
Challenging Energies

Happy Easter everyone! Hope everyone is enjoying their Easter Sunday! Wherever you are in the world – I wish you a peaceful day! Now onto today’s blog post – on of all things – challenging energies that we are currently experiencing.

As a little backstory – my awakening happened in earnest starting back in 2014. During those next few years, after my Kundalini was activated, I experienced the process where the energies start burning through all of your chakras forcing you to look at yourself, your life and open your eyes to a lot of different things.

As I eventually learned over the years, although my process was triggered by Kundalini, which is a more intense process, everyone is experiencing energy ‘upgrades’ by the incoming photonic energy which I talk about here.

Spiritual Awakening – Why? Our Place in the Universe – Heather Burket

This energy has been reaching the planet and has been increasing over the years. This energy is bringing darkness to light – the Age of Aquarius. This energy forces people to look at themselves and address their shadows. Many of us have been doing the healing work for many years. I personally have done pretty much most healing modalities from traditional therapy, EFT, acupuncture, Tachyon chamber, crystal beds, healing sound bowls and many more.

I am aware of this process and so when I see headlines about people acting out, people killing themselves and other atrocities, I am aware of the intensity of these energies on people and those who have not done the inner work. I also know that everyone has their own soul path and plan and what they want to experience. I’ve observed people driving on the highway like they are in a Hollywood movie, and they are immune to crashing. Yesterday, I had someone in a very small vehicle, come out of nowhere, pass the car behind me to barely get behind me before almost crashing head on into another vehicle. And then I see them wave their hands around in the air frustrated. As the lanes expanded to 2, they proceeded to speed up and race off. This is just one example I’ve seen where people have been completely unhinged, but I see people driving like it’s a full moon almost everyday weaving in and out of traffic.

I send them love and ask Archangel Michael to protect them. Not sure if that is crossing a boundary or not, but I figure it can’t hurt. These energies are challenging and the outer changes, restrictions, and everything that has come about in the last few years really has put a lot of people in less than stellar mental health.

Even for me, I think that I have done so much work and yet sometimes I feel like I am like one of those cartoons where I am sliding into home base, except for I’m bumbling and tripping along the way even though I am so close….

I remember a year or so ago, one of my friends had recommended this I think it was a 6-week, weekly audio course that used light language. Light language in case you haven’t heard of it, is language that people can speak, that sounds like gibberish basically (lol) that is somewhat channeled through them that affects your DNA. So, there isn’t really a translation to it. Anyway, in one session, I had the great idea to hold my powerful sentient plasma quartz (a very powerful quartz crystal – I talk about in this blog post

My Top 5 Crystal Experiences – Tropica Exotica, LLC

while listening to light language.)

So shortly after that, as I was going to sleep, my body jerked like I had been hit by a cattle prod, which is one of the effects of Kundalini energy – that is not regulated properly. I had experienced it a few times, so I knew that was what it was. (Other people experience beautiful hand movements called mudras, but not me…apparently.) Then, during my sleep, I woke up at one point and started to experience these weird light movements in my head? Kind of hard to explain, but it almost reminded me of when you turn on a robot or something and all these lights start going on and moving around in these patterns. It was very odd. However, I thought it must be something good – maybe something was activating? I don’t know.

However, the next day, I remember feeling like I was about to have a nervous breakdown. I remember walking up my stairs, thinking I can’t do this anymore. I think it’s interesting how I remember experiencing extreme emotional upset, but afterwards, it is really hard to remember that pain, but I know it was extremely difficult.

Well luckily, the person that was giving the course talked about just how hard it was for them as well after that last session. Even though I felt like I had done so much inner work – I still felt completely taken aback by just how much emotional pain I was experiencing, and I honestly didn’t even know the cause from doing that light language healing. I can only assume it was some buried pain that the light language help dredge up and release.

Fast forward to today and the energies that are coming through now are STILL difficult. Over the years I’ve learned a lot of things about myself regarding being sensitive to energy. One is that I am an empath, I can’t believe I didn’t realize that until so late in life. Seems like everyone knows of that term now.

The other is that I found out that I had been transitioning to a Crystal Aura the last few years (Transition to Crystal Aura – Heather Burket) which makes me an uber sensitive person.

I have learned how to do energy clearing practices and found that it has helped, however, I have to be very disciplined and do it every day, and I don’t always stay disciplined.

Recently, I’ve noticed myself feeling emotions that I don’t even think are mine, and it has been difficult to tell exactly where they are coming from and why, but they have been challenging to say the least. I had heard one psychic person recommend wearing a hat to shield your crown chakra and third eye from picking up on others’ energies and so I tried it and I can tell you it has helped! As I was having all these weird, anxious, quite discombobulated emotions, I actually saw a visualization of two almost cartoon like characters being animated and acting aggravated at each other. I have no idea sometimes what I experience, but all I can say, is that it was not MY energy – lol!

Being aware of my energy sensitivity and what I personally need to stay within my OWN energy has been extremely important lately especially with all the emotions of the collective consciousness. I don’t stay too much in tune with astrology, but I do think that some of these aspects potentially could be aggravating people in general, along with the photonic energy that is coming in. Additionally, there has been a lot of solar flare activity from the sun. I follow the Planetary K Index posted on NASA’s website and it’s been reading quite high lately – red!

In other words, I think the energy is pretty chaotic and intense right now!! So, if you are having a challenging time, you are not the only one. All I can say is that now more than ever it is important to get out your energy toolbox and start using those tools!

Here’s a list of things that I would recommend:

  1. Epsom salt bath – this will remove negative energy and any energies that you may have picked up that aren’t yours.
  2. Energy clearing practices – I would do both in the morning and evening
  3. Wear energy protecting crystals – Black tourmaline, rainbow fluorite
  4. Wear grounding crystals – hematite, black tourmaline, red jasper, smoky quartz
  5. Wear a hat that covers your head
  6. Drink a lot of water – hydration is always good to help your body process these incoming energies
  7. Get plenty of sleep
  8. Exercise – even 30 minutes of walking a day can help
  9. Journal – writing helps me tremendously to process my emotions
  10. Don’t take anyone’s words or behaviors personally. Just be an observer and understand that people are having a hard time and that they are in pain if they are lashing out.
  11. Be out in nature when you can – take a hike, go to the beach, or a park.
  12. Try grounding – walk barefoot – connect to the Earth

But most importantly, take time for yourself away from others and practice self-care, whatever that means to you. It’s important to detach and focus on your own energy and become aware of what is going on internally. And if you have to – seek out professional care if you feel like you need that support.

These energies have been intense, and it hasn’t been an easy ride at all, especially if you are sensitive to energy. The good thing is that the more that we are able to allow in these energies, the lighter that we will feel. And I have been feeling that as well lately too. Last week I couldn’t feel my physical body at all as I was lying on my bed – it’s a pretty trippy feeling! So, hang in there, it’s a process and these are tough times. Practice self-care above all else and don’t beat yourself up if you are having a hard time these days.

In love, light and gratitude,



Tiptoeing into the Divine Feminine Energy

This topic of ‘the Divine Feminine’ has been on my mind a lot recently. I remember several years ago; I was getting a psychic reading from someone, and I mentioned during the reading that my pants were tight and they said something like ‘yeah you need to stop wearing the pants.’ I was kind of taken aback, but I knew what they meant. At the same time, my thoughts were ‘well someone has to.’ How do we get through life without ‘taking care of business?’ Having an achievement-oriented mindset, I’m all about what do I need TO DO to get from A to Z.

Society also programs us to be action oriented. It seems the Feminine Energy has all been but squashed. Feminine Energy is about allowing, receiving, and holding space. How many times do we express an issue or problem to someone and immediately they tell us what to do, think or feel instead of holding space for us to allow us to have our experience.

I read something about how allowing others to help us is an example of allowing Feminine Energy. I thought back on how many times people have offered to help me and I’ve immediately just responded with ‘thanks, but I can do it.’ And I remember thinking to myself, the next time someone offers to help me, I’m going to let them. Well shortly thereafter, I got my chance. I was putting several bags of soil in the back of my car, and I could practically feel this guy near me stressing out seeing me do load the bags myself. He offered to help, and I let him.

