
Feeling Energy

One of the reasons I started this blog was to help provide answers/assistance to others on a Spiritual path. When my spiritual awakening happened, my Kundalini was activated which ended up opening me up pretty rapidly to psychic experiences. This included being very sensitive to energy. Things were kind of confusing at the onset, because I knew ‘something’ had happened related to my Twin Flame, but at the time I did not know it was a Kundalini activation nor did I know what all would happen. But one of the things that I started to experience was related to ‘feeling’ things and I thought it was connected to my Twin Flame. It was all very confusing. But before I get into more details about that, I’m just going to break down the various different energy experiences I’ve had and my current beliefs on what these experiences mean. As always – follow your own intuition for if my information resonates with you or not.

One of the frustrating things about this process is that it is hard to find information about what you experience. The way that I have learned is through listening and watching other people’s videos and reading books. However, a lot of the times, people will just throw out a nugget in the middle of an interview, or it is on a video where people are just asking random questions – so you end up just picking up information by chance. And good luck if you remember what video it was you were watching or what minute in the interview in case you want to go back and refresh your memory. So, I’m trying to develop articles about topics and name them appropriately so people can find the information that they are looking for – at least that is my hope…

  1. Energetic rushes throughout my body

I started to experience this actually before my spiritual awakening. My dog of 14 years died in December of 2013. In dealing with the grief, I would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and freak out realizing that he was gone. During those times, I would feel this energetic rush go throughout my body and I felt ‘love.’ The energy felt warm and comforting and definitely made me feel better. I always thought at that time, it was a sign from by dog, Bailey, that he was with me. Years later, I was watching a video by Psychic Bob and he said that these energetic rushes are your spirit guides way of raising your energy when you are in a low vibration due to grief/sadness. I thought that made sense. It’s comforting to know that we are receiving help – especially when we are going through hard times.

  1. Goosebump ‘touches’ or ‘Truth Bumps’

This was one of the experiences that I first had that was really confusing. I was always feeling like someone was touching the top of my forearms. Again – since I knew everything was happening because of meeting my twin flame, at one point I thought it was him touching me and it was freaking me out. I would look down and find this little round patch of goosebumps. From what I understand, that is your spirit guides and what they do is temporarily lower their energy in order to match yours in order to communicate with you. They are also called “truth bumps.” I’ve also experienced these while journaling and thinking about something and my spirit guides will ‘touch’ me to give me a ‘yes’ to what I was currently thinking. These experiences kind of come and go at this point. I still experience it, but it was very prevalent early on after my kundalini activation.

  1. Feeling light, no physical ‘body’

One of the ascension symptoms that I have felt is that when we get these incoming energy waves, sometimes I’m lying on my bed and I feel like I don’t have a physical body. It’s a very odd sensation, that is kind of cool, so when it’s happened, I’ve kind of just sat with that feeling. It’s like your body kind of disappears and you have an awareness of yourself, but the density of your physical body has lessened.

My body must have adjusted to the energy, because I haven’t felt this in a while, but it was very cool.

  1. Energetic Dust Bunnies

These are kind of funny. I came across that term at some point – and it really is apropos. Sometimes, I’ll feel almost like this little energy ball rolling down my arm. I believe that it is other people’s energy that has just kind of made its way into your energy field. I’m not exactly sure why, but my gut instinct is that that person might be relying a little bit too much on you, so their energy might just ‘stick’ on you. This is one of the reasons I’m an advocate for clearing your energetic field on a daily basis. It’s just a good practice.

  1. Physical touch – Hand on my arm

At one point, I had an Out of Body Experience and I remember as I was going back into my body, I remember thinking – oh, gosh I’m sliding down the bed, I’m going to run into my dog. That is when I felt this literal hand on my upper arm, grabbing me. I remember feeling freaked out and thinking “Please let me go, you are scaring me.” And then I felt the same energetic rush throughout my body after my dog had died like Experience No. 1. It felt like love and comfort. Later, I asked a psychic about this experience and they told me that when you go out of body, a lot of times, it’s a difficult transition to get back into the body, so your spirit guides have to help you sometimes. The energetic rush and feeling I experienced afterwards was them trying to let me know it’s okay – that it was them.

  1. Energy sensations – tingling – face

I am working with a crystal right now called a Sentient Plasma Quartz Crystal. There isn’t much information written about it. But, one of the things that I experience when I hold it and meditate with it is that it makes my face tingle. I’m assuming that it is moving energy. It feels much like when you feel your 3rd eye tingle when you meditate, except this is on my cheeks.

