
Transition to Crystal Aura

I thought I’d share a little information about what I have learned about myself from doing psychic readings.

Auras are our energetic signature. Some people can see them. I probably could if I tried, but I honestly don’t spend too much time practicing this. From what I understand, there are various different colors and those colors have different meanings (and these can vary from one person to another). So, you may come across different information from different people depending on how they interpret the colors.

The person that I resonate with the most regarding reading auras is Pamela Aaralyn. In fact, her website used to be called aura reader.

If you have been in the spiritual community, you have probably heard of the term “Indigos” and “Crystals.” And recently, the term “Rainbow” has come up regarding groups of souls that have certain colors and associated traits.

When I heard of the term Indigos – that always seemed to me to mean these were the system busters, the people who didn’t agree or align with the status-quo. I regarded them as leaders, who were more aware of the BS in which our typical lives unfold. I think they question our typical lifestyle of trying to acquire a bunch of crap and work for years at unfulfilling jobs. And I believe a lot of these people were waiting for the systems to fall, and it hasn’t yet, so they are rebelling and not necessarily going after the typical jobs and/or they choose their own path – one that is more in alignment with their soul. Maybe they decide to work some, then travel. They may also believe in having a simpler lifestyle – not just settling down into a large house that they are tied to for 30 years.

And then there are the Crystals. These are the sensitive souls. They are the ones that are here to help heal. In fact, Crystals are the most powerful healing type of souls because they can absorb and transmute other people’s energy. This may be controversial, and my intention is never to offend anyone, but I believe that a lot of the individuals that have been classified as ‘autistic’ are actually some of these highly evolved souls known as Crystals. I believe that they come into this world and this world is so different, so low energy as 3D and it’s almost like a shock to their system on a lot of different levels. From sounds, noises, chemicals, as well as the violence that exists on our planet.

Back in 2016, when I did one of my first readings, Magenta Pixie told me I was born an Indigo and was transitioning to Crystal. At the time, I really didn’t know what that meant. I had heard of these terms, but I didn’t understand the whole concept of transitioning.

Later, I did a reading with Pamela Aaralyn and she told me the same thing, except she said I was an “Aquamarine” aura transitioning to Crystal. She also said that I would either stay 50/50 or I would completely transition to Crystal. She also referred me to an article that she had written called “The Great Spiritual Awakening.” I actually didn’t read that article until sometime later – but once I did, it made so much sense!


According to Pamela, there was this overall plan for the Indigos to come in, blaze these new paths, and then the Crystals would come in, and help heal.

However, when the Crystals incarnated, a lot of them were not surviving to carry out the collective mission. So, the plan changed, for a lot of the Indigos, Aquamarines and others to transition to Crystal auras in order to keep the overall plan going.

What it feels like

Okay, so now I thought I’d talk a little bit about my own personal experience of what this has meant to me. I know I have always been someone who has been sensitive emotionally, but I’ve always been able to hide my emotions on the outside. I always kind of defined myself as a Scorpio with a poker face. I knew I was more sensitive on the inside – I just wouldn’t let people see that side of me. I would contain my emotions until I was in the comfort of my own environment.

However, I noticed in the last few years, I became VERY sensitive. In fact, I distinctly remember looking at a picture of a pink crystal on Pinterest and tears just started streaming down my face thinking that it was so beautiful. I think that was the first sign that I was like – okay, something weird is going on here. And as the months progressed, I started to get even more sensitive to stories – both good and bad. If it was a sad story, I would almost be traumatized and had some very tough times. Once I started to become more aware of this, I really, really backed off social media and my exposure to sad stories.

I would also get emotional to touching stories as well. The ones where the soldier reunites with their kids, the dog showing sadness when its owner died – I literally am getting choked up and crying right now as I even just THINK about this last scenario.

So, it doesn’t matter if it’s Pinterest, LinkedIN, Facebook – you name it, it has become a landmine for me emotionally. I have culled out friends that post sad stories, unfollowed everyone that posts anything remotely sad – even GOOD friends – I’m not kidding. I just can’t take it.