I had yet another opportunity shortly thereafter when I attempted to change out my front door deadbolt at 7 PM at night. I don’t know why I continue to think I can do something like that, knowing full well that my mechanical skills are on the low end of the spectrum. Nevertheless, I still tried and as you can imagine – it did not work out so well. I tried putting in the new one, couldn’t, so then I tried to put back the old one and couldn’t figure that out either. Trying to hold back a complete panic attack, I called one of my neighbors to see if they could help me. They didn’t answer. One of my other neighbors, who I have never introduced myself to, just happened to be getting home. I quickly introduced myself and asked if he could kindly help me with the door. He was able to put in the new one for me.

Letting others help turned out to not be so hard after all.

I’ve tried to be more conscious of this energy. It has also made me realize how rather than focusing my energy outward so much, it’s almost like you are pulling back. Everyone always says, ‘lean in’, well how about ‘lean back?’

This energy almost feels like this ‘sat’ energy – sitting, leaning back, allowing.

Awhile back I learned a particular visual meditation and it’s one that I practice quite regularly. In the meditation, you are supposed to walk through this field and then go into this white tent for the meditation. However, being the little creative that I am, I always imagine bringing a bag of food for all the little animals that I imagine in the field, so I bring bird seed, peanuts, and apples to feed the birds, squirrels, foxes, deer and even skunks. I just imagine sitting down in the grass and all of these little woodland creatures coming over to me and we sit in a circle, and I hand out food for them. And THEN I make my way over to the white tent to do the meditation. That feels very feminine to me as the holder of space, letting others INTO a space that you create. As these animals all gather around, I am always delighted to create and host a little imaginary meal for them.

When I think of the Divine Feminine Energy, I also think about Full Moon Ceremonies. A few months back, I was invited to attend one for the first time. During one part of the ceremony as the ladies all gathered around the fire, it seemed to stir up a sense of familiarity in me – like I’ve done this before. It’s amazing how fire always has the ability to activate dormant memories. The power of intentional ritual and the gathering together of either women or men is a tradition that holds such power.

Being with all of the women there, sharing our experiences and feeling the encouragement and support to be vulnerable was truly a treasured experience.

As we continue to navigate the evolvement of society from 3D to 5D, I think the Divine Feminine Energy will finally be expressed more fully. As more and more people quit their jobs and find fulfillment in areas that feed their soul, I think we will continue to expand and be comfortable in allowing this Divine Feminine Energy to permeate our lives offering us a sense of peace and sacredness every day.

In love, light and gratitude,




When it comes to healing modalities and spiritual practices there was one practice where I had THE most profound spiritual experience, and I haven’t heard anyone talk about – it’s called dhikr. In my 20’s I was very much a seeker. I was trying to understand “why I am here?” and “what is my life purpose?” I was plagued with these existential questions very early on in my life. I was very much an avid reader and somehow, I had come across information on Sufism. If you are not familiar with Sufism, it is basically the esoteric branch of the Islamic faith. I honestly don’t know too much about any of it, other than I found that I resonated with the information that I did find. The main concept that I recall was that you polish the mirror of the heart so that the God within, reflects outward. That basic idea made so much sense to me. It really is about being a better person and working towards that inner recognition of your own divinity. Sufism is very different in that there isn’t a Church. This practice involves having a guru or spiritual teacher called a sheik. And the idea is that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. And I’ll have to say, if anyone is a Sufi and is reading this and I’m doing a horrible job at explaining it – I apologize. I feel I would never do a good job in trying to explain it – but I’m doing my best.

Anyway, eventually after I finished college and was out in the working world, I ended up meeting a lady who also studied Sufism. She and I would have conversations about it and eventually I ended up buying a few different books based on her recommendations. My focus on spirituality would wax and wane over the years. Some years later, I became focused once more on developing my spiritual side and so had begun doing one of the practices described in one of the books. A practice called dhikr.

Dhikr is basically where with every breath you think ‘God’ (for the Islamic faith – they would say Allah, but God resonated more with me). So instead of entertaining all these random thought in your mind, you just focus on God. The idea is that eventually, you won’t consciously have to ‘think’ of God, but God will just ‘sit in your heart’ and you won’t have to make an effort. I had only been practicing this for a short time – less than a week. So, one day I was driving down the road when suddenly I was overcome with what would be today – the most profound thing I’ve ever experienced. It is very hard to describe, but I would say it was like I saw everything for what it really was – and it was beautiful! I just remember I had this almost like full body orgasm go through my body and then I just experienced this overwhelming feeling of bliss. But it did not last that long, it was almost like I had a glimpse. It is hard to remember how it felt, but it’s almost like this veil dropped for a while and I was able to see the beauty in everything.

I had that experience over 10 years ago, even BEFORE my Kundalini activation. I suspect that when Kundalini is activated, and the crown chakra opens – that is the type of experience someone would have. But apparently, I like to do everything backwards! IF that is what it is supposed to feel like, then wow – what a state to be in! What I find so odd, is that even though I had that the most profound experience using that technique – I actually never engaged in the practice again.

Ultimately, I think the power in that practice is that you are actively engaging with the remembrance of your own beauty, your own inner divinity. To have just a glimpse of what that looks and feels like, was such a gift. As we walk through this life with blinders on, this false reality of what is ‘real’ I think to be able to see the beauty of life and all it’s wonder is something that we all aim to experience – real meaning. I think that is why I like to walk early in the morning and see the stars. It helps me to keep perspective and to see and remember what a vast and mysterious place that we live in.

In love, light, and gratitude,



New Book! Awakening by Heather Burket

I’m excited to share that I’ve written a book that is now available on Amazon! One of the most challenging things that I found during the Spiritual Awakening process was that I just needed some basic information. I just felt really frustrated at having to hunt down and try to piece everything together. So, I wrote this book with that in mind – to try and help people going through this process have a basic understanding.

Everyone’s spiritual journey is a little different. For me, mine was triggered largely by Kundalini activation by meeting a Twin Flame. I share my experience and how my journey unfolded after that.

Spiritual Awakening is all about remembering who you are. That process involves a lot of inner work. In my book, I share the various healing modalities that I’ve tried.

I hope that this book provides a source of comfort, understanding and hope for anyone undergoing through this process. I know it can be overwhelming – I’ve definitely been there!

So please feel free to check out my book on Amazon and share with anyone that is going through the spiritual awakening process.

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

Thanks for your support!



Healing Modalities Part 3 – Crystals

I wanted to dedicate a whole blog post to crystals because of their amazing healing abilities. After I was first introduced to crystals, I, like many of you probably reading this post became hooked! I became so enthralled and enchanted by these stunning beauties that I actually began selling them online. They are absolutely amazing and wonderful tools to assist us on this journey. Before we dive into it, it’s a good idea to learn more about energy and our emotions in order to understand how crystals assist with healing.

Emotions and Energy

First, you must think of it in terms of energy. We are energetic beings, and our energy varies from day to day. Our energy is impacted by a variety of factors, but a large majority of our energy is derived from our emotions. So, before we delve into crystals and how they work, we need to first understand our own energy.

Here is a list of some of the factors that affect our energy.

  1. Our own emotions

Once you reach a certain level of emotional understanding you realize that you and you alone are responsible for your own emotions and your own emotional well-being. These emotions are energy that impact our overall energy that we maintain and emit into the environment around us.

So, let’s look at a couple of examples. 1) You wake up and have a full week of meetings, deadlines, and presentations. You may be feeling stressed out, anxious, edgy, or irritated. 2) Day 1 of a two-week vacation – just you and an open expanse of beachfront property. You are probably feeling excited, relaxed, calm, and joyful. So, you can see how our emotional response to situations affect our emotional state and therefore our energy.

  • Home environment

So now let’s talk a little about our home environment. Can you tell a difference in your own emotional state if there’s a lot of clutter versus everything organized and clean?

I know that doesn’t necessarily apply to all people as clutter doesn’t impact some personality types, but there may be other examples for them – such as loud noise – such as television, traffic, etc.

How many of us have walked into a hotel room and just sighed and jumped on the bed to relax? Part of that is because there isn’t a lot of doodads, knick knacks, etc. everywhere impacting the flow of energy.

