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Akashic Records


Today I want to talk about Akashic Records. The Akashic Records are a compilation of everything that has ever happened to you as a soul. As our spiritual awakening unfolds, one of the natural progressions is to wonder more about ourselves. So many of us turn to psychics. We may experience things, just have this burning desire to know more and so we turn to others that can help us understand more about ourselves, as well as guide us to various resources to help with our understanding.

Where are they?

The Akashic records have been described as being stored within your DNA. As you begin to wake up – you may naturally access these ‘past’ experiences through dreams, visions and inner knowing. But before we delve too far into this concept – we need to talk about another concept first – time. Time is a 3D construct. There is no time. For most of us, including myself – that is difficult concept for us to wrap our minds around. The best way that I’ve heard it be explained – is that if you were to draw a spiral on paper – start in the middle and just keep on going around. So from that perspective, if you imagine yourself – you project forth (as a fractal) into one lifetime- on one line of the spiral, and another on another line of the spiral, etc. All of these experiences are happening simultaneously – in the “Now” moment. Did I blow your mind? Well mine is blown for sure. Hard concept to grasp, because we perceive time as linear. So, although when I speak of ‘past’ lives, I have to put that explanation in there about time.

Now, back to “where are these Akashic Records”? Although they are stored in our DNA, and accessible to us – and accessible to those that can read energy, we have to remember that we chose to come here to have an experience on this 3D Earth. When we come here, we come with the “Veil of Amnesia.” It would be very difficult for us to have this experience on Earth, if we had immediate access to every life that we’ve ever lived. Instead, what you find is that there are certain past lives that you have had that ARE relevant to this lifetime. And that is where psychics can help out.


Another concept that is important to discuss at this point, is the concept of being multi-dimensional. As a soul, you are multi-dimensional, meaning there are other aspects of you. The “you” that has projected forth from Source actually has several components. These aspects of yourself can be in other dimensions. So if you hear the term “Your higher self” that is you, but a fractal of yourself in another dimension.

Say what?

During your life, you may have found that you are drawn to certain topics, have certain fears, or have odd little quirks that you don’t really have an explanation for. These could all be tied to past lives. So, is it relevant for us to know that? I think it is helpful to know because it gives you a sense of comfort, an explanation, a deeper dive into your soul. Some of these past experiences I believe that we carry with us energetically into this lifetime – maybe to heal. Some people want to spend a lot of time trying to understand their past lives and to look at those traumas. I personally don’t feel it’s necessary unless there is something that is preventing you from living a full life in this life. And you would be the best judge of whether that is the case. Having said that – I do think it is good to have a better understanding of your past lives in order to have a fuller understanding of yourself – and your soul mission here in this incarnation.

Past life readings

So, as a natural progression during my spiritual awakening – I have had several readings with psychics that have told me more about myself. What I find fascinating – is that they all picked up on similar themes for me. They also had additional unique information that I also found very helpful. One of the themes that they all picked up on, was my past life experiences dealing with plants and herbs. Now, in this lifetime, I very much have an interest in plants! One thing that they all said to me – which was surprising, was that I was a “Healer.” This concept was quite a shock to me. A healer? I couldn’t even grasp what a healer meant. I knew that I had always been a good listener to people, and that people seemed pretty comfortable telling me their personal problems – but I certainly never identified myself as such. My background is in science, but I have also always been interested in spirituality. But I definitely identified as a science person – as far as a life path.

They also all identified my connection to the Pleiades! I also have strong connections to Lyra and Lemuria…If you have seen my You Tube channel, you know that I personally have had DNA activations/memory activations of my time in Atlantis as well!

One unique thing that I was told about by one psychic – was that I was a singer in one lifetime. At the time of the reading – I thought that was odd, but after the reading, I remembered that one thing that I have always felt inside, was that if there was one ‘God-given’ gift that I wish I had – was to be able to sing! So I guess that was not on the books for this lifetime!

Most psychics will do readings because they understand that it’s important to access some information in order to better understand yourself, as well as to help provide support and guidance to your soul’s journey. And most of them will also guide you to finding our more about yourself by learning to access the information on your own. If you come across someone who provides information that doesn’t resonate with you at all, or who tries to get you to keep on booking more readings with them – then I would move on. I’ve had both happen to me. It can be quite frustrating, so just use your discernment if you choose to book a reading with a psychic. I recommend Pamela Aaralyn, Magenta Pixie (not sure if she is doing readings these days), and Psychic Bob.

How do you access your Akashic Records?

There are various practices to access them. I’ve seen courses offered, as well as methods in books. I personally haven’t tried either. I believe that I’ve seen a practice method in one of Magenta Pixie’s books.

I believe that as you spiritually awaken, the memories that are relevant to this lifetime will present themselves to you as a natural progression. Just remember – it’s a journey, not a destination!

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

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Here is my You Tube video where I discuss this article:

In love, light and gratitude,
Heather Burket

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