I’ve had coworkers start to tell me a sad story and I’ll start crying FOR THEM. It’s not even my situation, but I put myself in their shoes and just feel horrible. Now, I know this is an issue with boundaries – and I am working on that.


The emotional aspect has been the toughest. But the other aspects are becoming more sensitive to everything in general. I have noticed that I go through phases of my body becoming sensitive to chemicals. Here are a few examples – I have tasted preservatives in a popular low-calorie alcoholic beverage (I won’t name names here). All I could taste was the chemical.

I used to drink coffee with flavored creamer – it began to taste like chemicals to me, so I stopped using them.

When I eat eggs, I only eat organic, I’ve eaten eggs at someone else’s home, and they didn’t use organic eggs and the eggs tasted horrible – I couldn’t eat them. Sometimes cheese (like normal shredded cheese) tastes like plastic to me. Sometimes the smell of meat smells like a dead animal to me and makes me want to gag.

So, your body becomes more sensitive to chemicals and preservatives. Recently I ate a meat kielbasa that was made with gluten. I did not realize I was sensitive to gluten and had a very bad reaction that had me out for a least a day. At one point, I was doubled over with stomach pain.

If this is happening to you – you will need to listen to your body, your body will start telling you what is and isn’t okay to eat.

Sensitive to Crowds/People and Certain People

I have periods where I cannot be in crowds at all, like I might have an anxiety attack. And in general, I avoid crowds by going early in the morning or shopping online if I must be around people. My backyard has become my personal sanctuary where I recharge.

At some points I have felt like my energy almost rejects other people sometimes – like I don’t even have control over it. It is like my tolerance for other peoples BS is at its limit and I just can’t do it. To me, if they aren’t in alignment with my own energy – them my energy won’t have anything to do with theirs.

I’ve also felt the need to be alone – a lot!


Another thing that I’ve noticed is that certain fabrics get on my nerves. If fabric feels slimy or itchy – like it has some sort of synthetic fibers – then it gets on my nerves. I’ve heard a lot of people end up having to wear only organic cotton. It really depends on the persons level of sensitivity. I find myself only wanting to wear super comfortable clothes – not anything uncomfortable or anything irritating to me – it can even be the style of clothes – such as long flowy sleeves.


I have noticed that my dining room lights seem to flicker after I’ve had energy treatments and my energy is higher than normal. I usually just put out a few grounding crystals such as black tourmaline and hematite to even out everything. Recently, my car battery went out – I’m on my 3rd one and my car is only 4 years old, so I’m really wondering if I’m draining the energy out of it? I don’t know.

The spiritual awakening process overall to me is about becoming more self-aware. The more that we wake up and become in tune and in alignment with our true nature, then our surroundings and our experiences inevitably change. The key is to take note and follow your own intuition and guidance. There you will find your own sense of peace.

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

Here’s a video where I discuss this topic:

In love, light and gratitude,



Feeling Energy

One of the reasons I started this blog was to help provide answers/assistance to others on a Spiritual path. When my spiritual awakening happened, my Kundalini was activated which ended up opening me up pretty rapidly to psychic experiences. This included being very sensitive to energy. Things were kind of confusing at the onset, because I knew ‘something’ had happened related to my Twin Flame, but at the time I did not know it was a Kundalini activation nor did I know what all would happen. But one of the things that I started to experience was related to ‘feeling’ things and I thought it was connected to my Twin Flame. It was all very confusing. But before I get into more details about that, I’m just going to break down the various different energy experiences I’ve had and my current beliefs on what these experiences mean. As always – follow your own intuition for if my information resonates with you or not.

