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Kundalini Activation – Dreams, Snake Dreams, and Twin Flame Dreams


I’ve been a bit behind on getting this post out weekly as I had planned. I think I’ve bit off more than I can chew. I plan to be better at getting this posted as I had originally planned, so expect a few posts today to get caught up to date!

As I was developing these posts, I decided to go through my old journals to review what happened. There were definitely a few things that I remember, as well, that stood out from this process. Those were:

So, this week, I plan to continue my discussion on Kundalini activation – and specifically the dreamtime experience as they seemed to be ALL CONSUMING after my activation occurred.

And I’m actually very glad that this part in the process is over and I’m in a much better place now. The Kundalini activation, and spiritual awakening process in general, starts an internal journey that is very confusing and mentally exhausting.

You begin to process emotions through the subconscious by way of dreaming. You must really pay attention to what is coming through your dreams because it is your subconscious bringing messages to your conscious to help you process emotions that you haven’t addressed.

Release traumas

The goal is to help you release these traumas because otherwise they are just stuck in your energetic field causing all sorts of problems.

Snake Dreams

One of the key signs of Kundalini activation is dreaming of snakes. This was one of the marked dream time characters that showed up in my dreams. The key is to pay attention to what is happening with the snakes and to evaluate the meaning. This will help you understand where you are in the process. The Kundalini energy is represented as 2 serpents and if you look at Egyptian statues – you will see a snake coming out of the 3rd eye area. It is also common to dream of two snakes as well. Currently, I continue to have dreams about snakes.

Animal Dreams

One of the things you may notice as well, is that various animals show up in your dreams. Some of the animals that showed up in my dreams included: turtles, guinea pigs, butterflies, alligators, sharks, owls, birds, jaguars, elephants, tigers, (a white tiger showed up once and to this day – that was one of my favorite dreams!), and wolves – literally I think almost every animal out there has shown up in my dreams!

The key to keep in mind here is that there are archetypal representations for animals, as well as your own personal feelings about those animals. While trying to understand the meaning, I would look up the overall representation as well as your own personal feelings about that particular animal.

The website I recommend for analysis would be

As you try and understand the dream, what I would do is to write down the archetypal meaning as well as my own personal meaning and review them both and try to piece together what resonates best with what the meaning could be. As you review them, you may get a feeling inside as an internal resonance of ‘this rings true’ for me. That is your internal guidance system that is there to help guide you to your own personal truth.

Dreams about Twin Flame

One of the other prominent dreamtime experiences that you may have if you have met your Twin Flame – is to have them show up in your dreams. One of the reasons that I recommend writing down your dreams is because if you look back – you may find clues as to what will happen. In my case, I dreamt about both my twin flame coming into my life, as well as him leaving my life – both dreams I had before I met him. It was only until later as I was reading through my old journals that I could piece together several key points in the dream that indicated these situations that would occur later.

After meeting him, he then began to show up in my dreamtime quite frequently. At the time, I was very confused as to why. When it comes to people showing up in your dreams – there are a few things that can be happening. One is that they can represent an aspect of yourself. They can also be actual interactions in another plane of existence. From my perspective, they can also be other lifetimes, future events to occur, as well as interactions of your higher selves with each other. Sometimes I know that I have dreams about people after I encounter them in real life. In the case of the Twin Flame dreams – he was showing up way more than he normally would if it was the latter case, because I wasn’t interacting with him in the physical world that frequently.

I was very confused as to why he was showing up, because he appeared to be teaching me or guiding me in the dreams. Overall, I was freaked out because I couldn’t understand why he kept appearing in my dreams.

Dream Meanings

Although dreams are personal, I’ll share a few themes that showed up for me:

I could ask him a question (in my mind) before I went to sleep, and he would provide an answer in the dreamtime. I still have dreams about him. As we continue our spiritual evolvement, psychic connections and telepathy will continue to increase with everyone, regardless of the connection, but certainly easier with those we are closest to.


If you are having a Twin Flame connection, my recommendation would be to try and not focus so much on the connection itself. Instead, try to focus on doing your own inner work. The purpose of the connection is to serve as a spiritual catalyst. Most of us are not exactly ‘whole’ within ourselves and the intention, ultimately, it is to be a balance of the divine masculine and divine feminine within. We must learn to love ourselves and once we do, then we can have the unconditional love relationship that we are evolving towards. But we must heal internally first. Most of us have unhealed parts of ourselves that need to be examined and that process is best completed on our own.

If I could go back and do over or if there was someone there to guide me through the process I would:

o   Symbols have universal meanings as well as your own internal meaning – so do research to allow for a full picture in order to develop your own conclusion as to the meaning

o   Take apart each dream separately and analyze them and then try to piece together the meaning

o   Over time, review the dreams and see if there is a storyline that connects the dreams

Order my book on Spiritual Awakening here:

Awakening by Heather Burket

Here are a few other articles on Kundalini:

Kundalini activation through meeting Twin Flame flame/

Kundalini activation – Psychic Experiences

Kundalini Activation – Psychic Experiences

In love, light and gratitude,

Heather Burket

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