  • Diet/exercise

This is pretty much a no-brainer. Most of us are aware, at some level, of how we feel after we eat. As you become more self-aware, you may realize that you feel really lethargic and spaced out after eating a heavy meal at lunch (I’m looking at myself here). On the other end of the spectrum – you may go to a healthy retreat where the focus is on fresh, local, non-GMO, organic fruits and vegetables and realize just how amazing the food tastes and how your body feels invigorated after eating. And we all know just how great we feel after exercising.

  • Our focus

Social media, television shows, magazines, books – all these things that we give our attention to have an impact on us. Do you find yourself depressed after seeing the latest post from your friend on yet another vacation? Observe that seemingly flawless model on the front cover of that magazine and begin to feel deflated? Get anxious after reading that latest murder novel and run and double-check your lock on your door before going to bed?

  • Stars/cosmos

And then there are other things that we are impacted by for which we have no control and probably lack awareness of its existence. The planetary alignments, moon phases and incoming energies from the universe all impact us in various ways from being anxious, lethargic, to energetic and unable to sleep as I mentioned in my chapter on Being an Empath.

So, what does all of this have to do with crystals? These are all examples of how we, in our daily lives, are energetically challenged day-in and day-out through a variety of causes.

Crystals are one tool that we have available to us to assist us to become more in alignment with our true selves.

So How do Crystals Work?

As we saw above, we are highly variable in our emotions due to a variety of causes. Crystals, on the other hand, emit energy in a steady state. Their energy is constant, so when we are near these crystals, we start to resonate with their energy. Depending on the sensitivity of the individual – this can vary, but in general, within 3 feet is when we will be in their energetic field and begin to resonate with their energy.

So, by being in their energetic field, we are impacted. There are some things that I believe that can impact this as well – which is belief. Belief systems are a whole topic by themselves, but the power of the mind, the law of attraction – those all come into play here. If you strongly believe that crystals don’t do anything – then as you are a creator being – then that will be true for you. We create our own reality with our thoughts and beliefs. I’m reminded of people that have healed themselves through the powerful belief that they can.

And as you would suspect, different crystals emit a different vibration which is why different crystals are chosen to heal different issues. Some crystals are very high vibration – so you would not choose one of those for anxiety – as one example.

And just like the crystals are different, people are also different in their sensitivity to crystal energies. Some people can feel energy easier than others. And as you raise your own vibration, you will most likely will become more sensitive to energy and therefore to crystals and their energy.

In addition to affecting our energy through their resonance, just having a piece in our environment can instill a sense of happiness and wonder as we appreciate their beauty.

When it comes to working with crystals, it is always recommended to work with one at a time. One great idea is to buy a journal and start to document your experiences with each individual crystal.

Just as we noted above, there are many causes to our emotions and to our energetic state. It is a good idea to be more mindful of how your emotions shift and to be able to identify the cause. This will help you to better understand yourself and to help determine the impacts of the crystals versus the causes listed above.

I thought I would share a few examples of experiences that I’ve had with crystals.

Crystal Experience No. 1 – Azeztulite

My first story is about Azeztulite. Now I had not heard about this crystal before I experienced its energy. I was at the Tucson Gem Show walking around one of the show locations and as I walked by one stand with these white Azeztulite crystals – all my arm hairs stood up on my arm as I walked by. I thought that was strange, and I continued walking. As I walked by a second time, the same thing happened, so I decided that was a sign that I needed to take note, so I stopped to look at these crystals. These were white Azeztulite crystals. So, I decided to take some back to sell. When I got home, I took one and held it in my hand. I could feel the energy pulsating through my hand! It was powerful! If you haven’t heard about this crystal – I encourage you to research them and learn more about them. I believe that these crystals are very powerful and very important to use at this time to help us evolve spiritually.

Crystal Experience No. 2 – Large Quartz Crystal Cluster

For this experience, I was at the Denver Gem Show. There was a very large approximately 6-7-foot-tall clear quartz crystal cluster on display. I had seen this particular specimen before, and I decided to go in front of it and take a closer look. As I stood in front of it, I immediately started to cry! The emotion happened immediately – so I know that it was specifically due to standing in front of the crystal. So, to me, again, this goes to show you just how powerful these crystals can be. I believe that they work on our energy bodies, helping us to release stored up emotions. That was what I believe was happening here. I don’t think we realize just how much we have emotions bottled up inside of us that need to be released. If you ever get a chance, stand in front of a huge quartz cluster, and let it all out!!

Crystal Experience No. 3 – Sentient Plasma Crystal™

So now we are coming to my most recent absolutely exciting story! This is one of my favorite newly discovered crystals! I was at the Denver Gem Show, and I had been looking for some personal pieces for myself. I stopped at one booth and began talking to the salesperson. He ended up showing me some of these extremely clear quartz pieces. If you find very clear quartz, most likely it is from Colombia, and that was the case for this particular piece that I was looking at. This particular type of clear quartz is 93% pure quartz! There were several pieces there, but I picked up one that I was drawn to. I placed it in my left hand, and after a few minutes, I could feel the energy pulsating through my hand. It was incredible!

Later after I got home, I decided to meditate with this crystal. As I held it in my hand, I had a few different experiences. One was that I could feel energy moving in my face – it was a very odd sensation – around my cheeks. Then, I felt as if I could feel various beings around me in my room. In fact, I kept on opening my eyes, because I could feel their presence so strongly. Next, I had this very unusual vision of a crystal cluster – that was actually glowing blue from the inside. Now, I thought to myself that is very odd. And I remember telling a friend about that vision I had with this crystal. A few days I found some information indicating that apparently these crystals are not from Earth but are seeded from an ice planet and formed from water as opposed to heat and pressure. They were described as having a blue glow from the ice when they observed them at the source. How bizarre is that? Below is the article:

Sentient Plasma Quartz Crystal – Nick Newmont

So, this crystal was telling me about itself – which I found pretty cool! I have had a few more amazing experiences with this crystal. I believe it is very powerful and am excited to see what all it can do!

Those are just a few personal stories that I thought I’d share to give you some insight as to what you might expect working with crystals. It does take a while and a lot of self-awareness to be able to discern how the crystals are working with you – but you will get there!

How Do Crystals Fit into Overall Healing?

There are many different healing modalities that I’ve discussed in previous blog posts. Crystals have their place as strong healing tools. But it is also important to understand that there are many healing modalities and having a strong understanding of your inner world should serve as the base. I use crystals every day. But I also use other healing modalities as well. I think crystals have become so popular over the past few years because they are serving to heal us, to connect us with nature, to others, and to elevate our consciousness so that we can evolve and grow spiritually. If you haven’t yet explored the world of crystals, I encourage you to journey into this incredible world of wonder, intrigue, and magic!

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

In love, light and gratitude,



Healing Modalities – Part 2

In this post, I’ll discuss what I consider to be deeper healing modalities. I’ve included ones that I have personally tried and my experiences with them.


I have been going to acupuncture off and on for a few years. It was interesting because one day someone asked me what was wrong with me that I needed acupuncture. And while it is true, acupuncturists will ask you want you want to work on, what issues that you are experiencing, to me, it’s more about getting your energy flowing to PREVENT any long-term illness. It’s a completely different mindset than traditional western medicine, where the focus is less on preventing and more on fixing what is broken. I have actually been amazed at how good I feel after acupuncture. What surprised me was how much emotionally healing I gained as well. The last two times I started back doing acupuncture, after not having gone in a while, I had a significant emotional response. It’s my understanding that we do hold emotions in our body, certain organs – like the liver, and acupuncture has the effect of getting that energy moving again – and helping us release what has been stored up inside. I am no expert by any means, I am just sharing my own personal experience and perception of my acupuncture treatments. I have completed acupuncture sessions and felt so calm and relaxed afterwards, that I had to just sit in the entry area for a while until I felt comfortable enough to drive. It has been the most relaxing I have ever felt in my life. Not all sessions had that affect, but I can attest to the treatments doing something positive. I consider this a deep healing, but by no means something that can’t be done with some frequency. I think that it is profound in its healing ability is why I consider it to be ‘deep.’ If you have an aversion to needles like I do, you seriously don’t need to worry. The needles are tiny. They also usually put on relaxing music during the sessions.