One of the frustrating things about this process is that it is hard to find information about what you experience. The way that I have learned is through listening and watching other people’s videos and reading books. However, a lot of the times, people will just throw out a nugget in the middle of an interview, or it is on a video where people are just asking random questions – so you end up just picking up information by chance. And good luck if you remember what video it was you were watching or what minute in the interview in case you want to go back and refresh your memory. So, I’m trying to develop articles about topics and name them appropriately so people can find the information that they are looking for – at least that is my hope…

  1. Energetic rushes throughout my body

I started to experience this actually before my spiritual awakening. My dog of 14 years died in December of 2013. In dealing with the grief, I would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and freak out realizing that he was gone. During those times, I would feel this energetic rush go throughout my body and I felt ‘love.’ The energy felt warm and comforting and definitely made me feel better. I always thought at that time, it was a sign from by dog, Bailey, that he was with me. Years later, I was watching a video by Psychic Bob and he said that these energetic rushes are your spirit guides way of raising your energy when you are in a low vibration due to grief/sadness. I thought that made sense. It’s comforting to know that we are receiving help – especially when we are going through hard times.

  1. Goosebump ‘touches’ or ‘Truth Bumps’

This was one of the experiences that I first had that was really confusing. I was always feeling like someone was touching the top of my forearms. Again – since I knew everything was happening because of meeting my twin flame, at one point I thought it was him touching me and it was freaking me out. I would look down and find this little round patch of goosebumps. From what I understand, that is your spirit guides and what they do is temporarily lower their energy in order to match yours in order to communicate with you. They are also called “truth bumps.” I’ve also experienced these while journaling and thinking about something and my spirit guides will ‘touch’ me to give me a ‘yes’ to what I was currently thinking. These experiences kind of come and go at this point. I still experience it, but it was very prevalent early on after my kundalini activation.

  1. Feeling light, no physical ‘body’

One of the ascension symptoms that I have felt is that when we get these incoming energy waves, sometimes I’m lying on my bed and I feel like I don’t have a physical body. It’s a very odd sensation, that is kind of cool, so when it’s happened, I’ve kind of just sat with that feeling. It’s like your body kind of disappears and you have an awareness of yourself, but the density of your physical body has lessened.

My body must have adjusted to the energy, because I haven’t felt this in a while, but it was very cool.

  1. Energetic Dust Bunnies

These are kind of funny. I came across that term at some point – and it really is apropos. Sometimes, I’ll feel almost like this little energy ball rolling down my arm. I believe that it is other people’s energy that has just kind of made its way into your energy field. I’m not exactly sure why, but my gut instinct is that that person might be relying a little bit too much on you, so their energy might just ‘stick’ on you. This is one of the reasons I’m an advocate for clearing your energetic field on a daily basis. It’s just a good practice.

  1. Physical touch – Hand on my arm

At one point, I had an Out of Body Experience and I remember as I was going back into my body, I remember thinking – oh, gosh I’m sliding down the bed, I’m going to run into my dog. That is when I felt this literal hand on my upper arm, grabbing me. I remember feeling freaked out and thinking “Please let me go, you are scaring me.” And then I felt the same energetic rush throughout my body after my dog had died like Experience No. 1. It felt like love and comfort. Later, I asked a psychic about this experience and they told me that when you go out of body, a lot of times, it’s a difficult transition to get back into the body, so your spirit guides have to help you sometimes. The energetic rush and feeling I experienced afterwards was them trying to let me know it’s okay – that it was them.

  1. Energy sensations – tingling – face

I am working with a crystal right now called a Sentient Plasma Quartz Crystal. There isn’t much information written about it. But, one of the things that I experience when I hold it and meditate with it is that it makes my face tingle. I’m assuming that it is moving energy. It feels much like when you feel your 3rd eye tingle when you meditate, except this is on my cheeks.

  1. Energetic rush – shape of a human

This is a cool one. I’ve felt it several times, and I felt this one quite recently. It’s an energetic rush that comes from the outside into your body, that is in the shape of a human, and sometimes it feels like they are hugging you. This is different than the energetic rush that goes through your body in Experience No.1. This one comes externally INTO your body. I believe that these are tied to people that we are involved with. I am not sure if it is their higher self or if it’s just their energy coming to you. But I believe that even though our ‘human’ selves might not physically be with one another, I believe our energy can have a will of its own and go where it damn well pleases – lol! I also feel that this experience happens when there is some deeper connection with another person. Maybe their 3D ego self acts like they are not interested, but either their higher self or some aspect of them has a different idea. So maybe they decide to come visit and give you a hug to let you know that they care about you.