  1. Energetic rush – shape of a human

This is a cool one. I’ve felt it several times, and I felt this one quite recently. It’s an energetic rush that comes from the outside into your body, that is in the shape of a human, and sometimes it feels like they are hugging you. This is different than the energetic rush that goes through your body in Experience No.1. This one comes externally INTO your body. I believe that these are tied to people that we are involved with. I am not sure if it is their higher self or if it’s just their energy coming to you. But I believe that even though our ‘human’ selves might not physically be with one another, I believe our energy can have a will of its own and go where it damn well pleases – lol! I also feel that this experience happens when there is some deeper connection with another person. Maybe their 3D ego self acts like they are not interested, but either their higher self or some aspect of them has a different idea. So maybe they decide to come visit and give you a hug to let you know that they care about you.

  1. Psychic cording

Psychic cording is when we form energetic connections to other people through our chakras. These connections are not all bad, but sometimes they can be when other people have an unbalanced energetic pull on us and can drain our energy. We form them through our bonds with other people. So, I had this one experience where I actually felt someone cord to me. I feel like my whole spiritual awakening process is one big lesson. And I learned a lot from this particular experience. I think that are some people out there that are psychic, and they don’t know it, and they don’t know how powerful they are. In this case, I don’t think this person was actually aware at all of what they were doing – but I definitely think it is a pattern for them. I also learned that I apparently don’t have good energetic boundaries – lol! So, this person, was in general, emotionally needy. They looked at me very strongly and directly and the next thing I know, I feel this tug at my sacral chakra and I immediately felt sad and energetically drained. They had corded to me!!!!!!!!!! Of course, being naïve at the time, I immediately interpreted my experience to mean that ‘we must have had a past life together’ that’s why there is such a strong connection! However, later I realized no, that was someone cording to me and so I went through the process of cord cutting. Another energetic practice that I recommend on a daily basis.

  1. Scratch on face/touching

At one point, I woke up in the middle of the night because I felt what resembled a fingernail scratching my face. Needless to say, it was unnerving. My dog does sleep in the bed with me, but he was not the perp. I turned on the lights and honestly think I kept the lights on the rest of the night. I am not sure what that was – a ghost? What was funny about it, is that I keep a huge piece of selenite on my nightstand to keep spirits away from me while I sleep. However, I just HAPPENED to have left my large selenite piece upstairs the same night that happened. Coincidence? I don’t know.

Another thing that people might experience is someone touching them. I have not had this experience, but I have family members who have. I believe that these are ghosts. They are just trying to get your attention. I personally would be doing some activities to get them out of my house – but that’s just me – to each their own. I have a portal in my guest bedroom upstairs – so I know ‘spirits/entities’ come into my house, but I keep the energy clear in my home through various practices.

  1. Electrical currents

Okay, so this is an odd one. One of the people that I feel is very connected to the spirit realm and who is gifted in helping other through their tools, is Cassady Cayne. I started following her work and purchasing her tools back when I met my Twin Flame. She has a lot of great energy clearing tools. One of them is a meditation to listen to. While I was listening to it, the first time, I literally felt these electrical currents go down my back. I have no idea how this stuff works – but something was happening! I’m assuming that it was energy being moved in my body where it needed to be moved and/or energy clearing that needed to happen. It was very unusual, and I’ve only experienced it that one time, while listening to one of her audios.

  1. Warming sensation

I also experienced this while listening to the same audio by Cassady Cayne. In fact, in the audio, in the exact moment that I felt something – she asks, “Did you feel that?” It was an audio that was clearing the chakras, and when the audio came to the heart chakra – I felt this energy sensation much like when you put a healing ointment on – such as Ben Gay where it’s kind of a cool burn. Again – I believe that this is clearing out energy.

Kundalini Energy

  1. Champagne bubbles in sacral chakra

Before my Kundalini energy unwound, I had this experience of this bubbling type sensation in my sacral chakra area. I came across an article that described this energy experience as “champagne bubbles” and that is EXACTLY what it felt like. I only experienced this for maybe a couple of days before my Kundalini was activated fully.