I have only done reiki a couple of times, but I did really enjoy it and had some profound experiences during and after the sessions.  Since I have only gone to one person a couple of times, I don’t have too much to compare to on this one on how things might normally go. But some people have more ‘skills’ than others, and the practitioner that I went to had more psychic abilities than most people. So, after the session, she gently told me that I had two negative entities attached to me that she sent ‘to the light.’ She said that she doesn’t tell everyone when she sees them, but that she knew that I could handle that information. This session was not too long after my Kundalini had activated, and so my ‘light’ was brighter and negative entities can see your light – is how she explained it to me. What was funny about it – is that I saw these little mischievous things prior to this session – but didn’t know what they were, or that they were attached to me. I talk about this in my blog post on “Negative Entities.”

Negative Entities – Heather Burket

I could feel her increasing the energy on my chakras (energy centers) and feel the energy swirling. It was a crazy experience. I also would see, in my mind’s eye, various colors when she went over the different chakras. She made a point to focus on my third eye on one session, and later that evening, I had this weird experience where the whole room flashed up white with light. I know that means that the third eye is opening. I had had this same experience previously once my Kundalini activated, but it is still startling to experience.

I think Reiki is a great practice to get the energy centers going. I have felt absolutely amazing afterwards, but you do need to take some down time after sessions. It’s important to take it easy physically for a couple of days. So, I normally don’t do it too often, because I don’t really want to take the down time. I do feel it is a great way to get your energy moving and it is definitely a deeper healing.

Plant Medicines

From my perspective, plant medicines are great tools for people wanting to heal deeper traumas. I would highly recommend this to people who are willing to face their inner demons. Of course, this is a topic that has become more mainstream lately and I’m glad for that. This type of practice has been going on for a long time by many cultures all over the world.

If you choose to participate in this type of healing, I’d recommend that you find what resonates with you. Always follow your intuition.

I have listened to various people share their experiences, and I think people’s experience will vary depending on a few factors. 1) How much trauma that they have 2) How open they are to letting go 3) The particular type of plant medicine and how it is prepared.

I have tried a few different plant medicines – one I felt happy and at peace, the other made me so sick I threw up. The latter one is not that common, in fact, I had never head of this one before. But the experience was actually quite horrible, and I will never do that again. I did not do too much research, as it lasted for the entire day – it was miserable. At one point, I did feel the amazing experience of love, but it was short-lived, followed by misery for the rest of the time. It was like I was constantly trying to stay in control and stay in my body. I did not know what would happen if I let go. Others in the group had similar experiences as I did – we were all miserable. As far as healing goes on the latter one, I am sure that I released some things, but I can’t consciously say what I did release.

I still believe in the power of plant medicines, but I think that it depends on the type and how it is made. I have heard amazing stories from others about how they released a lot during these sessions, so I do believe in their abilities. There are other plant medicines that I am interested in trying at some point.

Implant Removal

When we first start to wake up spiritually, I think we all get a bit freaked out. We start going down different rabbit holes and basically just get a bit terrified. Part of my experience was freaking out thinking I had implants. In case you are not familiar with implants – implants are thought to be either energetic or physical apparatus that are put into us preventing us from fully expressing ourselves in some way. They can also be tracking devices. I’ve heard various things over the years, so I will just share what I’ve heard and experienced. I believe that if our energy gets lowered, then we might allow these implants to be placed in our etheric fields. I am not exactly sure how, but these could be from extraterrestrial beings. I believe that they can also be physical – but I don’t personally have any experience with that.

So, for some reason, I decided to do a long-distance implant removal session. The person scheduled it for be completed at a certain time. They stated that I should be at home, relaxed, but I had to go to work during that time. Later that day I had to take one of my animals to the vet’s office. It was going to be a while, so I decided to just sit in my car. I literally fell asleep in my car – I could not stay awake. I NEVER fall asleep while traveling, not in a car, not in an airplane, so I knew that this sleeping bout was most likely due to the energetic healing session.

Later that evening, I was lying in bed, and I felt like Frankenstein on the table feeling this surge of electricity going through my body where I couldn’t move, and it freaked me out. It seemed like it lasted a few minutes, but I’m sure it was just a few seconds that seemed like forever. It really freaked me out.

After I went to sleep, that night, I had this kind of weird out of body experience or lucid dream? It was kind of both. I remember lying on this table and I saw this man with a white beard. I saw these glass tablets hanging in mid-air that were turned backwards, so that I couldn’t see what was playing, even though it was see through. Then, I came back into my body, and I remember as soon as I did, I felt this pressure in between my eyes – kind of in the middle of my forehead. When I woke up – I had a headache.

When I received the report from the long-distance healer, they had said that they removed something in my 3rd eye and put some sort of rainbow device there or something. I was confused thinking I don’t remember this being part of the package. They also removed various other etheric implants located in different areas.

I brought this up to a psychic once and they said that some implants are meant to be there. I believe that they are from our spirit team. Maybe they’ve been placed there for a reason. So, I am not sure if my spirit guides removed something that should have been there, or if they removed what they put in me, but either way, I think that whatever the healer did, was not right and my spirit team fixed it.

I know this sounds out there, and I feel like I’m telling half a story, because I really do not know the full truth, but I wanted to share this with you in case you think decide to get an implant removal session. I would not recommend it unless you are pretty far down the spiritual path and know what you are doing.

Sacred Sites

I am listing sacred sites here in healing modalities because I believe that when we visit sacred sites that we activate our DNA. This propels us forward on our spiritual journey in a significant way. What I have found interesting over the years, is that I think that these trips are ‘planned’ without us even knowing the reason why or connecting the dots as to how it is important. A few times I have ended up at locations during spring or summer solstices – and I don’t think those are coincidences. I share more about my personal experiences in my video on Atlantis/Bimini. (just google Tropica Exotica on You Tube)

I think that we each have our own path and will be drawn to certain places. I have traveled to the following places: Sedona, Bimini (Atlantis), Hot Springs Arkansas, Lake Louise, Macchu Pichu, Lake Titicaca (and several other sites in Peru), Puma Punka (Bolivia).

Tachyon Chamber

This type of healing modality is not very common. But I would recommend if you feel called to it. I would make sure that it is actually a real tachyon chamber. I discuss this in more detail in this post.

Tachyon Chamber – Heather Burket


This is an area that I think is extremely beneficial and kind have profound effects. I think that this really should probably be done with regularity, but I am including on the ‘deep’ section because I do believe it is very powerful. Even though I believe it is very powerful, I have not dedicated that much time to it, however when I have practiced it, it has helped release a lot of stored up emotional pain.

Others that practice it report higher energy, increased clarity, and better connection their higher selves. I think it probably opens the 3rd eye in a big way.

Try guided breathwork DVDs, shows, YouTube or try Insight Timer or find a teacher that can help you with your practice. I think that there is a lot to learn with this practice, just like yoga. We can all probably benefit from having someone guide us through this practice.

Crystal Beds

I have experienced a crystal bed once. Crystal beds are where you lie down on a bed, similar to a massage table. They have these lights with crystals that are directed over each chakra – so each crystal matches each chakra. I’ll be completely honest here, my experience with this was not great, not because of the crystal bed, but because of the practitioner. I honestly did not resonate with this individual but had gone there with a friend.

So, I’ll just say – I think that there is benefit to these and I would recommend them. However, my experience was clouded with being in a situation where I felt uncomfortable and so was not able to fully experience this type of healing.

Tesla Coils

Again, sometimes I just find myself in these situations where these healing modalities appear and I just say, ‘why not.’ I had never heard of this type of healing modality, so didn’t know what it did or had any clue about what I was doing.

Anyway, the theory is that you lay on a bed in between two coils – some near the top of your head and the others close to your feet. You lie on the bed and they place various crystals on your body. The energy is supposed to cycle through you I believe, and then cut off when it has completed ‘charging’ you I guess for lack of better word.

To be honest, I was kind of nervous because I didn’t know what this thing was doing to me, but I tried it anyway. Supposedly, the system was supposed to cut off after about 20 minutes. It must have been 45 minutes when the practitioner came back and was surprised to see that the coils were still ‘on’.  I felt very light-headed and probably very ungrounded. I probably should not have driven home until I had time to get grounded. I do remember missing an exit and getting turned around at one point.

