
Negative Entities

When I began to ‘wake up’ spiritually, one of the things that happened for me was that my 3rd eye opened up as a result of a Kundalini activation.

You can find articles related to Kundalini activation here:

Kundalini Activation – Through meeting Twin Flame

Kundalini Activation through meeting Twin Flame

Kundalini Activation – Dreams, Snake Dreams and Twin Flame Dreams

Kundalini Activation – Dreams, Snake Dreams, and Twin Flame Dreams

During the spiritual awakening process, there can be a lot of different things that happen, and so it can be overwhelming.

For me, I was confused because I knew I was experiencing things because of the connection I had with one person – and didn’t know the cause (eventually I came to understand that my Kundalini had been activated) and as a result of my Kundalini being activated, my 3rd eye opened which created a bunch of different experiences which I cover in this article:

Kundalini activation – Psychic Experiences

Kundalini Activation – Psychic Experiences

One of the most traumatic experiences that I had as a result of my 3rd eye opening, was interacting with negative entities.

People have different interpretations on the meaning of these interactions, and to be honest, I get irritated at a lot of people being dismissive and/or blaming the person for these experiences. I literally had PTSD for months after one of these interactions. I couldn’t even talk about it without getting upset. Now, having grown both spiritually and emotionally, I understand these experiences and I do not operate out of fear anymore, but that took me awhile to get there!!

When it comes to perspectives, again, I’ll reiterate that each person is entitled to have their own perspective. Perspectives are based on your own personal experience and understanding, and these can change over time. As I’ve mentioned before, people frequently seek out psychics because these experiences are not something that an every day person will have, so seeking out answers from friends, family members or even therapists is not always helpful. I scheduled psychic readings with 2 different psychics, for different reasons, and during my sessions, I asked them both about my experiences to get their feedback.

I’ll share what they told me after I talk about the specific interactions that I had. But before I go into that, let’s just talk about what exactly ‘negative entities’ are.

To understand what they are, you need to step back and look at things on just an energetic level. We live in a 3D world. There are other dimensions around us, but the beings in these dimensions are vibrating at a higher level and so we may not necessarily experience them. Psychics who are born with certain capabilities and with a particular soul journey have access to these dimensions and so they can experience things that a lot of us would not normally be able to. Most of us came to have a 3D experience and it would be difficult for most of us to go through the day and live this earthly life if we had spirits all around us talking to us day in and day out (and especially at night).

So, when your vibration is raised and your 3rd eye is opened, then you begin to have access to beings in these other realms, or dimensions.

So, what are the beings in these dimensions? Negative entities, angels, ascended masters, ghosts, and other ‘space junk’ as I call it. From my perspective, humans are all souls, and once we die, we go back into other dimensions and then just continue having another experience. There are all sorts of possibilities and to be honest, I don’t focus so much on that, I try to focus on my present now moment.

What are negative entities?

Negative entities are just energy that has been produced that is ‘negative’ in nature. These entities are not connected to God/Source energy and therefore, they cannot survive on their own. They need others energy to sustain themselves. They are generated from negative thoughts from humans. I’m sure there are other causes/sources for their existence, but that is all I know. I don’t spend too much time researching this, I’m just basing it on what I’ve learned through my teachers. This is one of the reasons why you want to make sure that you speak positive words, because words of a hateful, negative nature do create thought forms that affect the environment. One example I can share is when I was looking at homes to buy, I could feel the arguments from the couple that were selling the house. You could feel the anger there.

It is my personal experience that there are varying degrees of complexity of these beings. I’ll cover those in more detail below.

Negative entity experience No. 1

This was one of the first experiences I had after my Kundalini was activated. I remember going to sleep, the light in my bedroom was light enough that I could see, it wasn’t completely dark. Anyway, I saw this black blob, about less than 1 foot long, move across my body – like my chest/stomach area. Then, as I was turning over, I saw it dart down the side of the bed. To be honest, it startled me, but the overall vibe I got from this one, was that it was mischievous. It’s like it was being playful and sneaky. Almost like it knew I saw it and it was messing with me. I remember getting up to use the restroom in the middle of the night, and I saw this shadow hanging out in the bathroom in the corner. But as soon as I looked at it, it would disappear. What was funny about it, was that I had a small black rabbit at the time, and she darted into the bathroom and scared me!