  1. Kundalini ‘whip-like’ energy

Okay so this is an odd one, and not sure a lot of people will experience this, but if you have had your Kundalini activated, one of the things that can happen is that your body may jerk involuntarily. I’ve read different ways in which people may experience this – some people may have uncontrolled hand movements. For me, I have had these experiences where I’m laying in bed, and all of a sudden my entire body jerks and is lifted off of the bed rather violently and the best way I can describe it is whip-like, because it’s just quick and short. I noticed that this coincided when we had very strong energy waves. This happened a few years ago, and I haven’t had that those experiences recently. All I know is that it is related to Kundalini energy. I haven’t studied it that much to be honest. And that is one of the things – we just read and pick up what we can, there is just so much going on during a spiritual awakening – and it isn’t like you were taught about this growing up.

  1. Hyper energy

This is another experience related to Kundalini. Again – it’s very personal to each person, but I remember literally dancing around my house for 3 hours straight. You have all this energy and you don’t know what to do with it – so I ended up just dancing. However, the next day, I remember I couldn’t get out of bed – lol! I believe that you need to try and regulate these energy bursts – maybe through more structured means like running a bit, walking. Not going full on like I did and then burning yourself out.

So those are some examples of the various things that you may being to experience related to energy. I think it’s great that there are people out there that understand what the meaning is when things happen – however, that really hasn’t been my experience. I experience things and then try to figure out the meaning. I hope what I’ve shared has helped you if you are

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

experiencing something similar.

Here is my You Tube video where I discuss this article:

In love, light and gratitude,




The concept of dimensions really intrigues me, but I’ll admit I haven’t been able to explore this topic very much. There are a lot of rabbit holes to go down. However, it’s important to have a basic understanding and I can share what I’ve learned thus far.

We came to Earth to experience the 3D world. Most of us would not be able to handle experiencing the other dimensions and the beings in these other dimensions while on Earth. However, some people came in with the blue print (or soul plan) to be fully open and aware of beings that exist in other dimensions and while here on Earth.

I think a majority of us operate from our current ‘life’ within this 3D world. We are fully rooted in this 3D life – families, school, careers, friends, etc. Most of us have probably have the perspective that we have a soul and that when we die, our soul carries on – in Heaven, or somewhere – out there in space – lol! However, once we start to awaken spiritually, we really begin to expand our awareness to the vastness of existence and how maybe we are not as ‘alone’ as we think. It reframes our world and our place in it.

Everyone’s spiritual awakening process is different. For mine, I’m reminded of that funny skit on Saturday Night Live where 2 people had 2 completely different experiences of being abducted by aliens. One was bathed in light and felt like they were wrapped in pure love. The other one ended up peeing over a bowl and had her boobs batted back and forth by an alien. Lol! My experience wasn’t involving aliens, however, it was similar in that I didn’t experience the bliss like euphoric state and see angels that some people experience during their awakening. In fact, it was quite the opposite. I ended up opening up initially to the 4th dimension – which is the place of nightmares.

And again, each of us has our own journey and our own reasons and purpose for what we experience. But before we get into the dimensions, let’s talk a little a bit about them in general.

Seeing into Dimensions

We are used to focusing on tangible objects in our environment. But there are beings and things in other dimensions around you all of the time. When it comes to dimensions and experiences though, I do see some stuff that I am not sure what dimension it is in. One of the techniques that you can try to see into other dimensions, is to unfocus your eyes while you are lying down on your bed at night. As long as there is a little bit of light coming in, you should start to see shapes moving about. I’ve seen things moving around – but I don’t know what they are. Kelli Coffee has referred to it at one time as “space junk.” One time I remember seeing what resembled sea kelp hanging down and moving gently side to side from my ceiling.

Being a Fractal

It’s also important to bring up at this time, the concept of you as a “Fractal.” We tend to think of ourselves as our physical body, when in fact, that is just one aspect of ourselves. Have you heard of the concept of your ‘higher self?’ That would be a fractal of yourself that exists in another dimension. There are other fractals existing in other dimensions as well, but most people are just focused on the one that is playing the more important role for them now, which would be the higher self.

4th Dimension

So now I’ll discuss what I’ve experienced and have come to understand about the 4th dimension. There are beings in the 4th dimension that are not connected to Source. They are projections of energy that have manifested in some form – from black shadows (roundish) to more complex demonic beings. I have experienced a lot of different ‘beings’ in this dimension – but I’ll save that for another article. In the 4th dimension, since these beings are not connected to source, they need to ‘feed’ off of others energy in order to sustain themselves. I believe, but am not 100% sure on this, that this is also where manifestation begins. So before we create into our 3D reality, we put forth our words and thoughts. It’s important for us to understand this because there is a lag time between what we think and what we manifest. In the 5D experience, it is immediate. I’ve noticed this in particular lately, where I think of something, and it immediately appears, so this is kind of a training ground for us to be more mindful of our thoughts, because in time, there will not be a time lag between thought and manifestation.