I believe that the purpose overall, is to increase and recharge your energy and it definitely did do that. What was funny about it was later, I was sitting at my kitchen table and I was making the lights flicker. I brought in a black tourmaline and a hematite to the table and then the light stopped flickering. Interesting stuff for sure.

Sound Healing

I think healing through sound is also a very deep healing practice. I have less experience in this arena, but I have experienced someone drumming over my body and it felt amazing. One of my current practices is to listen to 528 Hz – almost daily. I think it helps me get centered internally.

Sound healing is one area that I plan to explore more in the future, as I think there is so much to it.

After reading this blog post, it will be become pretty obvious that I am open to most forms of healing. I think it’s a combination of personality type, and the desire to be the best that I can be. But I’d advise you to follow your own internal guidance system on what healing modality you are called to try.

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

In Love, Light and Gratitude,



Healing Modalities – Part 1

I have so much to say on this topic that I will have to break this into several posts. If there is one message that I want everyone to come away from after reading this, is that anyone choosing to look at themselves and do inner work should be applauded, because it is definitely not an easy process. It takes a lot of courage to face our inner demons and look at unhealed parts of ourselves and be willing to accept that we can use some improvement.

I plan to talk about some what I consider to be “Core” healing modalities. These are foundational practices that I believe are beneficial and serve as a starting point for personal growth and development.

Traditional Therapy

By Traditional therapy – I am referring to seeing a counselor – either a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, or a Clinical Psychologist. I am sure they are called by different classifications in other countries outside of the US, but basically a practice where someone has trained in school. Traditional therapy is important because it serves as a way for an outside person to be able to look at us objectively and help us to understand our family dynamics and the filters on how we perceive things. Therapy helps us to break these decades long family patterns in our family lines. And the additional benefit, is that once we start to react differently, then others around us learn as well. Not only are we helping ourselves, but we are also helping those around us.

Most of us are not taught basic emotional awareness, so we just follow along with whatever happens in our families. Going to a therapist will help us better understand how and why we are reacting. One common thing that you might hear about is being ‘triggered.’ This is when someone says or does something to you that makes you upset. I used to suffer from this quite a bit. Now I know enough about myself to where I really don’t give a crap. LOL! But it is very freeing. When you realize that you and only you are the one that controls your emotional reaction to someone, why would you let that other person let you get upset? However, most of us have not spent the time and done the work to understand WHY we are getting upset. We just know that we are mad. Once you start to understand the WHY, then you can react differently and those WHYs can be any of 100’s of reasons.

When it comes to healing, traditional therapy is hands down the most profound healing treatment that you can do for yourself. It is not easy, but once you start to go and are able to express how you feel and have someone help you feel better – why wouldn’t you? At the end of the day, we all just want to be happy and be at peace internally. Going to therapy should be the first step on the spiritual path of self-awareness.


Exercise is another practice that has so many overall benefits. I remember running and getting a ‘high’ from it and thinking, “oh my gosh, no one really talks about the emotional bliss.” Of course, everyone has heard of the ‘runners high’. But I don’t think most people truly appreciate the actual emotional benefits to exercise. I almost felt like it was this secret that no one really talked about. I think the hard thing about exercise is overcoming the inertia to start. In this sedentary lifestyle where many of us are at computers all day, I think a lot of us have become really lazy about actually getting up to do things. And yes, I am referring to myself here as well. The more we sit, the harder it is to actually get up and take action. At the very least, I really recommend walking to start. I walk my dog several times a week about 1 ½ miles. I walk very early in the morning – at 4:00 AM. To me, it is so emotionally balancing. My mind is free, I am just putting one foot in front of the other. I can see the stars which helps me put anything going on in my life into perspective. Then, once I get home, I already have a sense of accomplishment. Now I know a lot of people are not early risers and might be more physically impaired to walk and/or walk that far. But pick something that you can do and try to make it more of a habit. The main thing is to get moving. And once you start to gain a positive momentum, you will be even more motivated to continue because you will start to feel better. And don’t beat yourself up if you can’t get into a regular habit. I think a lot of times, we set these high expectations and then when life happens and takes us of course, we start to feel bad and give up.  But just remember, it’s a journey, not a sprint, so just keep on going!


This is so hard for a lot of people. We are hard pressed to sit still and quiet our minds. As an action-oriented person, this practice is also difficult for me. So, I try to meditate for even just a few minutes. I think the earlier in the day the better before our monkey minds start taking off. For me, I find myself thinking during meditation and I have to make myself snap out of it. Guided meditations might be better for some people where you are listening to someone to help you focus your mind, rather than on your To Do list for the day. I have read that when you meditate, you actually impact your neighbors! The energy creates a type of coherence that impacts those near you. How awesome is that! Just think if we all meditated how calm we would all be!

Meditation helps us to calm our minds creating an inner balance. I think the more effort that we put forth in taking care of our mental and emotional states, the easier it is for us to go through our day and react to any situation that we might encounter in a better state of mind.

One App that I recommend is “Insight Timer”. There are guided meditations, calming music, music to help you sleep – all sorts of helpful tracks depending on what you are looking for. I listen to one 528Hz in the morning while I journal. My animals also feel the peace and become very relaxed while listening to it.


I consider visualization a core practice that I don’t think too many people practice. When we visualize, we get to choose what we want to see. Most of us are going to pick something that we want to experience in our lives. Visualizing that desired image will create a positive feeling. I have heard when we create with our mind through our imagination, that it is created in the 4th dimension – it exists. Then it’s just a matter of time before it is created physically into the 3rd dimension. It is a practice that many professional athletes and sports professionals utilize. It is one of the tenets of Law of Attraction. The body can’t tell the difference if something is from imagination or if it is really happening, so it will also respond accordingly.I feel that visualization is important because when you think about how we go about our day and how we might focus on any number of different things, I think when you specifically make a point to focus on something that you desire, that puts your frame of mind in a positive state of expectation.


When it comes to healing modalities, journaling is the one where I spend most of my time. It helps me sort out what I am feeling. I think oftentimes we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and we don’t really focus on what is going on with us internally. We might be short-tempered or be angry and not even know why we are acting a certain way. Journaling to me helps me keep track of what is going on inside. It helps me process what I am feeling. Journaling helps me reflect on the day, what experiences I have had, what I was feeling, and how to make sense of everything. Writing helps me to stay centered because I have spent time on where I am emotionally. If I feel I am degrading emotionally, I write down what is going on, I brainstorm on how I can feel better. I reflect on the good, the bad and the ugly. To me, it’s me checking in on myself. It’s an integral part of my own emotional health practice.

Dream interpretation

This goes hand in hand with journaling. While people would most likely not consider this a healing modality, I want to talk about it because during the spiritual awakening process, dreams become a focal point. I will have to write an article on this because there are so much to dreams. In this post, I will just touch on the basics.

If you are not paying attention to your dreams you are missing out on a key tool to better understand yourself. I think it is kind of funny how people don’t realize how much their dreams tell about what is going on inside. And I think it’s funny when people tell me about their dreams. I spend a lot of time on dream analysis. Your dreams give you clues about what is subconscious – and trying to bring the information forth to your conscious level.

Since my spiritual awakening process began, I have become better at understanding my dreams. I believe that dreams can tell us about what is going on internally.

Here’s a summary of what dreams can reveal, from my perspective:

  1. Subconscious fears
  2. Things that you are trying to process emotionally
  3. Past lives
  4. Pre-cognitive visions
  5. Astral experiences

Since I’m talking about healing modalities, I’ll focus on subconscious fears and things that you are trying to process emotionally. The other 3, I’ll save for another blog post. Over the years, I’ve been better at understanding what dreams are trying to help me process things emotionally vs the other types. It takes time, but if you spend enough time on the process, it will become clearer.

Your dreams hold tremendous value in understanding your inner world. The key to dream interpretation is to remember how you FELT. Did you experience fear? Dread? Anxiety? Sadness? By paying attention, dreams will help you understand things that you might not be consciously aware of. To me, it’s an integral, core part of healing. Some dreams may be reinforcing something that you are already aware of, and others might be bringing things to you that you have tried to suppress or ignore.