I had started going to acupuncture around this same time. My acupuncturist had recommended that I see an energy healer friend of hers that performed reiki healing sessions. So, I scheduled an appointment and had the reiki session. Afterwards, the lady told me that I had two negative entities attached to me, but that she had asked them to leave. She told me she doesn’t always tell everyone, but she could tell I could handle that information. She told me that once Kundalini is activated – that you kind of ‘light up’ and draw in these negative entities, they are drawn to your light!

Negative Entity Experience No. 2

This is the one that caused me to have PTSD. One of the affects of a spiritual awakening is disrupted sleep. At the time, I started sleeping in the upstairs guest bedroom because I was always tossing and turning, trying to sleep. During this experience, I was in this odd state, which I now know is called the hypnagogic state. For me, I am always aware of my surroundings, that I am in my bed, but you are still asleep. It’s an odd state to be in. Anyway, I was in the hypnagogic state and I remember hearing this noise that sounded like claws on the wooden floor that leads to my guest bedroom. I remember thinking to myself, ‘that is odd, I know that I locked the dog downstairs, did he get past the doggie gate?’ and then that is when I saw this negative entity swirling back and forth near the ceiling above me! I was completely freaked out. I could not move. This ‘thing’ was just going back and forth, back, and forth above me. It looked like just two large black blobs connected, like one for the body and one for the head, but for some reason, I remember getting a ‘batlike’ energy from it. I’m not sure why. I remember being utterly terrified because I couldn’t move. It was like it had me pinned down or something? I am not sure. I remember trying to think of different beings to call on to help me, I remember calling Jesus, Archangel Michael and other beings and nothing would help. Finally, I remember eventually ‘waking up’ and coming to, and I was breathing so heavy, it was like I had just run 5 miles I got up and went downstairs and got in my own bed. I don’t know why I didn’t wake up my husband at the time, to tell him about it, but instead I just went to sleep.

Later, I asked a psychic about that experience and she told me that I operate in the hypnagogic state a lot and that when you are in that state, you are in their realm, you can see them, they can see you, but you can’t do anything. I can’t remember exactly what she said, but basically, it’s like a close call, because you have stepped into their realm, but you don’t have control of the situation. She explained to me that the next time I get into that situation, I just have to say “I invoke the I AM in me and I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ and I ask you to leave my space immediately.” And that they must leave.  I learned through personal experience and I received guidance from someone who was more familiar with these types of experiences to navigate these experiences.

Negative Entity Experience No.3

One of the things that I’ve learned over time, is that you can pick up negative entities from other people and from places. So, if suddenly you have an experience with a negative entity, one of the things you may want to ask yourself, is did I just visit any place recently or did I interact with anyone? And that is what happened in this next experience. I had visited a relative and had an experience there, that I didn’t think too much about, but of course, when I look back, I see it now. One of the ways that negative entities can attach to you, is when your auric field is reduced. Alcohol is one way that your aura can be diminished and when that happens, negative entities can attach to you. I had a few drinks one night and I remember as I was getting in bed, I felt like something entered the room. I remember being a bit freaked out. I sense energy – that is my strongest ‘clair’ – clairsentience. I remember trying to half-ass get rid of whatever was in the room, by asking it to leave, but I obviously did not do a good job. I ended up keeping the light on while sleeping because I could sense it.

I traveled back home and later that evening I remember being in the hypnagogic state – where you are aware of your surroundings. I remember, I was lying on my side, and I remember feeling like something had grabbed me from behind and was growling, like a dog, I remember it felt like they were trying to pull me off of the bed and I quickly said my “I invoke the I AM in me and I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ and I ask you to leave my space immediately.” And it worked! After that experience, I felt so empowered! One of the problems that I see when people have experiences with other beings is that they act like a victim rather than step into their own power by trying to understand the experience – the ‘how’s’ and ‘whys’ and seek out people to help teach them, rather than live in fear.