  1. Psychic cording

Psychic cording is when we form energetic connections to other people through our chakras. These connections are not all bad, but sometimes they can be when other people have an unbalanced energetic pull on us and can drain our energy. We form them through our bonds with other people. So, I had this one experience where I actually felt someone cord to me. I feel like my whole spiritual awakening process is one big lesson. And I learned a lot from this particular experience. I think that are some people out there that are psychic, and they don’t know it, and they don’t know how powerful they are. In this case, I don’t think this person was actually aware at all of what they were doing – but I definitely think it is a pattern for them. I also learned that I apparently don’t have good energetic boundaries – lol! So, this person, was in general, emotionally needy. They looked at me very strongly and directly and the next thing I know, I feel this tug at my sacral chakra and I immediately felt sad and energetically drained. They had corded to me!!!!!!!!!! Of course, being naïve at the time, I immediately interpreted my experience to mean that ‘we must have had a past life together’ that’s why there is such a strong connection! However, later I realized no, that was someone cording to me and so I went through the process of cord cutting. Another energetic practice that I recommend on a daily basis.

  1. Scratch on face/touching

At one point, I woke up in the middle of the night because I felt what resembled a fingernail scratching my face. Needless to say, it was unnerving. My dog does sleep in the bed with me, but he was not the perp. I turned on the lights and honestly think I kept the lights on the rest of the night. I am not sure what that was – a ghost? What was funny about it, is that I keep a huge piece of selenite on my nightstand to keep spirits away from me while I sleep. However, I just HAPPENED to have left my large selenite piece upstairs the same night that happened. Coincidence? I don’t know.

Another thing that people might experience is someone touching them. I have not had this experience, but I have family members who have. I believe that these are ghosts. They are just trying to get your attention. I personally would be doing some activities to get them out of my house – but that’s just me – to each their own. I have a portal in my guest bedroom upstairs – so I know ‘spirits/entities’ come into my house, but I keep the energy clear in my home through various practices.

  1. Electrical currents

Okay, so this is an odd one. One of the people that I feel is very connected to the spirit realm and who is gifted in helping other through their tools, is Cassady Cayne. I started following her work and purchasing her tools back when I met my Twin Flame. She has a lot of great energy clearing tools. One of them is a meditation to listen to. While I was listening to it, the first time, I literally felt these electrical currents go down my back. I have no idea how this stuff works – but something was happening! I’m assuming that it was energy being moved in my body where it needed to be moved and/or energy clearing that needed to happen. It was very unusual, and I’ve only experienced it that one time, while listening to one of her audios.

  1. Warming sensation

I also experienced this while listening to the same audio by Cassady Cayne. In fact, in the audio, in the exact moment that I felt something – she asks, “Did you feel that?” It was an audio that was clearing the chakras, and when the audio came to the heart chakra – I felt this energy sensation much like when you put a healing ointment on – such as Ben Gay where it’s kind of a cool burn. Again – I believe that this is clearing out energy.

Kundalini Energy

  1. Champagne bubbles in sacral chakra

Before my Kundalini energy unwound, I had this experience of this bubbling type sensation in my sacral chakra area. I came across an article that described this energy experience as “champagne bubbles” and that is EXACTLY what it felt like. I only experienced this for maybe a couple of days before my Kundalini was activated fully.

  1. Kundalini ‘whip-like’ energy

Okay so this is an odd one, and not sure a lot of people will experience this, but if you have had your Kundalini activated, one of the things that can happen is that your body may jerk involuntarily. I’ve read different ways in which people may experience this – some people may have uncontrolled hand movements. For me, I have had these experiences where I’m laying in bed, and all of a sudden my entire body jerks and is lifted off of the bed rather violently and the best way I can describe it is whip-like, because it’s just quick and short. I noticed that this coincided when we had very strong energy waves. This happened a few years ago, and I haven’t had that those experiences recently. All I know is that it is related to Kundalini energy. I haven’t studied it that much to be honest. And that is one of the things – we just read and pick up what we can, there is just so much going on during a spiritual awakening – and it isn’t like you were taught about this growing up.