5th Dimension

The 5th Dimension is what we are evolving to. The 5th dimension is where we lose duality, we no longer see ourselves as separate as others. It is all about love. I’ve personally noticed lately in the last few months, this bliss like state being more frequent. However, it also appears that the lows seem to be a deeper low. So it’s super high, then it drops down. It’s a process – we are all continually evolving.

Now I’ll share what I’ve experienced in 5D. During my trip to Bimini (Atlantis), I had one experience where everything in the hotel room became outlined in blue lines and intermittent blue circles. It was very odd and only lasted for a few seconds. It reminded me of that movie Tron with the straight lines. A few months later, I came across a video where Kelli Coffee was showing a video with those same blue lines/circles. She said that she sees those in the 5th dimension! So that was validation for me. Also, sometime later I came across an article by Lisa Transcendance Brown and she had pictures showing the exact same thing.

6th Dimension and higher

In the higher dimensions, ‘form’ becomes more about geometry and lights. As you increase in dimensions, this is an increase in vibration. When you hear about people ‘seeing’ Angels, etc. it is because they take on a recognizable form so that they won’t freak you out, and because it is what is familiar to you. There is a really funny video where Kelli Coffee talks about Archangel Michael and he ends up showing up in her living room. She then realizes that he also takes the form of a blue light, which is his true form. It’s really a great video and highly entertaining to watch.

Phillip on the Naked Truth with Kelli Coffee


So let’s now talk about a few other things in other dimensions.


Ghosts are Earthbound spirits. They are not in the 3D world. According to Psychic Bob – they are stuck, they have not gone to the light. It is not a good place to be in. He refers to it as Purgatory.. Whatever location you want to call it, they are definitely around in our spaces. I’ve had a few experiences with Earthbound spirits – most were okay, but one was not cool. However, now I have more knowledge and power and am not afraid. Ghosts are disembodied spirits that you can communicate with, you can sometimes see them or feel their presence. They can also touch you and throw things – if they have enough power. The main thing that you want to know about ghosts is that you shouldn’t be afraid of them. They are actually suffering.

If you are interested in learning more about ghosts – I highly recommend that you check out this video by Psychic Bob where he covers the basics and goes into further details about why some people end up as ‘ghosts.’

Psychic Bob Explains Ghosts


Sparkly Lights

I’ve had experiences where I’ve seen small multi-colored lights flitting around in my room. In fact, my dog was also watching it and following it with his head. I believe that these are spirits. These were really cool experiences actually.


From what I understand, orbs are spirits that are traveling through dimensions, so they can take that form in order to travel.

So that’s my understanding of Dimensions at this time. Again – it’s a topic that I really want to explore some more once I get a chance, because I find it fascinating. But it’s very important to have a basic understanding when you start to awaken, because as we grow and evolve spiritually, you may encounter beings in other dimensions. Our ‘reality’ is not what we’ve been taught to believe.

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

Please follow my Facebook page where I post these articles,  videos and updates on the spiritual journey. Please share your experiences there!


Here is my You Tube video where I discuss this article. Please subscribe to my Channel “Tropica Exotica” if my information resonates with you!

In love, light and gratitude,



Kundalini Activation – Psychic Experiences

One of the things that you may begin to experience as you begin your spiritual awakening process is that your psychic abilities may open. Everyone’s experience will vary, but some people may open quickly and that can cause a lot of emotional distress.
One thing that people may not be aware of, is that everyone has these capabilities. We tend to think of psychics as people who are ‘gifted’ with special abilities, however, we all have these abilities – it’s just a matter of developing them. Some people incarnated here with their abilities already developed because of their soul’s blueprint. There are a few reasons why we don’t all experience these abilities:

1) Belief systems – belief systems are extremely important, because we create our own reality through our thoughts, words, actions and most importantly – our feelings. So, if we believe that we don’t have them – then that is true for us – because we shape our own reality.

2) Fear – the ability to experience beings in other dimensions may cause fear in us because we don’t understand it and it may freak us out, thereby limiting our ability to experience those other realms

3) Pineal gland calcification – our pineal gland (also known as the third eye) is the main source of these abilities. Through various means – our pineal gland can become calcified over time, which will inhibit these abilities. One of the main causes is through fluoride in our water and toothpastes.