Once I woke up, I immediately began to try to understand why I had that experience. I did some research and came across this video by Magenta Pixie, again – one of my favorite teachers, where she talks about asking if you have been somewhere recently as one of the reasons why you have may picked up a negative entity.

(66) How to release a negative entity from your sphere – YouTube

Negative Entity Experience No.4

This one takes the cake as far as how bad it was, but, again, as all experiences are, I finally got the message. I had been visiting with a person, and again, alcohol was involved. Although I still drink alcohol to this day, I understand exactly how alcohol can contribute to reducing our auric field and allow entities to attach to us.

I remember I went to sleep, and again, in the hypnagogic state, where I am aware that I am in my bed, but also still asleep and so can’t ‘move’. I had the same type of being, which was growling, and grabbing me from behind and this one was spinning me around in my bed. This type is like a dog or wolf is the vibe I get from these. I was trying to say my “I invoke…” but even though I was trying to communicate – through my mind and not my mouth necessarily, it was somehow preventing me from getting my words/intentions out. So, I could not get rid of this one. DANG!! I thought I had it figured out – lol! Anyway, eventually it got off me and I woke up. When I woke up, I was angry at myself for allowing this to happen. When it comes to spiritual growth, one of the things that you learn is about energetic boundaries. After this, I spent more time working with energy clearing and energy protection practices – which I do this to this day. I explain these practices in this video:

(66) Energy Clearing – YouTube

I’ve had various other experiences, but those are the main ones that I wanted to share. I do want to advise you if you stay in a hotel room, and are sensitive to energy, you may want to bring some sage spray or do energy clearing practices or bring some black tourmaline with you in order to clear the space.

So, what did I learn? After speaking with various psychics – Pamela Aaralyn and Magenta Pixie, I’ve come to have a better understanding of why I personally have experienced these things.

One, is that as a healer, you must be able to work in other realms in order to assist others with their own shadows. You have to walk both worlds – it’s very shaman like. And according to my readings, I have worked as a medicine woman, healer, in many past lives.

When you first start to open up your psychic abilities, you may start to experience things on the lower realms, and then as you eventually raise your vibrations, then you can experience beings of a higher vibration.

The spiritual awakening process can be scary, but eventually over time and with help I’ve learned to step into my own power and stand in my own sovereignty.

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

In Love, Light and Gratitude,



Spiritual Awakening Symptoms – Physical Symptoms

So you have come to understand that you are undergoing a spiritual awakening – now what? I’ll address the different aspects to it and recommendations and suggestions for you.

There are a myriad of physical symptoms that you may experience going through this process. First and foremost – always check with your medical team to rule out any physical health concerns.

In this article, I’ll address some of the physical symptoms that can be associated with spiritual awakening:

  • Illness (nausea, flu-like symptoms, hives, etc.)
  • Fatigue
  • Odd sleeping patterns
  • Food/alcohol sensitivities and cravings
  • Feeling ungrounded/floating/dizziness
  • Visual changes/anomalies

For the above-mentioned symptoms – I’ll address some causes and/or recommendations to assist with them.

1. Illness (flu-like symptoms, stomach issues/nausea, rashes/hives)

These can all be symptoms of the body purging out the denser emotions through the physical body. This can range in severity from person-to-person. Although this process can be uncomfortable, the purpose is to clear the physical body. The best recommendations are to take care of yourself – rest, drink plenty of water and let your body heal. I’d highly recommend against trying to ‘power through’ these symptoms when they occur. That will only delay your body’s need to heal.

2. Fatigue

This is by far the most common and most frustrating symptom to deal with. The fatigue is caused by the incoming energies which are packets of consciousness. These energies are being integrated into the body. They can only be integrated through sleep. Each person can take in only the amount of light/energy that they are able to handle. The fatigue can also be caused by you ‘leaving’ your body during sleep and ‘working’ in the other realms. So you may wake up not feeling rested at all. Unfortunately, the fatigue can also hit us mid-day when these energies come in. If you are unable to rest, resist the temptation to drink caffeine and instead try drinking spring water if available or herbal teas.

