

The concept of dimensions really intrigues me, but I’ll admit I haven’t been able to explore this topic very much. There are a lot of rabbit holes to go down. However, it’s important to have a basic understanding and I can share what I’ve learned thus far.

We came to Earth to experience the 3D world. Most of us would not be able to handle experiencing the other dimensions and the beings in these other dimensions while on Earth. However, some people came in with the blue print (or soul plan) to be fully open and aware of beings that exist in other dimensions and while here on Earth.

I think a majority of us operate from our current ‘life’ within this 3D world. We are fully rooted in this 3D life – families, school, careers, friends, etc. Most of us have probably have the perspective that we have a soul and that when we die, our soul carries on – in Heaven, or somewhere – out there in space – lol! However, once we start to awaken spiritually, we really begin to expand our awareness to the vastness of existence and how maybe we are not as ‘alone’ as we think. It reframes our world and our place in it.

Everyone’s spiritual awakening process is different. For mine, I’m reminded of that funny skit on Saturday Night Live where 2 people had 2 completely different experiences of being abducted by aliens. One was bathed in light and felt like they were wrapped in pure love. The other one ended up peeing over a bowl and had her boobs batted back and forth by an alien. Lol! My experience wasn’t involving aliens, however, it was similar in that I didn’t experience the bliss like euphoric state and see angels that some people experience during their awakening. In fact, it was quite the opposite. I ended up opening up initially to the 4th dimension – which is the place of nightmares.

And again, each of us has our own journey and our own reasons and purpose for what we experience. But before we get into the dimensions, let’s talk a little a bit about them in general.

Seeing into Dimensions

We are used to focusing on tangible objects in our environment. But there are beings and things in other dimensions around you all of the time. When it comes to dimensions and experiences though, I do see some stuff that I am not sure what dimension it is in. One of the techniques that you can try to see into other dimensions, is to unfocus your eyes while you are lying down on your bed at night. As long as there is a little bit of light coming in, you should start to see shapes moving about. I’ve seen things moving around – but I don’t know what they are. Kelli Coffee has referred to it at one time as “space junk.” One time I remember seeing what resembled sea kelp hanging down and moving gently side to side from my ceiling.

Being a Fractal

It’s also important to bring up at this time, the concept of you as a “Fractal.” We tend to think of ourselves as our physical body, when in fact, that is just one aspect of ourselves. Have you heard of the concept of your ‘higher self?’ That would be a fractal of yourself that exists in another dimension. There are other fractals existing in other dimensions as well, but most people are just focused on the one that is playing the more important role for them now, which would be the higher self.

4th Dimension

So now I’ll discuss what I’ve experienced and have come to understand about the 4th dimension. There are beings in the 4th dimension that are not connected to Source. They are projections of energy that have manifested in some form – from black shadows (roundish) to more complex demonic beings. I have experienced a lot of different ‘beings’ in this dimension – but I’ll save that for another article. In the 4th dimension, since these beings are not connected to source, they need to ‘feed’ off of others energy in order to sustain themselves. I believe, but am not 100% sure on this, that this is also where manifestation begins. So before we create into our 3D reality, we put forth our words and thoughts. It’s important for us to understand this because there is a lag time between what we think and what we manifest. In the 5D experience, it is immediate. I’ve noticed this in particular lately, where I think of something, and it immediately appears, so this is kind of a training ground for us to be more mindful of our thoughts, because in time, there will not be a time lag between thought and manifestation.

5th Dimension

The 5th Dimension is what we are evolving to. The 5th dimension is where we lose duality, we no longer see ourselves as separate as others. It is all about love. I’ve personally noticed lately in the last few months, this bliss like state being more frequent. However, it also appears that the lows seem to be a deeper low. So it’s super high, then it drops down. It’s a process – we are all continually evolving.

Now I’ll share what I’ve experienced in 5D. During my trip to Bimini (Atlantis), I had one experience where everything in the hotel room became outlined in blue lines and intermittent blue circles. It was very odd and only lasted for a few seconds. It reminded me of that movie Tron with the straight lines. A few months later, I came across a video where Kelli Coffee was showing a video with those same blue lines/circles. She said that she sees those in the 5th dimension! So that was validation for me. Also, sometime later I came across an article by Lisa Transcendance Brown and she had pictures showing the exact same thing.

6th Dimension and higher

In the higher dimensions, ‘form’ becomes more about geometry and lights. As you increase in dimensions, this is an increase in vibration. When you hear about people ‘seeing’ Angels, etc. it is because they take on a recognizable form so that they won’t freak you out, and because it is what is familiar to you. There is a really funny video where Kelli Coffee talks about Archangel Michael and he ends up showing up in her living room. She then realizes that he also takes the form of a blue light, which is his true form. It’s really a great video and highly entertaining to watch.

Phillip on the Naked Truth with Kelli Coffee


So let’s now talk about a few other things in other dimensions.


Ghosts are Earthbound spirits. They are not in the 3D world. According to Psychic Bob – they are stuck, they have not gone to the light. It is not a good place to be in. He refers to it as Purgatory.. Whatever location you want to call it, they are definitely around in our spaces. I’ve had a few experiences with Earthbound spirits – most were okay, but one was not cool. However, now I have more knowledge and power and am not afraid. Ghosts are disembodied spirits that you can communicate with, you can sometimes see them or feel their presence. They can also touch you and throw things – if they have enough power. The main thing that you want to know about ghosts is that you shouldn’t be afraid of them. They are actually suffering.

If you are interested in learning more about ghosts – I highly recommend that you check out this video by Psychic Bob where he covers the basics and goes into further details about why some people end up as ‘ghosts.’

Psychic Bob Explains Ghosts


Sparkly Lights

I’ve had experiences where I’ve seen small multi-colored lights flitting around in my room. In fact, my dog was also watching it and following it with his head. I believe that these are spirits. These were really cool experiences actually.


From what I understand, orbs are spirits that are traveling through dimensions, so they can take that form in order to travel.

So that’s my understanding of Dimensions at this time. Again – it’s a topic that I really want to explore some more once I get a chance, because I find it fascinating. But it’s very important to have a basic understanding when you start to awaken, because as we grow and evolve spiritually, you may encounter beings in other dimensions. Our ‘reality’ is not what we’ve been taught to believe.

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

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Here is my You Tube video where I discuss this article. Please subscribe to my Channel “Tropica Exotica” if my information resonates with you!

In love, light and gratitude,


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