Once you identify the key emotion, then try to identify if there is anything going on in your life that has that same emotion. Any animal or insect that shows up is your subconscious mind’s way of bringing a symbol to represent your feelings. It is important to focus on how you feel about that particular image, but you can also look up general interpretations There are also some dreams where you may be aware, but not fully aware of just how much emotion that you feel about a certain topic. If you wake up from a horrible dream with an intense emotion – pay attention. These are intense emotions that you are feeling that need to be addressed as they might be causing you a lot of inner turmoil that you may not have acknowledged.


I am by no means an expert, but I believe yoga is one of the core healing modalities that helps combine exercise and meditation. During yoga, my mind is quiet. I am focused on my body and how my body is responding to the movements. I feel the tightness, where I am holding onto stress in my body. Yoga helps center us, get us back in touch with our physical bodies and just feels good! Since a lot of us spend a lot of time at the computer, we really need to stretch. Yoga helps us deal with stiffness. Some people may prefer a class, some might prefer watching a yoga class in their own homes. Try whatever works for you. If yoga is too strenuous, just try stretching to start.

When it comes to healing, there are several different types of modalities. These might not all fit into the traditional definition of healing, but things that I think are the core foundation for overall mental, emotional, and physical health.

In the next post, I’ll go a little deeper into some practices that really go to that next level and are more intense healing practices.

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

In love, light, and gratitude,



Negative Entities

When I began to ‘wake up’ spiritually, one of the things that happened for me was that my 3rd eye opened up as a result of a Kundalini activation.

You can find articles related to Kundalini activation here:

Kundalini Activation – Through meeting Twin Flame

Kundalini Activation through meeting Twin Flame

Kundalini Activation – Dreams, Snake Dreams and Twin Flame Dreams

Kundalini Activation – Dreams, Snake Dreams, and Twin Flame Dreams

During the spiritual awakening process, there can be a lot of different things that happen, and so it can be overwhelming.

For me, I was confused because I knew I was experiencing things because of the connection I had with one person – and didn’t know the cause (eventually I came to understand that my Kundalini had been activated) and as a result of my Kundalini being activated, my 3rd eye opened which created a bunch of different experiences which I cover in this article:

Kundalini activation – Psychic Experiences

Kundalini Activation – Psychic Experiences

One of the most traumatic experiences that I had as a result of my 3rd eye opening, was interacting with negative entities.

People have different interpretations on the meaning of these interactions, and to be honest, I get irritated at a lot of people being dismissive and/or blaming the person for these experiences. I literally had PTSD for months after one of these interactions. I couldn’t even talk about it without getting upset. Now, having grown both spiritually and emotionally, I understand these experiences and I do not operate out of fear anymore, but that took me awhile to get there!!

When it comes to perspectives, again, I’ll reiterate that each person is entitled to have their own perspective. Perspectives are based on your own personal experience and understanding, and these can change over time. As I’ve mentioned before, people frequently seek out psychics because these experiences are not something that an every day person will have, so seeking out answers from friends, family members or even therapists is not always helpful. I scheduled psychic readings with 2 different psychics, for different reasons, and during my sessions, I asked them both about my experiences to get their feedback.

I’ll share what they told me after I talk about the specific interactions that I had. But before I go into that, let’s just talk about what exactly ‘negative entities’ are.

To understand what they are, you need to step back and look at things on just an energetic level. We live in a 3D world. There are other dimensions around us, but the beings in these dimensions are vibrating at a higher level and so we may not necessarily experience them. Psychics who are born with certain capabilities and with a particular soul journey have access to these dimensions and so they can experience things that a lot of us would not normally be able to. Most of us came to have a 3D experience and it would be difficult for most of us to go through the day and live this earthly life if we had spirits all around us talking to us day in and day out (and especially at night).

So, when your vibration is raised and your 3rd eye is opened, then you begin to have access to beings in these other realms, or dimensions.

So, what are the beings in these dimensions? Negative entities, angels, ascended masters, ghosts, and other ‘space junk’ as I call it. From my perspective, humans are all souls, and once we die, we go back into other dimensions and then just continue having another experience. There are all sorts of possibilities and to be honest, I don’t focus so much on that, I try to focus on my present now moment.

What are negative entities?

Negative entities are just energy that has been produced that is ‘negative’ in nature. These entities are not connected to God/Source energy and therefore, they cannot survive on their own. They need others energy to sustain themselves. They are generated from negative thoughts from humans. I’m sure there are other causes/sources for their existence, but that is all I know. I don’t spend too much time researching this, I’m just basing it on what I’ve learned through my teachers. This is one of the reasons why you want to make sure that you speak positive words, because words of a hateful, negative nature do create thought forms that affect the environment. One example I can share is when I was looking at homes to buy, I could feel the arguments from the couple that were selling the house. You could feel the anger there.

It is my personal experience that there are varying degrees of complexity of these beings. I’ll cover those in more detail below.

Negative entity experience No. 1

This was one of the first experiences I had after my Kundalini was activated. I remember going to sleep, the light in my bedroom was light enough that I could see, it wasn’t completely dark. Anyway, I saw this black blob, about less than 1 foot long, move across my body – like my chest/stomach area. Then, as I was turning over, I saw it dart down the side of the bed. To be honest, it startled me, but the overall vibe I got from this one, was that it was mischievous. It’s like it was being playful and sneaky. Almost like it knew I saw it and it was messing with me. I remember getting up to use the restroom in the middle of the night, and I saw this shadow hanging out in the bathroom in the corner. But as soon as I looked at it, it would disappear. What was funny about it, was that I had a small black rabbit at the time, and she darted into the bathroom and scared me!

I had started going to acupuncture around this same time. My acupuncturist had recommended that I see an energy healer friend of hers that performed reiki healing sessions. So, I scheduled an appointment and had the reiki session. Afterwards, the lady told me that I had two negative entities attached to me, but that she had asked them to leave. She told me she doesn’t always tell everyone, but she could tell I could handle that information. She told me that once Kundalini is activated – that you kind of ‘light up’ and draw in these negative entities, they are drawn to your light!

Negative Entity Experience No. 2

This is the one that caused me to have PTSD. One of the affects of a spiritual awakening is disrupted sleep. At the time, I started sleeping in the upstairs guest bedroom because I was always tossing and turning, trying to sleep. During this experience, I was in this odd state, which I now know is called the hypnagogic state. For me, I am always aware of my surroundings, that I am in my bed, but you are still asleep. It’s an odd state to be in. Anyway, I was in the hypnagogic state and I remember hearing this noise that sounded like claws on the wooden floor that leads to my guest bedroom. I remember thinking to myself, ‘that is odd, I know that I locked the dog downstairs, did he get past the doggie gate?’ and then that is when I saw this negative entity swirling back and forth near the ceiling above me! I was completely freaked out. I could not move. This ‘thing’ was just going back and forth, back, and forth above me. It looked like just two large black blobs connected, like one for the body and one for the head, but for some reason, I remember getting a ‘batlike’ energy from it. I’m not sure why. I remember being utterly terrified because I couldn’t move. It was like it had me pinned down or something? I am not sure. I remember trying to think of different beings to call on to help me, I remember calling Jesus, Archangel Michael and other beings and nothing would help. Finally, I remember eventually ‘waking up’ and coming to, and I was breathing so heavy, it was like I had just run 5 miles I got up and went downstairs and got in my own bed. I don’t know why I didn’t wake up my husband at the time, to tell him about it, but instead I just went to sleep.

Later, I asked a psychic about that experience and she told me that I operate in the hypnagogic state a lot and that when you are in that state, you are in their realm, you can see them, they can see you, but you can’t do anything. I can’t remember exactly what she said, but basically, it’s like a close call, because you have stepped into their realm, but you don’t have control of the situation. She explained to me that the next time I get into that situation, I just have to say “I invoke the I AM in me and I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ and I ask you to leave my space immediately.” And that they must leave.  I learned through personal experience and I received guidance from someone who was more familiar with these types of experiences to navigate these experiences.