If you are able to – sleep! Even if it means ignoring chores or social activities. You are not being a slacker!! Your body needs the rest – so sleep. If your body needs 10 hours of sleep, then sleep 10 hours. This then leads us to the next symptom – odd sleeping patterns.

3. Odd sleeping patterns

This could be one of the first experiences that you have – waking up in the middle of the night and unable to go back to sleep. I am not sure exactly why this happens. Sometimes it is because of the incoming energies. It is definitely frustrating if you have a normal day time job. You will find your overall physical energy levels fluctuate greatly. You can go from extreme fatigue to having very high energy. The body is undergoing changes. Sleep is needed to integrate the energy – but I believe the processing of the energy may cause overall disruption of sleep patterns. You may feel a sudden need to nap during the middle of the day. If you are able to – by all means – take the nap!

4. Food sensitivities/alcohol/caffeine/food cravings

As your body raises its vibration through incorporating these packets of consciousness/light – the physical body can no longer tolerate lower vibrational foods and substances. Gluten, dairy, meat, alcohol, caffeine,  preservatives/chemicals, GMO food, pesticide-laden food – these may all become intolerable to the physical body. The main thing to understand here is to observe when you start to feel bad due to ingesting a certain substance. You may begin to feel fatigue, nausea, develop hives or you may be unable to eat certain foods because you can now taste the chemicals, excess salt, etc. You may be unable to process alcohol anymore – you body may reject it altogether or you may become so sensitive that you can only drink a small amount. Caffeine may begin to make you super jittery or anxious. You may also just lose your tolerance altogether to caffeine.

For me – the most notable was I could taste the preservatives and chemicals in foods – so certain foods I could no longer tolerate. You may also find yourself craving certain foods. I would follow your own intuition in these instances. I craved tuna fish for every meal for at least a week at one point. I later came across someone who said that they craved sardines for every meal. These cravings will come and go – just go with the flow.

I would recommend adopting a high-vibe diet and incorporate these foods as much as possible – local, non-GMO, organic, raw and/or cooked with drink lots of fresh spring water.

5. Feeling ungrounded

One of the most unusual symptoms I have felt is feeling ungrounded. This makes you feel somewhat floaty, somewhat dizzy and very spaced-out. This is just one of the effects of your body raising its vibration. The best way to ground is to go outside and put your bare feet onto the ground and ground into the earth. You can also visualize a root extending from your own body down into the earth and taking root into the middle of the earth. You can also purchase crystals to assist with grounding – which is what I use to keep myself grounded. Some recommendations are: black tourmaline, shungite – or any black crystal really, red jasper, or hematite.

You can find these crystals through my website: http://www.tropicaexotica.com

6 Visual changes/anomalies

Again – I will always recommend seeing a medically trained professional for any health concerns. I went to an eye doctor myself after experiencing some visual anomalies just to make sure nothing was physically wrong.

Some of the visual anomalies may include:

  • Gloopy/blurry eyes
  • Not being able to focus easily
  • Seeing bright white flashes of light
  • Seeing tiny white lights
  • Seeing things out of the corner of your eyes

Some of these experiences are due to your 3rd eye opening – which I will cover in detail in another post for ‘psychic experiences.’

The other eye symptoms are caused by your physical body adjusting to a higher vibrational state and are part of the process.

7. “Leaky” ears/ringing high-pitched sounds

A symptom that I’ve experienced more recently – is the ‘leaky ear’ sensation. To me, it feels like a tickly sensation. So I find myself engaging in a little Q-tip war because I find it tickles the inside of my ears. From what I understand, this is due to 3rd eye opening. You may also find your ears ringing or hearing a high-pitched sound on occasion. It can vary from ear to ear, or it can be both at the same time. I believe this is due to you opening up to the other realms. For others – some can be more sensitive to the energy coming in – so they can hear it.

These are a few of the main physical symptoms that you may experience. In my next article – I’ll cover some of the emotional aspects.

What about you? What physical experiences have you had? Any helpful tools or remedies that you’d like to share? Please feel free to comment!

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

Here’s my video on this topic:

In love, light and gratitude,

Heather Burket