
Challenging Energies

Happy Easter everyone! Hope everyone is enjoying their Easter Sunday! Wherever you are in the world – I wish you a peaceful day! Now onto today’s blog post – on of all things – challenging energies that we are currently experiencing.

As a little backstory – my awakening happened in earnest starting back in 2014. During those next few years, after my Kundalini was activated, I experienced the process where the energies start burning through all of your chakras forcing you to look at yourself, your life and open your eyes to a lot of different things.

As I eventually learned over the years, although my process was triggered by Kundalini, which is a more intense process, everyone is experiencing energy ‘upgrades’ by the incoming photonic energy which I talk about here.

Spiritual Awakening – Why? Our Place in the Universe – Heather Burket

This energy has been reaching the planet and has been increasing over the years. This energy is bringing darkness to light – the Age of Aquarius. This energy forces people to look at themselves and address their shadows. Many of us have been doing the healing work for many years. I personally have done pretty much most healing modalities from traditional therapy, EFT, acupuncture, Tachyon chamber, crystal beds, healing sound bowls and many more.

I am aware of this process and so when I see headlines about people acting out, people killing themselves and other atrocities, I am aware of the intensity of these energies on people and those who have not done the inner work. I also know that everyone has their own soul path and plan and what they want to experience. I’ve observed people driving on the highway like they are in a Hollywood movie, and they are immune to crashing. Yesterday, I had someone in a very small vehicle, come out of nowhere, pass the car behind me to barely get behind me before almost crashing head on into another vehicle. And then I see them wave their hands around in the air frustrated. As the lanes expanded to 2, they proceeded to speed up and race off. This is just one example I’ve seen where people have been completely unhinged, but I see people driving like it’s a full moon almost everyday weaving in and out of traffic.

I send them love and ask Archangel Michael to protect them. Not sure if that is crossing a boundary or not, but I figure it can’t hurt. These energies are challenging and the outer changes, restrictions, and everything that has come about in the last few years really has put a lot of people in less than stellar mental health.

Even for me, I think that I have done so much work and yet sometimes I feel like I am like one of those cartoons where I am sliding into home base, except for I’m bumbling and tripping along the way even though I am so close….

I remember a year or so ago, one of my friends had recommended this I think it was a 6-week, weekly audio course that used light language. Light language in case you haven’t heard of it, is language that people can speak, that sounds like gibberish basically (lol) that is somewhat channeled through them that affects your DNA. So, there isn’t really a translation to it. Anyway, in one session, I had the great idea to hold my powerful sentient plasma quartz (a very powerful quartz crystal – I talk about in this blog post

My Top 5 Crystal Experiences – Tropica Exotica, LLC

while listening to light language.)

So shortly after that, as I was going to sleep, my body jerked like I had been hit by a cattle prod, which is one of the effects of Kundalini energy – that is not regulated properly. I had experienced it a few times, so I knew that was what it was. (Other people experience beautiful hand movements called mudras, but not me…apparently.) Then, during my sleep, I woke up at one point and started to experience these weird light movements in my head? Kind of hard to explain, but it almost reminded me of when you turn on a robot or something and all these lights start going on and moving around in these patterns. It was very odd. However, I thought it must be something good – maybe something was activating? I don’t know.

However, the next day, I remember feeling like I was about to have a nervous breakdown. I remember walking up my stairs, thinking I can’t do this anymore. I think it’s interesting how I remember experiencing extreme emotional upset, but afterwards, it is really hard to remember that pain, but I know it was extremely difficult.

Well luckily, the person that was giving the course talked about just how hard it was for them as well after that last session. Even though I felt like I had done so much inner work – I still felt completely taken aback by just how much emotional pain I was experiencing, and I honestly didn’t even know the cause from doing that light language healing. I can only assume it was some buried pain that the light language help dredge up and release.

Fast forward to today and the energies that are coming through now are STILL difficult. Over the years I’ve learned a lot of things about myself regarding being sensitive to energy. One is that I am an empath, I can’t believe I didn’t realize that until so late in life. Seems like everyone knows of that term now.

The other is that I found out that I had been transitioning to a Crystal Aura the last few years (Transition to Crystal Aura – Heather Burket) which makes me an uber sensitive person.

I have learned how to do energy clearing practices and found that it has helped, however, I have to be very disciplined and do it every day, and I don’t always stay disciplined.

Recently, I’ve noticed myself feeling emotions that I don’t even think are mine, and it has been difficult to tell exactly where they are coming from and why, but they have been challenging to say the least. I had heard one psychic person recommend wearing a hat to shield your crown chakra and third eye from picking up on others’ energies and so I tried it and I can tell you it has helped! As I was having all these weird, anxious, quite discombobulated emotions, I actually saw a visualization of two almost cartoon like characters being animated and acting aggravated at each other. I have no idea sometimes what I experience, but all I can say, is that it was not MY energy – lol!

Being aware of my energy sensitivity and what I personally need to stay within my OWN energy has been extremely important lately especially with all the emotions of the collective consciousness. I don’t stay too much in tune with astrology, but I do think that some of these aspects potentially could be aggravating people in general, along with the photonic energy that is coming in. Additionally, there has been a lot of solar flare activity from the sun. I follow the Planetary K Index posted on NASA’s website and it’s been reading quite high lately – red!

In other words, I think the energy is pretty chaotic and intense right now!! So, if you are having a challenging time, you are not the only one. All I can say is that now more than ever it is important to get out your energy toolbox and start using those tools!

Here’s a list of things that I would recommend:

  1. Epsom salt bath – this will remove negative energy and any energies that you may have picked up that aren’t yours.
  2. Energy clearing practices – I would do both in the morning and evening
  3. Wear energy protecting crystals – Black tourmaline, rainbow fluorite
  4. Wear grounding crystals – hematite, black tourmaline, red jasper, smoky quartz
  5. Wear a hat that covers your head
  6. Drink a lot of water – hydration is always good to help your body process these incoming energies
  7. Get plenty of sleep
  8. Exercise – even 30 minutes of walking a day can help
  9. Journal – writing helps me tremendously to process my emotions
  10. Don’t take anyone’s words or behaviors personally. Just be an observer and understand that people are having a hard time and that they are in pain if they are lashing out.
  11. Be out in nature when you can – take a hike, go to the beach, or a park.
  12. Try grounding – walk barefoot – connect to the Earth

But most importantly, take time for yourself away from others and practice self-care, whatever that means to you. It’s important to detach and focus on your own energy and become aware of what is going on internally. And if you have to – seek out professional care if you feel like you need that support.

These energies have been intense, and it hasn’t been an easy ride at all, especially if you are sensitive to energy. The good thing is that the more that we are able to allow in these energies, the lighter that we will feel. And I have been feeling that as well lately too. Last week I couldn’t feel my physical body at all as I was lying on my bed – it’s a pretty trippy feeling! So, hang in there, it’s a process and these are tough times. Practice self-care above all else and don’t beat yourself up if you are having a hard time these days.

In love, light and gratitude,