Negative Entity Experience No.3

One of the things that I’ve learned over time, is that you can pick up negative entities from other people and from places. So, if suddenly you have an experience with a negative entity, one of the things you may want to ask yourself, is did I just visit any place recently or did I interact with anyone? And that is what happened in this next experience. I had visited a relative and had an experience there, that I didn’t think too much about, but of course, when I look back, I see it now. One of the ways that negative entities can attach to you, is when your auric field is reduced. Alcohol is one way that your aura can be diminished and when that happens, negative entities can attach to you. I had a few drinks one night and I remember as I was getting in bed, I felt like something entered the room. I remember being a bit freaked out. I sense energy – that is my strongest ‘clair’ – clairsentience. I remember trying to half-ass get rid of whatever was in the room, by asking it to leave, but I obviously did not do a good job. I ended up keeping the light on while sleeping because I could sense it.

I traveled back home and later that evening I remember being in the hypnagogic state – where you are aware of your surroundings. I remember, I was lying on my side, and I remember feeling like something had grabbed me from behind and was growling, like a dog, I remember it felt like they were trying to pull me off of the bed and I quickly said my “I invoke the I AM in me and I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ and I ask you to leave my space immediately.” And it worked! After that experience, I felt so empowered! One of the problems that I see when people have experiences with other beings is that they act like a victim rather than step into their own power by trying to understand the experience – the ‘how’s’ and ‘whys’ and seek out people to help teach them, rather than live in fear.

Once I woke up, I immediately began to try to understand why I had that experience. I did some research and came across this video by Magenta Pixie, again – one of my favorite teachers, where she talks about asking if you have been somewhere recently as one of the reasons why you have may picked up a negative entity.

(66) How to release a negative entity from your sphere – YouTube

Negative Entity Experience No.4

This one takes the cake as far as how bad it was, but, again, as all experiences are, I finally got the message. I had been visiting with a person, and again, alcohol was involved. Although I still drink alcohol to this day, I understand exactly how alcohol can contribute to reducing our auric field and allow entities to attach to us.

I remember I went to sleep, and again, in the hypnagogic state, where I am aware that I am in my bed, but also still asleep and so can’t ‘move’. I had the same type of being, which was growling, and grabbing me from behind and this one was spinning me around in my bed. This type is like a dog or wolf is the vibe I get from these. I was trying to say my “I invoke…” but even though I was trying to communicate – through my mind and not my mouth necessarily, it was somehow preventing me from getting my words/intentions out. So, I could not get rid of this one. DANG!! I thought I had it figured out – lol! Anyway, eventually it got off me and I woke up. When I woke up, I was angry at myself for allowing this to happen. When it comes to spiritual growth, one of the things that you learn is about energetic boundaries. After this, I spent more time working with energy clearing and energy protection practices – which I do this to this day. I explain these practices in this video:

(66) Energy Clearing – YouTube

I’ve had various other experiences, but those are the main ones that I wanted to share. I do want to advise you if you stay in a hotel room, and are sensitive to energy, you may want to bring some sage spray or do energy clearing practices or bring some black tourmaline with you in order to clear the space.

So, what did I learn? After speaking with various psychics – Pamela Aaralyn and Magenta Pixie, I’ve come to have a better understanding of why I personally have experienced these things.

One, is that as a healer, you must be able to work in other realms in order to assist others with their own shadows. You have to walk both worlds – it’s very shaman like. And according to my readings, I have worked as a medicine woman, healer, in many past lives.

When you first start to open up your psychic abilities, you may start to experience things on the lower realms, and then as you eventually raise your vibrations, then you can experience beings of a higher vibration.

The spiritual awakening process can be scary, but eventually over time and with help I’ve learned to step into my own power and stand in my own sovereignty.

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

In Love, Light and Gratitude,



Tachyon Chamber

During the spiritual awakening process, a large part of the process is about becoming more self-aware and this desire can lead one to different experiences.

One of the areas that you may be led to – is trying different healing modalities. I’ve tried a lot of different things over the years – traditional therapy, EFT, acupuncture, reiki, crystal bed therapy and even tesla coils – to name just a few. These different modalities are all helpful and serve different purposes in my opinion.

A few months back, I came across some posts by someone that I’d heard of, but really didn’t follow too closely – about this type of healing modality called “Tachyon Chambers.” It sounded interesting to me, so I looked it up online and found the information intriguing, so I found a location that wasn’t too far from me to try and book a session. They told me that they were not accepting appointments at that time, but they would keep me on a mailing list for when it was open.

The explanation of Tachyon energy and the chambers are that tachyons are energy – sub-atomic particles that are the highest frequency that can be combined with matter and that they can’t reach the earth because of the veil. This chamber allows you to receive the energy – which is supposed to increase energy, help start the healing process, assist in emotional, physical and mental well-being and serve as protection from harmful EMF. The effects are supposed to be permanent.

Recently, they emailed me to let me know that they had appointments open and had sessions available the first week of November. So, I signed up. One thing that I’ve learned about through the spiritual awakening process, is that your higher self, guides and your own intuition will help direct you to the experiences and information that are needed for your own growth. So, I go with the flow now if I feel drawn to something. I honestly don’t think too much about it. I invited a friend to see if she wanted to go with me – and she did.

We met a little before the session to catch up, then headed over the location of the chamber, which was in a person’s house. Again, I don’t think too much about these things – I just roll with it, but always be smart and listen to your intuition.

We were to text them once we arrived and then they would come to the side of the house to meet us, so that we wouldn’t disturb those in the chamber before us. So, we brought our stuff with us – blanket, pillow, and some bottles of water. As we made our way around to the back, I was just awestruck at the landscaping in the back yard. I am a plant person, so it was probably more impactful to me than some others, but it was truly a work of art – it was NOT typical landscaping. The entire backyard was taken up by beds that contained dry desert type plants – cacti, etc. I don’t even have the words to describe it, other than magical. There was a path, that wound around the back of the yard, with an elevated flower bed. Once you walked up the steps, you were on a patio that overlooked the garden, and the rolling hills that just happened to be where the sun was currently setting. It was just so peaceful, inspiring, and beautiful. As I looked closer at the details in the flower beds – there were large crystals!! There was one area that had these huge amethyst pieces and then the whole expanse of this same bed had these clear crystals that went across in the middle. Hidden in different places and on the patio were labradorite, kambaba jasper, aquamarine and some quartz pieces. It was just unbelievable. I would have loved to just sit out there and enjoy the peaceful tranquility of the garden.

So I’m just trying to set the scene on just how I knew as soon as I walked in the backyard – that this was where I was supposed to be, what I was supposed to experience.

As we walked in the house, they took us over to where the chamber was. It was in a small front room by the front of the house. When they say “chamber” what I believe that they are really referring to, is that it is contained within a room, there isn’t a box or anything else that it sounds like. Instead, there is a mattress on the floor with 4 poles, a crystal at the top, and some other crystals in the corners and sacred geometry was on the floor.

It’s only for one person at a time, and you need to bring your own blanket/towel and pillow. I had to scoot down underneath the poles so that I wouldn’t knock it out of alignment.

Once I laid down, they put this thing called a resonator on me – which looked like a brass dual megaphone with a crystal in the middle. They then put andara crystals on either side and then placed cintamani crystals on my 3rd eye, throat chakra and my heart chakra.

I was a little anxious – not knowing what to expect, but I tried to just relax and let the experience unfold. I have no idea timewise, but after a few minutes it seems, I felt this warm feeling on the underneath of my body, that was touching the mattress. At this point, I was a little frustrated thinking, ‘is this all that I’m going to feel?’

So, again – no idea, timewise, but at some point, where the resonator was located – near the center of my body  – I began to feel this odd sensation, like my body seemed to be expanding where this resonator was – rounded – like it was growing. It was a very curious feeling.

Then, I started to experience this really odd sensation of losing my sense of physical form – and that started to freak me out. I feel like I could tell I was still laying on the mattress, but the rest of my body – just felt like it had dissolved or something. I just was left with my own internal awareness. I tried to not freak out and tried to just breathe in and out calmly without knocking over the resonator.

Things started to get more interesting…I then began to feel this pressure on my 3rd eye, where the cintamani stone was – almost like someone’s thumb was pressing down, then I started to feel pressure on the sides of my temples. Again, during this – I have no idea the meaning, what is supposed to be happening, is it good, or bad…I am just trying to stay calm at this point.