For most of us, we usually have a primary gift or two. If you want to open your psychic abilities, there are several things that you can do:

1) Evaluate your belief systems
2) Begin meditating
3) Put the intention out to the Universe through thoughts or statements “I have psychic abilities, I am psychic, etc.”

4) Work with a spiritual teacher
5) Research through videos, books, etc. and begin their specific practices or techniques
6) Reduce fluoride exposure
7) Research pineal gland decalcification practices – such as eating cilantro, raw cacao, etc.
8) Incorporate crystals that enhance psychic abilities such as amethyst, (pictured), lapis lazuli, labradorite, apatite and iolite are a few

So, what exactly are these abilities? Here are a few of the more common ones:

• To feel – Clairsentience
• To see – Clairvoyance
• To know – Claircognizance
• To hear – Clairaudience
• To smell – Clairolfactance

I’ll go over a few of the psychic experiences that I had after I had my Kundalini activation, which triggered my third eye opening (pineal gland activation).
One of the first things that happened psychically, was that I began to see black and white swirling patterns with my eyes closed as well as opened. I believe that this represented the yin and yang energy – masculine and feminine energy.


My clairaudience abilities also began to open and I started to hear what sounded like static – like in between radio stations. I felt like I could hear something being said, but I couldn’t quite hear it. One technique I’ve since learned about – is to act like you are physically turning a knob on the side of the head to see if that helps focus the sound so that you can hear clearly.

One of the more unnerving things that I began to experience was hearing disembodied voices. I remember trying to sleep at night and heard someone say “F” you – in my ear. I also remember someone in a British voice saying “hello.” I’ve heard my mom say my name, I’ve heard what sounded like a door opening in another dimension. Oddly, I also heard what sounded like a toilet lid slamming down. Some months later, I heard that while in hotel in Fort Lauderdale that apparently had very thin walls.

My guest bedroom has a closet that I always felt had weird energy located in the top of the closet. I can’t really explain the feeling, it just felt different. During one of my ‘no sleeping’ episodes, I had gone upstairs to sleep. While hanging out in bed, I began to hear someone that appeared to be walking across the attic – right where that weird energy was located. The attic boards were creaking very loudly, and I was fully expecting someone to just come walking out of the closet. Oddly, I was not afraid. Later, I asked a well-known psychic about that experience. She told me that was a portal, and I was hearing a ghost (an earthbound spirit).

One unusual thing that I also experienced was that I started to smell these phantom smells – smells that did not come from my personal physical experience. Some of the random scents that I experienced included: basil, mint, bubblegum, cigarette smoke, poop, sage burning and fresh baked cookies.

I also began to be more sensitive to energy. Some of this increased sensitivity included feeling energy coming through my body – which appeared to be in the same shape/form as a human. I normally felt this come through from my right-hand side. I’ll be honest – I’m not sure what that was about. I also began to experience these energetic touches – which looked like a small circle of goosebumps – that normally appeared on my forearms. I have since come to believe that these are a few different things. One thing is that I think your spirit guides temporarily lower their vibration in order to meet yours causing “Truth bumps.” So, this is feedback to let you know whatever you had been thinking about when you experienced these sensations is true. I’ve also experienced what I believe are ‘energetic dust bunnies’ which feels like a light energetic touch running down your arm. I’m not exactly sure why this happens, but I believe it’s associated with people in your environment who’s energy attaches to you – for some reason.

Negative Entities
One of the more startling experiences I had – were interactions with negative entities. One evening I was trying to go to sleep and saw this small oval to round shape – about 1 foot long, fly across my body – near my stomach. I also saw it fly down the side of my bed when I was turning over towards the side of my bed. Later, I got up to use the restroom and saw a black shadow hovering near the ceiling. Once I looked at it, it disappeared. Sometime later, I decided to go see a reiki practitioner. After the session was over, she told me that I had two negative entities attached to me, but that she removed them. She explained that they are drawn to my light. I have since learned that once we open spiritually, and probably more so in a Kundalini activation, that our light suddenly gets brighter and becomes visible to the other realms. As we also open psychically, we can begin to see and experience them. So, these little entities are not connected to Source and so need our energy in order to sustain themselves. Although they were startling at first, their behavior was playful and mischievous.

I also experienced a traumatic event with a negative entity. I was again, not able to sleep and so had gone upstairs to the guest bedroom. I was in the hypnagogic state – which is where you are half asleep, half awake. I remember hearing these what sounded like claws, on the wooden floor on the 2nd floor where I was sleeping. I remember thinking to myself, well that can’t be the dog, because I blocked him off from coming upstairs, when suddenly, I saw this large black cloud going back and forth across the ceiling in the bedroom above me.

