden, and the rolling hills that just happened to be where the sun was currently setting. It was just so peaceful, inspiring, and beautiful. As I looked closer at the details in the flower beds – there were large crystals!! There was one area that had these huge amethyst pieces and then the whole expanse of this same bed had these clear crystals that went across in the middle. Hidden in different places and on the patio were labradorite, kambaba jasper, aquamarine and some quartz pieces. It was just unbelievable. I would have loved to just sit out there and enjoy the peaceful tranquility of the garden.

So I’m just trying to set the scene on just how I knew as soon as I walked in the backyard – that this was where I was supposed to be, what I was supposed to experience.

As we walked in the house, they took us over to where the chamber was. It was in a small front room by the front of the house. When they say “chamber” what I believe that they are really referring to, is that it is contained within a room, there isn’t a box or anything else that it sounds like. Instead, there is a mattress on the floor with 4 poles, a crystal at the top, and some other crystals in the corners and sacred geometry was on the floor.

It’s only for one person at a time, and you need to bring your own blanket/towel and pillow. I had to scoot down underneath the poles so that I wouldn’t knock it out of alignment.

Once I laid down, they put this thing called a resonator on me – which looked like a brass dual megaphone with a crystal in the middle. They then put andara crystals on either side and then placed cintamani crystals on my 3rd eye, throat chakra and my heart chakra.

I was a little anxious – not knowing what to expect, but I tried to just relax and let the experience unfold. I have no idea timewise, but after a few minutes it seems, I felt this warm feeling on the underneath of my body, that was touching the mattress. At this point, I was a little frustrated thinking, ‘is this all that I’m going to feel?’

So, again – no idea, timewise, but at some point, where the resonator was located – near the center of my body  – I began to feel this odd sensation, like my body seemed to be expanding where this resonator was – rounded – like it was growing. It was a very curious feeling.

Then, I started to experience this really odd sensation of losing my sense of physical form – and that started to freak me out. I feel like I could tell I was still laying on the mattress, but the rest of my body – just felt like it had dissolved or something. I just was left with my own internal awareness. I tried to not freak out and tried to just breathe in and out calmly without knocking over the resonator.

Things started to get more interesting…I then began to feel this pressure on my 3rd eye, where the cintamani stone was – almost like someone’s thumb was pressing down, then I started to feel pressure on the sides of my temples. Again, during this – I have no idea the meaning, what is supposed to be happening, is it good, or bad…I am just trying to stay calm at this point.

And finally, the grand finale of the experience, where the resonator was, I actually started to feel like it was very hot, like burning, and I opened up my eye to just check to make sure I wasn’t on fire or anything – lol.

At this point, I was like, okay, this is enough, I have no idea what is happening, but feeling this intense heat is freaking me out. Even though they told me I could yell out at them for their attention, I didn’t want to be a weinie and just tried to telepathically tell them I had had enough and was ready to get out.

I think that worked, and they came back. I have no idea how long I was in there, it was supposed to be 30 min, but it felt longer than that. As they came in, my friend was standing there and I didn’t want to influence her experience, so I just said “that was intense”, as they removed the resonator and crystals off of me and I scooted out.

As I got up, I could tell I was very shaky, jittery, and felt very weird. They could tell that I was ungrounded and told me to sit outside and get grounded in the garden. So, I sat out there on the patio, in front of the labradorite table in the chair and relaxed a bit while the setting sun warmed my body. It felt so good to be out there.

After a while I got more settled internally and didn’t feel jittery anymore, so I went back inside where they did another treatment called a light mandala system. As I shared my experience with them, they wondered if I was clearing energy for the collective – which is why I felt the burning energy.

During my own journey, one of the things that is very notable is that I have a lot of experiences, but I really don’t know the meaning or message and so a lot of times I seek out others to help me with the interpretation. This is one area that I would like to improve upon.

As for the other experiences I had in the chamber, I really don’t know the meaning. I’m just kind of rolling with it, knowing that in time, I will piece everything together.

One thing that I do want to clarify – is that I am extremely sensitive to energy, so my experience was probably way more intense than other people’s. But I’ve also done a lot of things to raise my vibration over the past few years.

I asked my friend what they experienced, and she said that she could feel the energy – go across her forehead and then felt emotional. So, it definitely was helping her heal some emotional wounds.

I felt a bit disconnected afterwards. Talking in a coherent manner was challenging. I had an hour drive home – and that was also a bit challenging. I just felt a little out of it and still somewhat ungrounded. Normally I carry my black tourmaline with me to help with grounding– but of course I left it at home – ugh!

But I could definitely tell that I had more internal energy. My overall energy just felt stronger.

I felt somewhat energized, wasn’t ready to go to sleep that night, but slept pretty well. I woke up energized, but over the next few days, I think that the energy started to take effect and I had bouts of sleeplessness and fatigue while my body processed the energy. One notable thing was that my dog, that sleeps with me, seemed to be getting up and jumping up on one side of the bed and then the other through the night.

I wonder if my shift in energy affected him. One thing that I learned about after my Kundalini activation – is that when you have a large increase in energy, that it can bother you if you are sleeping with someone. For some reason, that increase in energy bothers you to the point where you can’t sleep in the same bed with them. I found that out years later, but thought it was interesting because I would move onto the couch, then the guest bed – I just played musical sleeping locations after my Kundalini was activated. So, I wondered if that was the case here – that my dog was being bothered by my energy or maybe I was bothered by his energy and waking up?

I was also exhausted for the next few days – very groggy. After a few days, I started to feel more balanced, but it definitely had an impact on me. I think that I am still getting adjusted to it. I have a feeling that I won’t be sleeping as much – which is good, because I can always use more time.

I will do a blog in a few months to discuss how this healing modality has impacted me longer term.

If you feel drawn to experience any healing modality, follow your intuition. You will be guided to what you need along your journey.

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket


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