And finally, the grand finale of the experience, where the resonator was, I actually started to feel like it was very hot, like burning, and I opened up my eye to just check to make sure I wasn’t on fire or anything – lol.

At this point, I was like, okay, this is enough, I have no idea what is happening, but feeling this intense heat is freaking me out. Even though they told me I could yell out at them for their attention, I didn’t want to be a weinie and just tried to telepathically tell them I had had enough and was ready to get out.

I think that worked, and they came back. I have no idea how long I was in there, it was supposed to be 30 min, but it felt longer than that. As they came in, my friend was standing there and I didn’t want to influence her experience, so I just said “that was intense”, as they removed the resonator and crystals off of me and I scooted out.

As I got up, I could tell I was very shaky, jittery, and felt very weird. They could tell that I was ungrounded and told me to sit outside and get grounded in the garden. So, I sat out there on the patio, in front of the labradorite table in the chair and relaxed a bit while the setting sun warmed my body. It felt so good to be out there.

After a while I got more settled internally and didn’t feel jittery anymore, so I went back inside where they did another treatment called a light mandala system. As I shared my experience with them, they wondered if I was clearing energy for the collective – which is why I felt the burning energy.

During my own journey, one of the things that is very notable is that I have a lot of experiences, but I really don’t know the meaning or message and so a lot of times I seek out others to help me with the interpretation. This is one area that I would like to improve upon.

As for the other experiences I had in the chamber, I really don’t know the meaning. I’m just kind of rolling with it, knowing that in time, I will piece everything together.

One thing that I do want to clarify – is that I am extremely sensitive to energy, so my experience was probably way more intense than other people’s. But I’ve also done a lot of things to raise my vibration over the past few years.

I asked my friend what they experienced, and she said that she could feel the energy – go across her forehead and then felt emotional. So, it definitely was helping her heal some emotional wounds.

I felt a bit disconnected afterwards. Talking in a coherent manner was challenging. I had an hour drive home – and that was also a bit challenging. I just felt a little out of it and still somewhat ungrounded. Normally I carry my black tourmaline with me to help with grounding– but of course I left it at home – ugh!

But I could definitely tell that I had more internal energy. My overall energy just felt stronger.

I felt somewhat energized, wasn’t ready to go to sleep that night, but slept pretty well. I woke up energized, but over the next few days, I think that the energy started to take effect and I had bouts of sleeplessness and fatigue while my body processed the energy. One notable thing was that my dog, that sleeps with me, seemed to be getting up and jumping up on one side of the bed and then the other through the night.

I wonder if my shift in energy affected him. One thing that I learned about after my Kundalini activation – is that when you have a large increase in energy, that it can bother you if you are sleeping with someone. For some reason, that increase in energy bothers you to the point where you can’t sleep in the same bed with them. I found that out years later, but thought it was interesting because I would move onto the couch, then the guest bed – I just played musical sleeping locations after my Kundalini was activated. So, I wondered if that was the case here – that my dog was being bothered by my energy or maybe I was bothered by his energy and waking up?

I was also exhausted for the next few days – very groggy. After a few days, I started to feel more balanced, but it definitely had an impact on me. I think that I am still getting adjusted to it. I have a feeling that I won’t be sleeping as much – which is good, because I can always use more time.

I will do a blog in a few months to discuss how this healing modality has impacted me longer term.

If you feel drawn to experience any healing modality, follow your intuition. You will be guided to what you need along your journey.

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket



Strength Through Unity

While many of us knew 2020 was going to be a big year, I know I was not personally expecting things to go down like this. Interestingly, normally I’m all about planning trips and fun things to do throughout the year, but intuitively – I was not even thinking about planning anything for the first half of the year. I wasn’t even entertaining the idea of travel.

So, what exactly is going on? We find ourselves in a Twilight Zone of sorts. I wake up thinking – oh yeah – everything is still on pause, everything is still unknown, uncertain …unprecedented times of chaos it seems. Financial meltdowns, self-quarantine, fear of not having enough toilet paper – just had to throw that one in there😊

Life is on hold, with no real clear understanding of what the future will hold. Will we be in this mess for months? For years? How did things turn so quickly? Have we taken everything for granted? Of course, we have. Most of us have not lived through extreme times. Yes, there have been financial crises, yes there have been outbreaks. But something that is sweeping across the globe so widespread, so unseen? Shutting down entire industries like travel, entertainment, even restaurants and stores? No, I don’t think we’ve ever seen anything like this.

So, what gives? I will offer my perspective on what is unraveling. I don’t know what is going on ‘behind the scenes’ as some people talk about. I don’t have any insight or any intuition on that. But here is what I do know. If something this BIG is happening, where it is impacting not just one ‘nation’ or just a few ‘nations’ and instead is impacting the entire world as we know it – then this is HUGE. We must understand that for those of us that have been awake, we know the TRUTH. We know the big picture. We have known that the Earth and its inhabitants have been under a control that’s nefarious.

We know that people are suffering unnecessarily. We know the systems have been set up for the majority of humans to struggle and to be poisoned through various means and then have big pharma charge us an arm and a leg to be ‘healed.’ We know about the GMOs, glyphosate, chemtrails, fluoride, aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, EMFs.

We are aware of the desire to keep down our own inner awareness through various means – to do anything to keep us distracted from our own self-discovery of ourselves as infinite Creators. Through big sports, video games, porn. We try to escape our drudgery through alcohol, gambling, drugs, shopping. This is all on purpose. We are modern slaves, while the elite run the show. Half of the world’s wealth is owned by only 200-300 people. Let that sink in…

But it gets much worse than this. My soul’s purpose is not to focus on this extreme dark side that exists, but I would be remiss if I were to not acknowledge its existence. The dark forces on Earth have no concern for life, other than their own. And that is the basis for understanding that human sacrifice, sex rings and pedophilia is a huge part of their world. We, as human beings with a conscience – can’t even begin to understand it. I, as an extremely sensitive individual cannot spend much time on this aspect, but I am of the belief that it is happening and has been happening.

So how does this tie into what is happening now?

This battle between light and dark has been going on for some time. Many people who are still asleep, may not be aware, and still be living under the illusion of a false ‘reality.’

The Ascension process, or our spiritual evolution, is being triggered by energetic waves incoming from the Galactic Central Sun. These waves of light, consciousness, are reaching the Earth and its inhabitants. This energy is bringing light to dark areas. This darkness can no longer exist in this Light Energy.

The “Lightworkers”, you – reading this, have agreed to come to Earth at this time to assist with this Spiritual Evolution. You have heard the “Call” to help and answered this call as a Benevolent soul.

We have reached the apex of this battle between dark and light. It may be a rude awakening for many. If the ENTIRE WORLD has been thrown into chaos it is because it is not the ‘end of times’ it is just the beginning.

Old structures that do not serve must come down. Systems built on lies and greed must be righted. It is time for each and everyone of us to be able to live a life that is life affirming, not controlled and manipulated as it has been in the past.

So, what now? Have you ever had a life experience that humbled you? Made you appreciate what you had in your life? Made you open to your family, partner, friends or co-workers? Well now is that time.

This is the opportunity that we have been waiting for to open, to connect on a REAL level. No more mundane conversations about the weather or sports. It’s time to get real to ask “How are you doing? How are you REALLY doing? To hug – a real, genuine hug, (as appropriate)… an act of connectedness….

This is bigger than those layoffs that cost you your way of life, this is bigger than that hurricane that destroyed your home. This is about human connection. It’s about recognition of each and everyone of us as souls. When we look at each other in the eyes – it won’t be about fear because we realize that we have each other, because we don’t have a choice now – but to look each other in the eyes to connect. When everything is in chaos, we realize just how precious everything is. We aren’t distracted by our daily schedule or list of things to do. We stop. We give thanks. We reach out. We connect.

My desire for you is that you read this and take away a message of hope. I know it may seem as if there is so much unknown at this time. And while I acknowledge that, I also have faith in humanity that we can use this as an opportunity to finally really see each other and use the power of togetherness to continue our paths – in one of Love, Truth and Unity.

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

In love, light and gratitude,