It had an oblong shaped ‘body’ and another round smaller area, which would be the ‘head.’ All I remember is being utterly terrified. I could see it, and I couldn’t move. I was trapped and it kept on going back and forth across the ceiling. In my mind, I was calling every person I could think of – Jesus, Mary, Archangel Michael, and no one was helping me. I was just trapped there. Once I finally ‘woke up’ my heart and chest were pounding so much – it was like I had just run 5 miles (and I don’t run). I went back downstairs to try and sleep. Later, I had asked a few psychics about these experiences. They basically said that some people have these experiences because they are going to help other people. You must understand the full landscape that exists in these realms to be able to work with them in order to help people.

Precognitive Dreams
Another ability that you may begin to experience is precognitive dreams. Precognitive dreams are dreams about events that are going to occur. I usually experience these right as I’m drifting off to sleep and they are usually startling. I experienced these before my Kundalini activation as well. One of the dreams I had was I saw blood on my big toe – like it had been cut. A few days later, I went to acupuncture and she hit a vessel on my big toe, and it started to bleed. (this isn’t normal during acupuncture in case anyone is wondering)

I also had a vision of a dog running out in front of a car. Again, this was very startling. Later, I ended up seeing a dog run in front of a car, but it did not get hit. Sadly, I heard that this dog eventually did end up getting hit and killed by a car.

Out of Body Experiences (OBEs)
Out of body experiences are really cool. You have an astral body that can project and leave your physical body. You feel free from your physical body and you just ‘fly’ through space and objects. One OBE that I had, I left my body and was traveling through this gray tunnel. The tunnel had writing on the wall. I remember being excited thinking that these were the Akashic records. (Akashic records are records of everything that has happened to you as a soul). As I slowed down to read what it said, there was a light on the words as I was trying to read it. But for some reason, as soon as I started to read it, I was whisked away to another area and never got to read it. As I was going back into my body, I remember doing this funny little loop above my body before I went back into my physical body. As I was going back in my body, I remember feeling like I was sliding down to the edge of the bed at the bottom. I remember thinking “I’m going to run into my dog” because he was sleeping at the foot of the bed. While this was happening, I remember feeling a physical hand grab my upper arm. I remember being scared and told them “please let me go, you are scaring me.” As I got back into my body, I felt this energetic rush and I felt this sense of love. Later, I asked a psychic about this experience and she told me that getting back into the body can be difficult and a lot of times your spirit guides must help you. She said that the energetic rush and feeling of love was them communicating to me to let me know it was okay and it was them.


• I would save up a list and ask a psychic about some of the experiences that you have so that you can have a better understanding of their meaning. People that I’ve done readings with and recommend Pamela Aaralyn, Magenta Pixie (not sure if she still does personal readings), and Psychic Bob.
• If you are having a bunch of psychic experiences and it is causing you distress – I’d recommend being grounded – this will help minimize the experiences. Your top chakras may be too open.

o Walk on the ground barefoot, or put your feet on the ground outside while sitting on a chair, etc.
o Do various grounding techniques – such as visualization
o Keep black tourmaline on you or any other grounding crystal (smoky quartz, hematite, red jasper)
o Burn sage throughout your house to keep the space energetically clear
o I also use the violet flame – I just imagine a violet flame engulfing me, my house and my yard – energy work is all about intention.

• If you encounter unwelcome spirits, just ask them to leave (you can do this telepathically or state it out loud “I ask you to leave my space immediately”). One thing that I’ve been taught to say regarding negative entities is “I invoke the I Am in me and ask you to leave in the name of Jesus Christ.”
• You can work with a healer

While psychic abilities are useful, they can also cause distress until you understand the meaning and have better control in utilizing these abilities. Some of us are thrown headfirst into these experiences and so just wing it until we figure it out. The main thing to know is that you are a sovereign being and can manage your interactions with entities in other realms. I had to learn that and now I feel more comfortable – but I certainly did not in the beginning. See other articles on Kundalini down below

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

Here is my video on this topic

Kundalini activation through meeting Twin Flame

Kundalini Activation through meeting Twin Flame

Kundalini activation – Twin Flame Dreams, Snake Dreams

Kundalini Activation – Dreams, Snake Dreams, and Twin Flame Dreams

In love, light and gratitude,
Heather Burket