  1. Hyper energy

This is another experience related to Kundalini. Again – it’s very personal to each person, but I remember literally dancing around my house for 3 hours straight. You have all this energy and you don’t know what to do with it – so I ended up just dancing. However, the next day, I remember I couldn’t get out of bed – lol! I believe that you need to try and regulate these energy bursts – maybe through more structured means like running a bit, walking. Not going full on like I did and then burning yourself out.

So those are some examples of the various things that you may being to experience related to energy. I think it’s great that there are people out there that understand what the meaning is when things happen – however, that really hasn’t been my experience. I experience things and then try to figure out the meaning. I hope what I’ve shared has helped you if you are

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

experiencing something similar.

Here is my You Tube video where I discuss this article:

In love, light and gratitude,



Spiritual Awakening – An Overview

My intention with this blog is to help others who may be going through a Spiritual Awakening process and might not understand what is happening and need support on their journey. I intend to try to explain things in a somewhat logical order although that won’t always be the case as this topic has a lot of twists and turns.

So what is a Spiritual Awakening? Spiritual Awakening is an awakening to who you truly are as a soul. It is happening collectively, but it is an individual process. And the process is different for everyone. For some – it can be dramatic – as in a Kundalini Awakening. For others, it may just start as a feeling of discontent and/or you may begin to question things. And then there are others who are born ‘awake’ but that is rare.

Since everyone is at a different place, I’ll begin with some basics of what you may be experiencing:

  • You may feel upsetting emotions (anger, sadness, fear) that you can’t exactly determine why you feel that way
  • You may begin to feel disconnected from those around you – like you don’t really enjoy their company anymore. This can apply to friends, coworkers and even family members. And this feeling of disconnection can make you feel very lonely.
  • You may have odd sleeping patterns – waking up in the middle of the night and unable to go back to sleep.
  • You may experience bouts of fatigue and/or anxiety
  • Your body may become sensitive to certain foods, alcohol, and products
  • You may begin to notice that you see the same numbers like 11:11 and other repeating numbers like 333, 444, etc.
  • You may be to experience a myriad of different physical symptoms (I’ll discuss more in another article)
  • You may develop a sudden interest in your health – such as becoming vegetarian, vegan and learning more about mindfulness and alternative forms of healing – such as yoga, meditation and acupuncture
  • You may become interested in learning more about esoteric topics
  • You work may become so dissatisfying that you may begin to question your current line of work
  • You may begin to feel out of control emotionally – dark night of the soul
  • You may experience vivid dreams
  • You may begin to experience more supernatural types of experiences such as
    • Seeing or feeling spirits or entities
    • Seeing energy such as auras around people
    • Hearing voices
    • Having out of body experiences

What is happening is that you are becoming more in alignment with your true self – what resonates with you who you truly are and becoming more aware of the Truth that has been hidden from you. As you begin this process, every area of your life becomes into clear focus for review to determine if it matches you. If not, it will be released to allow that which does to enter your life.

You will start to seek others, either consciously or unconsciously that are similar to you – that match your current vibration.

You soul will begin to direct the course of your life.

Once you realize what is happening, things will start to make more sense. I had a lot of issues early on because I had my 3rd eye open due to a Kundalini Awakening. It was experiencing a lot of supernatural things and couldn’t figure out how to make it stop. I was afraid to go to sleep at night. I don’t think most people are experiencing that, but I do plan to discuss that in more detail in a later article.

Besides all of the weird phenomenon I was experiencing, the most difficult part was not having anyone to talk about who could provide any explanation or to assist me in this process. What ended up helping me the most – emotionally – was finding other like-minded people that I could learn from and share information and to provide emotional support. It was probably the single best thing that helped me – as being isolated during this process makes it extremely challenging.

So fear not! We are all on this journey together! Although the process can be challenging, the rewards of living in alignment with your true self is worth the struggles you may encounter. My intention is to provide as much information and tools as possible to assist you on this journey!

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

Here’s my video on this topic:

In love, light and gratitude!
